Chapter 3.23 - Wednesday, July 20th, 6.54pm

Saturday, 20th July. 6.54 pm.

Current location: Home, backyard.

Before night descends, or rather, before 7pm… I return home together with Restia and the others, while bringing a new friend— the Cithaeron lion, Fylgja.

Maybe it’s because of the odour on Fylgia… Felix, Asha, and Pearl came to greet us as they stare at her.

"Myaster, why is there a lion here…?!"

Felix seems somewhat surprised and confused.

“Lion…? You don’t remember who is she…?” I murmured.

“I’ve never seen her before,” Felix replied.


"What you mean I've met her before…?"

Even with Forsjá reminding her, she still does not remember.

"How could you not remember? She's one of the lions who almost killed me…!" I murmured.

Hearing my remark, Fylgia lowers her head with her ears drooped, seeming to feel a little guilty.

At the same time…



"H-Hey— Hup—!"


I know Felix would pounce at her. That's why I quickly catch her on her underbelly, hugging her as tight as I could to prevent her from escaping.

"N-Nya~ "

"Excellent job in stopping that stupid cat, master," Asha uttered. "However, I would suggest you not to grab her with full force."

"But I can't stop her if I don't grab her with all my strength," I retorted.

"… She's just jealous." Pearl added.

"N-No…! It's not that, master— I'm not jealous…! I'm not the least bit jealous at all…!"

…You are.

"…Lie on the ground, Asha."


Asha did what as I said, she lay prone on the grass.

While placing Felix on her back, I stroke her head with my hand.

…Her head is so soft and smooth.

"G-Grawr…? What are you doing, master…?"

"Sorry, Asha. You are too big for me to hug— so I could only do this…"

"…Longer, master."

"Hehe, as you wish."

Seems like she could be honest with herself sometimes.

"…Why did she choose to follow you, master?"

Having to stare at Fylgja for quite some time, Felix finally asks the right question.

"She's all alone now— I don't want her to become the 3rd White Snake," I murmured as I heaved a sigh.

“You sure are considerate…” Pearl said to me. “I wouldn’t dare to accept an enemy…”

Pearl’s words seem to have made Asha realize something— she immediately raises her head and glare at Fylgja.

“…Þú ert ein af okkur núna. Svíkja meistara okkar, og ég mun láta þig borga, skilið?” She uttered.

(…You are one of us now. Betray our master, and I will make you pay, understood?)

Though I don't understand, but I could tell that her tone isn't exactly friendly.


It made Fylgja cower with fear.

"What did you say to her, Asha?" I said.

"Did… Did I say something wrong, master?"

Though my tone isn't precisely forceful, or rather, I think it was calm— yet Asha and Felix are surprised by it.

Do I really look that scary…?

"It's alright, big brother. It's not something bad." Restia told me.

"…Is that so…?”

When I turn my head to look at Restia— I realize that the sky is getting darker.

“Sigh… Felix, Asha, Pearl— take your time to get familiar with each other. I will be resting for a while."

"What's wrong master…? You don't look too well…" Pearl said to me.

"It's alright, Pearl," Restia warned her not to ask further. "My big brother… just need some rest."


Living room.

With the remaining time, as expected— everyone failed to find Ruby.

…I don't understand.

Even after searching the whole island, Ruby's nowhere to be found. How is this even possible…?

…Forget it. It’s too late for me.

I will just quietly accept the punishment from 'me'.

But before that, I want Restia to be spared.

"…Restia, what are you doing…?"

With that said, my little sister is hiding behind the wall at the corridor.

"I'm… scared." She replied.

She's scared because she told me about the existence of 'my' punishment.

…I wonder what could make Restia terrified.

Because I don’t have a single memory about him, that’s why I don’t know what he will do.

“Don’t worry about it too much. No matter what, I’m still your big brother after all.”

Saying that, the Twenty Seals on my body appeared.

Ah, crap… it's time.


Starting from the large sword on my chest— it was being pulled out from my body.

"GA— HACK…!!!"

Finally, it's off—


…Next, the daggers.



…about ten minutes have passed.

Every time my two personalities combines as one, I would always wake up in an exhausted state.

The longer my interval to return to my original self, the more exhausted I would be.

Luckily… it’s only four days since the last return.

"Heh… Heheh…" I find myself laughing wryly.

It really is the same as what I expected— both of my personalities failed.

…Looks like that my memory loss is getting worse.

No matter.

It’s been four days— I need to get Ruby……!!!



The moment I stand up, I found myself falling on my knees again.

"Oi— brat…!!! What's wrong…!? Why the rush…!?"

"Guh… Ngh…!!!"

Principal, who entered the house right on time, helps me to stand as I muster strength on my legs.

Though there are still at least 15 minutes until my body could adjust— but I could tell.

…My body is getting weaker.

"Principal… I want you to carry me to a place." I said to him. “I can’t wait anymore… so please.”

"…Fine. Even if I tell you, you won't stop." He agreed with a short sigh.

With that, he carefully holds me on my right as we walk.

"…Thank you."

At the corridor, I find Restia sitting with her back at the wall with her body curling on her legs, looking terrified.



No response.

"…Little sis."


…No response.

"…My cute little sis."

"…I'm sorry… big brother…" She murmured.

She told Nightwalker about the time limit, which I never intended to let both of me know.

"I will forgive you, Restia— but you still need to take your punishment."

"…Will you let me go, just this once…?"



It seems that I terrified her too much that she cried and buried her head into her knees.

"Sheesh, you are so harsh." Principal whispered to me. "That's your family."

"Now that my parents are gone… I can't spoil her forever." I uttered. "I need her to be more independent— I can't be here to help her forever."

"……Brat, do you perhaps—"


Since I know that his assumption is correct, I silenced him before Restia could hear it.

Then I got closer to Restia.

"I will ask you only once, little sis… Do you want to see Ruby…?"

Hearing that, Restia lifts her head, staring at me with a shocked look.

"……You— You knew where is Ruby all along…!? Why didn't you tell me…!!?"

"This is a punishment to Ruby and the other two of me. I'm sorry for not telling you, little sis."

"T-Then, where is she…!!? Where is Ruby…!?"

"I can't believe it… You really don't know…?" I uttered.

I really can't believe it… my assumptions were right.

Restia… loss her memories as well.

"…Help me, Restia," I said.


With them helping me to walk to the front yard, Principal then carried me on his arms and leapt onto Dómr's back— while Restia, she hopped onto Forsjá's back."

"Hmm…?" I inadvertently remembered something. "Get the others, you two."

Saying that, Forsjá went to the backyard.


"Don't ask another word, Principal. I will tell you what I know in private after I get Ruby…" I murmured.

"…If you say so."


Under my guide, I lead Asha, Pearl, Fylgja, Forsjá, and Dómr towards the place I told them.

I'm carrying Felix on my hands while Fortuna, is on Restia's.

…The reason why everyone is unable to find Ruby, is very straightforward.

It's merely because she's not inside the large part of the forest.

The forest of the Black and White… has two sides.

The side that we searched covers 95% of the island, while the other side covers…

…not even 2% of the island.

It's not weird for them to not consider that.

"…Ah, we are here," I told Dómr.

"Young master… this is…"

"That's right, Dómr," I said. "Asha— this is where your mother is buried."

"What……?" Asha was dumbfounded.

I told everyone to wait outside the forest's borderline as I bring Restia, Asha, and Felix with me.

This place isn't dark— because this area is lit up by the leaves of a tree that glows with a dim, Celeste-blue light.

As we walk, a clear and beautiful lake could be seen further ahead, where it reflects the light of the tree.

"Big brother… is that—?"

When Restia saw the pink hair little girl who's sleeping under the tree, she inadvertently grabs my hand and starts to run.

"Master…?" "Myaster…?"

Asha and Felix start to run as well.

"R—Ruby…!" Restia yelled stridently. "RUBY…!!!!!"

Seeming to hear it loud and clear, the girl under the tree wakes up— while looking at us with full of shock.

"R—Restia……?" Ruby inadvertently murmured.

However, she slowly backs off.


Noticing that, Restia groans angrily.

She didn't even bother to change her running course.

Releasing my hand, she casts body-strengthening magic on herself while freezing the surface of the lake with her ice magic.

…She easily did so as if it is just as natural as breathing.

"DON'T YOU DARE RUN AWAY EVER AGAIN…!!!" Restia shouted stridently.

—she halted Ruby before she could run away while running on top of the ice.

I followed behind as I rode on Asha's back.


With a final shout, Restia pounces from halfway of the lake, landing in front of Ruby.

Ruby is speechless— as if she's not looking at the same person anymore. No, to be accurate— it's like Restia had wholly changed from just being the weak, spoiled girl in only six days…

"…I missed you, Ruby."

Without hesitating, Restia kneels and hugs Ruby.

"Restia… I'm sorry… I'm sorry for hurting you…!"


"I'm sorry…!!!"




"Well done enduring for three days, Ruby."

With Ruby hugging and sticking to me like glue, I could only pat her on the head to comfort her for the time being.

"Master… is she the creature that Dómr always talk about…?"

"Asha, she's not a 'creature'— I will get mad if you say that again, okay~?" I said with a smile.

"…Yes, master," Asha said with a despondent look with her ears drooping down.

I know I'm scary when I'm angry… but with that look on her face— it makes me seem that I'm the bad guy here.

"Myaster… this tree— is it a Celestial Luminous…?" Felix suddenly murmured.

"Oh…? You have seen it before… at Dómr's place?"

"But this one is larger, nya."

"This tree… was meant to mourn for the dead. Is my mother… buried here…?" Asha asks me.

It seems Dómr taught Felix, Asha, and Pearl equally.

"If you have something to say… you could do it now," I told her.

Asha then sits down next to me with her legs curled while lowering her head, closing her eyes.

"…Það hefur verið ellefu ár, móðir." (… It's been eleven years, mother.)

With that, I reach out my hand, and stroke Asha on her head.

“Ég mun hugsa vel um dóttur þína.” I said.

(I will take good care of your daughter.)

"…Nya…?! Why do you know our language…?" Felix suddenly murmured.

"Big brother… Did you learn it just by listening to their conversation…?" Restia asks.

"That only helps with my fluency. I just happen to find dad's magical beast language dictionary in his room."

Yes, though dad's belongings were gone— but he left tons of books behind at his room. Thanks to this dictionary, I'm able to learn their language in just a few hours.

"…I guess I should start learning," Restia murmured.


I suddenly find myself to shed some tears.

“M-Myaster…?” “Big brother…?”

Everyone was worried.

"Ngh…?" Ruby suddenly lifts her head and look at me. "Master…?"

"… It's nothing, don't mind me. I'm just glad… that's all. I'm just glad everyone is alive…!"