Chapter 5.39

“Eh? That was sudden!?” Lefiya was so surprised and bewildered that she slammed her hands on the table that her hair turned ginger orange.

“Actually, after I analysed your results— I immediately understood it was hopeless to make you study the whole subject.”

“I thought you are here to help…” She murmured with a depressed look as her hair turned maya blue.

“I was,” I replied. “So, instead of cramming all the chapters into your head, I will make you focus on the chapters you were interested in and make sure you can solve those questions without fail.”

“Are you having a study session~?”

Persia, who joined in shortly afterwards, interrupted with a smile on her face.

“Yes,” I answered.

“…E-Erm, who is she?” Lefiya whispered to me with an embarrassed expression as her hair turned scarlet red.