I'ts not what you think.

Tests started 2 days ago and honestly, I'm not so sure about what I wrote in the tests I've written so far. Even the ones I'm sure of, it'll still come out average, well maybe except biology and maybe physics. It's another Wednesday but, because of the tests going on, there would be no club meetings or sports. I was in the middle of revising for the next paper, when a sellotape –my sellotape – falls on my desk.

I look up, startled, but whoever that did it has gone back to whatever they were doing. I don't think I was that focused on my reading. With the way the tape landed, it could only have been David, coupled with the fact that he's the one I lent it to.

Quietly and slowly, I folded the note I was reading into a roll, and whacked him at the back of his head. He turns around sharply and I give him my sweetest smile. "What did I do?" he asks with a frown. Thinking about it, I haven't seen him angry before. Maybe this would be my first time.

"Nothing at all. I just felt like hitting you. Sha, well, I know it was you that dropped this on my table, don't bother with denying." I say, picking up the roll of sellotape. That's when I noticed the writings inside the roll. And they're a mix of compliments, silly words, even my name! 'You're beautiful', 'smile', 'cute', 'Emmanuella!', 'fine girl', and so on, was written multiple times.

When I look back at him, the frown is gone and replaced with a smile. I'm struggling to keep a straight face, "This is called vandalism, you know right?" "I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't do anything." I thrust the sellotape in his face, "This is clearly your handwriting and you're the only one I've given it to!"

Even though he has clearly been caught, he refused to admit it, and as usual, kept smiling. This guy smiles too much. He's saved from replying because it time for the next paper.


I just finished writing chemistry test, and if I am being completely honest, that test is a lost cause. It was like it wasn't written in English. "Emma, how was your test?" Favour suddenly says with a knowing smile, interrupting my peaceful sulk.

"How do you think it was?" I reply with an eye roll. She found that funny because she felt the same way. We shouldn't be laughing about possible failure, but what else is there to do, cry?. The test, I think, was actually not that hard, but, its chemistry! And what's worse is that during the test, the teacher just kept smiling like he knew our heads were empty. Temi, a short girl –even shorter than me –walks up to me and Favour's seat with Rebecca in tow. They both have hopeless smiles on their faces.

I started talking to Temi on Monday, day 1 of test week, and honestly, I never noticed that she was in the class. On that day, after the first round of tests in the morning, we were on break and preparing for the second round in the afternoon.

Unusually, the class was quiet. Everyone was focused, reading, and then suddenly a loud, shrill sound of something like a cross between a bird call and a whistle cut through the silence.

It wasn't at all surprising that it scared and freaked most people out. Everyone began looking around to find the source, and then suddenly the culprit, Temi, began laughing loudly at their reaction, despite the fact that everyone was already attacking her and yelling things at her –playfully of course. I didn't mind because it helped me loosen up and the situation was funny.

After the tests, I went to pester her to do it, the sound, again. She refused, but I didn't give up. We have been talking since then.

"Ella! Did chemistry fry your brain?" Temi said, snapping me out of my thoughts. She is the only one that uses 'Ella' instead of 'Emma' like everyone else. Staring at her, I noticed that her face is sort of like a chicken's head, mostly thanks to her nose, which is small

and a little pointed, I laugh. "See this short chicken, my brain was fried even before I wrote the test, so I don't even know what I wrote." She gives me a look, meaning she doesn't believe me.

I don't know how it happened, but for some reason, everyone in my class thinks I'm one of the smart ones. Maybe it's, because I use glasses, attached to the stereotype that all glasses users are smart, or the fact that I always have my nose in one note book or the other. I am generally a quiet person, so Instead of chatting in groups like Ruth and her posse, I prefer to finish my assignments in class, so I can play or sleep later.

Chemistry was the last test we had for today. I tune out from the conversation and rest my head on my desk, waiting for the final bell to ring. But the peace doesn't last long; David begins playing with my ear. I decide to ignore him, hoping he gets bored and gives up, but he doesn't. I sigh, sit up, and rest my chin on my palm.

"Ogini? What? What do you want this time? I know that you wrote your test well, so, what?"

I would have been reading for tomorrow, if I had my notebook but it's not allowed. He would have been doing the same too because he's serious like that.

"Nothing. And who told you I wrote well?"

I give him a flat look. From his previous scores, the one I've seen anyways; he either has a perfect score or a near-perfect score. And from the rumours I've heard he was always the top student.

"Whatever you say."

"Emma! Emma! Emma!" his voice was a little loud, so he got the attention of Favour, Temi, and Rebecca.



I give him a fake smile because I know he wouldn't stop until he gets something. Satisfied, he returns back to whatever he was doing before. My three crazy friends on the other hand, are giving me suspicious smiles. Temi, as expected, is the first to speak, "Ella, take it easy, oh!" I laugh, despite myself, "Don't start thinking rubbish oh, this girl. Free me, please; it's not what you think." They all agree, faces dripping with smiles and doubt, These girls!


At this school, after the first tests are over every year. It's called Emerald Revelry, but without alcohol and all that. Basically it's an event for us, the students to relax after the tests, and for the parents to have a meeting/dinner, from what I've read and heard sha. On that day, the school is decorated to look a little like a reception event. Different activities are set up within the school, like a giant chess board, ping-pong table, ring-toss, scavenger hunts, and others. I don't know what most of them are really, but it seems like a mini park, the food stands included too.

Music is left to play through speakers set up around the school. The parents on the other hand, leave their kids and gather in the general hall. According to what I heard, they set up tables and chairs, like a restaurant for them. They have some kind of meeting, then after, they are served food. They usually close all the doors and windows to avoid interruptions.

There is a catch though. If the general performance of the school, both juniors

and seniors, for the test is below a certain standard, the Revelry would be cancelled. It has never happened before though, so nobody knows if they would actually go through with it. Hopefully, it doesn't get cancelled this year; I have a good feeling about it. The bell rings and I gather my things, David does the same with the intention of walking home with I and my brother.

When I turn to say bye to Favour, she is staring at me with an unreadable look on her face. I shrug it off and walk out of the class, David in tow, to meet up with my brother. I sight Temi giving me a sly look. I smile and shake my head; anything I say would just be used against me.