
It is finally the last day of tests. I don't think I can handle any more of this reading. It's Friday so naturally, we have begun to receive the results of some of the test that we have written, and well, it's very average. I can't show most of the scores to my parents, they would kill me. I wonder if my brother did any better.

Today we have just two papers to write, biology and physics. At the end of the tests, we would gather in the hall for announcements, probably about the revelry. The suspense is terrible but if they announced it before we write the last papers, many people would probably fail. When our biology teacher walked into the class, I wasn't nervous like I was for other subjects. Biology is my favourite, but that doesn't mean I pass it all the time.

When the questions were written on the board, I felt relieved. Other people were complaining about it, begging her to change the questions but she didn't budge. It made me laugh.

"Emma, that your laugh, I know you know everything so you had better share."

It's Favour. I laugh again, "Who says I know everything? I don't."

It was the truth, I didn't know all, but I knew enough to pass, i think. The rest I'll just write nonsense and hope it makes sense to her, the teacher. It was when I heard Favour laugh that I realized I said the last part out loud.

After the test, we received the result for chemistry test, and I got a perfect zero. It made me laugh, Favour got a 1, Temi and Rebecca both got the same zero. i really can't let my mom see these results. Even though I laughed about it, deep down I was really worried. If things went on like this, I would repeat the class.I poured all my soul into preparing for the last test, physics. At least we got a hint that the questions would be from the textbook. Everyone was busy reading and solving questions among themselves. It made me feel like I wasn't doing enough. Soon it was time to write the test. I stared at one last example before closing the textbook.

The questions were printed on a paper. When I got mine, I couldn't believe my luck. The last example I stared at was what exactly what was written on the paper. Favour looked worried, same with everyone else. After the test, I felt lighter. I ended on a good note, and soon it would be time for the announcement.

Deciding to treat myself, I stood up to go to the shop to buy my most recent addiction, popcy. Popcy is basically just potato chips, but the taste is just awesome. It comes in different flavours. My favourite is surprisingly tomato.

While I was walking past David's seat, he stuck out his leg, making me stumble. I turn sharply and glare at him. As usual he just smiles.

"I'm coming with you," he says.

"Why? You don't even know where I'm going."

"Even though, I'm still coming."

I laugh, "what if I'm going to do ritual."

"We'll do it together."

He said it so casually that the most clichéd thing happened. My heart did a thing. It did NOT skip a beat. This is not the time for that nonsense. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see Ruth and her posse staring at me. Nothing has happened with her since that day, not that I mind though.I walk out of the class with David beside me.

"I'm shocked, oh." I say,


"David, the serious boy, is escorting me for no reason."

He laughs, "You're trying

to say I don't go out?"

"Duh. In my defence, I've never seen you go to the shop, or even buy anything."

"I don't go myself, I ask people that are going to help me."

I smirk, "keep solidifying my point." He laughs.

When we got to the shop, it was crowded with mostly juniors. I didn't mind though because all I had to do was just push a little and they would move. Being a senior had it's perks. I bought my chips and met up with David. He didn't want anything so we headed back.

"So tomorrow is the revelry." He said.

"Are you serious? I didn't know that!" I exclaim sarcastically, and added a little gasp for extra effect before adding, "And that is if it isn't cancelled."

"Emma, don't jinx it." he says seriously and I laugh. "Sha, well, since it is your first time, I can show you around for free because I'm nice." He smirks at me.

The laugh escapees me before I could stop it, "See this guy. I am perfectly capable of showing myself around. But I'll pity you and accept." He beams, like literally beams and I can't help but smile too.

The bell rings before we get to the classes, it is time for the announcements so we branch to the hall. The few times that the school has gathered here, I've noticed that the classes sit in groups, and each class has their own section in the hall. Boys sit at one half of the hall and girls sit at the other half.

Only a few guys that prefer to sit with their girlfriends or crushes or for no reason at all sit at the girls half.I chose the seat at the back where I and Rebecca sat before. David sat down beside me and I give him a look, he just shrugs. Temi, Favour and Rebecca walk over to us and take their seats. It's a table with a bench on each side so it can seat at most 10 people.

Austin and another guy, James, choose to sit with us too, making us 7 on the table. I'm staring at Temi, waiting for her to start her shit, and she doesn't fail.

"Emma, Emma. So you ditched us for David." I laugh, this girl will not kill me.

"It's not like that now. We went to buy something before the bell rang and-" I don't bother finishing my explanation because she won't take it.

"You guys should leave Emma and her boo alone." Austin says, turns to me and winks. I shoot him a look that plainly says he'snot helping. He just laughs it off.

"You all are just mad, biko." I sigh.

The hall is beginning to get noisy; students are steadily filling the benches.

"Your names even go together, Emma and Emma, Emmanuella and Emmanuel." Austin says again, not ready to drop the teasing.

"You only know how to say rubbish, so I won't even bother with answering you." I say with a smile.

"Their names don't go together at all. They aren't from the same tribe." A new voice with a forced accent says out of nowhere, it's Ruth.

She sits down beside Austin, the only position that is directly opposite to David.

"Oh God." He whispers. I'm the only one that heard it though, it made me laugh.

"Heavy jealousy." Temi says, loud enough for Ruth to hear, everyone but her laughed. Whilst we were waiting for everyone to gather, Ruth kept forcing conversations on David. I honestly felt pity for him.

When the principal walked into the hall, with his signature bald head gleaming, it got quiet. He took a microphone and began speaking. He greeted the students and said some other things about not forgetting why we were here –at Emerald high– before he got to the good part.

"I know you are all looking forward to the revelry tomorrow, so you didn't listen to anything I said before," he pauses and smiles, then his expression changes. "We have calculated the scores that we have, and gotten the average, and from what we have, unfortunately, we will have to cancel the Revelry tomorrow." He concluded.

After some shouting and promise of punishment, the hall is under control again then he repeats, "I hope you all heard me, the Revelry tomorrow will not hold."