Chapter 16

Her eyes flew open and he felt her body tense again. He was hoping she wouldn’t have that reaction when he went to claim her body with his. He had hoped with her just getting off, she would be in a good mood and react differently this time. He watched as she bit her lip and she opened her mouth like she was going to tell him to stop, but she quickly shut it. She closed her eyes again and tried to relax her body. He could feel it wasn’t working.

“Open your eyes, Renee. I want you to see me while I take you. I want you to know that I’m not going to hurt you. I told you that you can tell me to stop at any point,” Jesse said.

Renee shook her head no. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him as he claimed her body and hurt her yet again. He was lying when he said he wasn’t going to hurt her. He always hurt her. She felt his hand on her chin, gripping it, stopping her from moving her head back and forth. He kissed her lips and then moved back slightly.

She opened her eyes up and looked at him, waiting for him to take her. Her body was starting to ache from being tensed up. Jesse moved himself against her and started to push himself inside of her just a little bit. Renee closed her eyes and he stopped, waiting for her to open them again. When she finally did, he moved a little bit more.

“Stop. I can’t do this,” Renee panted.

Jesse saw her eyes were full of panic and her breathing had become ragged like she was about to hyperventilate. He pulled out of her and put his head on her chest. He was trying to control himself from taking her anyway. He had promised her that he would stop and he was going to keep that promise. He didn’t want to take her by force anymore. He liked her reaction to him just now. He wanted her to want him. He rolled off of her and onto his back. He closed his eyes and groaned as he was still hard as a rock and it was causing him some discomfort.

Renee laid there, surprised that Jesse had actually stopped like he said he would. Her breathing was so ragged that it was hurting her chest. He hadn’t gone far enough in to hurt her, but she had been too scared to let him. She turned her head as she heard him groan and saw him laying on his back with his arm over his eyes. Her eyes traveled down his body and she saw he was still hard. She felt her face get hot. He had done something for her and taken his time with her. She took a deep breath and held it before slowly releasing it. She had to get herself under control before she could do anything. Was she actually going to be able to have sex with him? Only one way to find out.

Once she had her breathing under control, she slowly lifted up so she was on her knees beside Jesse. He felt her weight shift, but he didn’t even bother to look at her. She had asked him to stop so he had. She was probably getting off of the bed and away from him since he had given her the opportunity to run away. When he felt her throw her leg over him, his eyes shot open and he moved his arm.

He watched her as she moved over him and her hand moved in between them. He felt her grip him and he couldn’t hold back his groan. Her eyes shot up to his and he looked into her eyes as she squeezed him and held him in place as she lowered herself down onto him. He wanted to touch her but he was worried that if he did, she would quickly move away. This was her show. Maybe she had been afraid of what he would do if he took her, but if she controlled the pace, she wouldn’t get hurt.

Her body was shaking as she lowered herself down on him. She stopped moving as his arms moved. He put his hands up, palms facing her as he moved his hands behind his head, letting her know that he had no plans of touching her. This was all on her. He was going to stop his natural instinct to touch her and just lay back and enjoy what she was going to do. She finished sliding down on him and he groaned as he felt her completely surrounding him.

She started to move slowly as she got comfortable with what she was doing. Jesse watched her and tried not to move so he wouldn’t spook her but he was finding it very hard to do as his natural urge was to thrust up into her and grab her hips and breasts. Her eyes were glued on his. Was she watching him to see if he was going to try anything? He found he enjoyed that she was watching him. When she started to pick up the pace a little bit, he rolled his hips under her and thrust up just a little.

Her eyes widened and her lips parted. A slow grin spread across his face. So, she did enjoy that move. He did it again, but this time he thrust up a little bit harder as her body came down on his. She moaned as her eyes closed. He took the chance and moved his hands out from behind his head and placed them on her thighs, sliding them up towards her hips. He mentally cursed himself as her body stopped moving. She looked at his hands and suddenly she had them pinned above his head.

“Don’t do that again,” Renee said as she slowly began to move again.

“Whatever you say, darlin’,” Jesse drawled as he leaned his head up and took one of her breasts in his mouth.

He couldn’t resist anymore. They were swinging in his face. With her breastfeeding, it was different trying to play with her breasts. He got a mouth full of milk. It had an odd taste. She laughed as he sputtered some. He nipped her breast for laughing at him, but that just made her laugh harder. It was a genuine laugh and it made him smile. She leaned down and kissed his lips as she slid back and forth on him, never letting him move his hands. He laced his fingers through hers as he continued to roll his hips and thrust up.

Renee broke the kiss and sat up as she picked up the pace. Jesse felt her tightening around him and he wanted to grab her hips so badly and start slamming himself into her, but he knew he couldn’t. His grip on her hands tightened and she looked at him again, her eyes never leaving his. It was extremely intimate. Renee moved their hands and placed his on her waist with hers on top of his just in case he got to rough.

He gripped her and started to thrust up hard and fast, trying to keep himself somewhat under control. Renee started to tighten around him and he groaned as she gripped him. She started grinding on him as fast as she could and she felt herself explode all around him. It took her by surprise as well as Jesse. Jesse gripped her and slammed himself upwards as he released as well.

He pulled Renee down on to the bed. She laid down against his side and he wrapped his arm around her. She started to put her arm on him but stopped. Jesse grabbed her hand and put her arm over him, lacing his fingers through hers. He kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes, content with what had just happened. Renee laid there for a while wondering what exactly had just happened. Had she really just given in to Jesse, her tormentor? She laid there until Jesse got up and heated up their supper for them.