Chapter 177

Jesse sat out in the waiting room with Christian as they waited for the doctors to run tests. Christian had finally settled down and stopped crying. He was sitting in Jesse's lap sucking his thumb. He had started that back up after Renee had been in the accident. Now every time he was extremely stressed, that thumb was back in his mouth. It agitated Jesse somewhat but he let it go because he knew he was trying to comfort himself against what was happening with his mom.

It had been hours since Renee had been brought in and no one had updated him yet. Jesse stroked Christian’s hair absentmindedly until he saw the doctor come out. Dr. Getty walked up to him and held out his hand. Jesse took it and shook it. The doctor had a neutral look on his face.

“Mr. Morgan, we meet again. I wish it was under better circumstances,” Dr. Getty said.

“Me too,” Jesse said.

“Come with me and we’ll talk about what’s going on with your wife.”