Under-ground cooperation

This whole scene was difficult to comprehend. The large hole itself wasn't too breathtaking, as they understood that many powerful things could have ruptured it.

But the question that surrounded this topic, bugged them the most. Just who or what has created this hole?

The team had many conclusions, but they couldn't exactly build a proper theory of how it happened.

There was quite an amount of some green-substance, which circled around the same hole.

For a second it seemed as if some group of fish tried to create a large holy-pool, but it somehow melted through the ground!

It almost seemed so but it couldn't be the actual case. Simply since this green-substance wasn't sizzling through dirt and rock.

It was just thick and heavy. Apart from that, it dripped and streamed downwards the hole, and headed towards god knew where?

To a certain extent it seemed sticky too, so it proved difficult to create a proper theory, regarding what this heavy liquid was.