I was surrounded by darkness, I could feel it inside me as well as outside, I was in a room full of darkness or maybe the darkness was inside me. Last night I must have slept too deep, or maybe I was faint instead of asleep at night. There was a tinge of pain in some part of my body I couldn't recognize, probably one of the twins must have decided to make my body their personal bean-bag. Huffing I tried to open my eyes I wanted to shout at them so badly, the pain was slowly increasing, getting more painful than before every next second.
I wanted to shout on them I wanted to pinch them and scold them to get off me but I couldn't, it was getting harder to breathe just like my eyelids which felt heavy as if I had bricks pressed on them.
I tried hard to open my eyes and just when I saw those bright lights not doing much to erase the darkness I tried to blink a few times to make it easier, to let my eyes adjust to the new light as well as the impenetrable darkness.
I was expecting my grey room walls to be around me instead there were white, that's when the panic started.
I was not in my room, I couldn't breathe properly, neither could I move my muscles, the pain was getting worst, unbearable.
And there were none of my siblings sitting on me, instead, there was an empty room of familiar faces and a room full of strangers, that did the trick.
Full-on panic burst in me, I tried to remember where I was, why I was here but I couldn't remember. I recognized the beeping sound from somewhere near me and the people bustling around my sleeping self with white coats, I was in a hospital, but why? did something happen to me?.
Why was there no one from my family, why was there a man standing at the door horrified, ogling at me.
I couldn't understand but with the increase in the beeping noise beside me, everything dawned on me, everything.
The tears started rolling down, and the real break down began, I looked around the room struggling with all the pipes on me to let me free, fighting the pain in my chest I tried to get up look more clearly through my watery eyes.
But I couldn't, despite the doctor shouting over me to relax, I couldn't.
My parents were gone, shot by my own brother, what had happened to him, what had happened to the twins.
Where were the twins, they were crying, shouting?
Adion wouldn't shoot them, he loves them he wouldn't,
He loved my parents too and he shot them.
I left them there, I........I........I left them shouting I didn't fight.
They are alive they have to be alive.
They have to be alive.
"Twins," I asked I was barely able to voice.
"Twins" I repeated and fought to get up, still in a daze as if I was drugged I looked around for help.
The doctors they were trying to hold me, force me to lay but I couldn't.
They didn't answer they continued to push me "Twins? Where..........where are the.....twins" I managed to speak with a hoarse and raspy voice as if I hadn't used my voice box for days.
But they didn't reply.
"Let me..........twins......twins?" I tried again, still fighting I noticed through my watery eyes, a woman in white, another doctor. she was injecting me.
But before I could process anything my eyelids felt as if they had the load of the world, my limbs didn't listen didn't obey my orders.
My body betrayed me again.
Just like before, I should have died.
I should have gone with them
But I didn't
My body betrayed me
Just like before, it betrayed me again and I went in a deep sleep, again.