Duty Calls


"Dad come' on, take a break, please," I said walking towards him, he was off duty today, just for one day and instead of having a slumber party and lazing around, he was working himself to fix the car.

"Dad, I'll call a mechanic, leave it please!" I said he was overworking himself, it was around an hour ago when he came out with the decision to try to fix the car himself, and clearly he wasn't succeeding so it was better I call a mechanic.

"You are right let's just call a mechanic," He said sighing then patting me on my right shoulder he walked inside, mom was cooking for us while I looked over if I could understand anything but nope, I am not an automobile person, I love to drive and all but fixing it...... that's not my cup of tea, so closing it and collecting all the tools I turned to head in when a car stopped with a loud screech.

I looked over to see the car door fly open and Tom, my dad's junior ran towards me, in a hurry, he asked me where my dad was and I directed him inside he ran in and I followed whatever the matter was, it seemed urgent really urgent. he was all sweaty and red probably from all the running and speed work for the urgent case, his uniform was wet and he wasn't breathing evenly either, whatever it was, it made everything a lot more important with the way tom was looking, I could only guess how much of a grave emergency it must be.

"We were just informed"

"The prince........... he was drunk," He said huffing when he reached my dad in the hall, then continued "he shot them, all of them in the heart and then........he- he shot himself"

"The royal family.........they are dead.......... all of them," He said trying to breathe between breaks, listening to him my dad's eyes widened, in all hurry he ran out of the house with Tom in toe. so much for a one day break, couldn't whoever the royal whatever is, kill his family tomorrow, I thought.

Rolling my eyes I sighed and walked in my room to finish some assignments, after trying for half an hour I still couldn't wrap my mind around on what tom had said.

The Royal family...............as in the royal family of the country but why'd they be here, in this town, they do have a vacation house here but they never visit, like never. why now and just before they all die that too by their own son. of what I've heard the said son was soon going to be the CEO of all the business anyway, then why kill his own family and then .................himself. and why in the heart, I mean if I would ever want to shoot someone dead I'll choose the head, not the heart, though the heart would be a good shot to kill too, but still why?

I couldn't answer any of my questions, it was all a mystery I mean just why, why all of this, why him and why them and just a lot of why's.......... but coming blank with no answer just made me frustrated so instead, I let it go and went back down to help my mom, they'll be in the papers tomorrow anyway, they are among the richest in the country, of course, they'll be in the papers, probably with all the answers as well, I hope.