The Fall


The four walls were painted a cozy cream-ish color with expensive lamps hanging at a distance of five feet. The cupboards were dark brown with the combination of off peach ply, and yellow lights which combined together complemented the color of the walls and the design of the curtains.

There were cameras on one corner of the room right on the upper left side of the door, so small you could barely classify it to be CCTV camera. Though the walls and accessories were designed old fashioned, the technology used in every corner of the summer house was the latest.

"Hey, Dad! Mom! I hope there is chocolate in every container on the table today?" I greeted as cheerfully as ever while approaching my designated chair.

"Well........not every container but the dessert one, unlike you we like to eat like humans," My mom said smirking and my dad rolled his eyes.

"True I mean imagine chocolate, only chocolate in dinner.....i'd rather die than eat a dinner of a cockroach," My dad said shuddering as if just imagining it was unbearable to him if you put it like that it was, but it isn't my fault that cockroaches love chocolate as much as I do.

I rolled my eyes at him and opened the one container of desert "HollY SHIT!! Maa its chocolate pudding! I was craving this so bad!" I said exaggerating, the happiness I was feeling I could have fainted with all these joyful bubbles dancing in my heart.

"I know honey you were blabbering and winning that is why I asked for this overly loaded with chocolate pudding to be made," My mom said holding my hand, looking at the pudding with a scared face.

"Oh, mom! I love you...............more than dad!" I said and my dad scowled but was happy seeing me hugging my mom.

We were happily conversing when the door of the dining room burst open and two fourteen year old devils walked in as careless and mysteriously joyful as ever, Joey kicked on the door from behind and ignoring the door slamming shut jumping, both of them seated in their designated seats with that devilish smirky smile on both of their identical face.

"We are guessing we didn't miss much," Jody said looking at the three of us.

Both the twins had a problem whenever they both talked, they talked for both of them.

"Seeing that you all are crying over chocolate we suppose, we sure didn't miss anything" Continued Joey.

"You know you two are separate entities why can't you just talk about yourself normally, for once! it feels so creepy........." I wined, I knew it was normal for them and also that my emotions were in a mix lately but that didn't make it any less creepy.

"We were born together, that means no matter what we are one, so as per we wish we will talk and we wish to talk this way," Joey said giving special force on the word we, and I swear I cringed every time I heard it.

"what -you and you-ever," I said spelling the words 'you and you' as if saying fu**ing in its place instead.

"Why'd you say it like that" Jody asked pointig a finger at me as he must have realized what I meant to say and what I said instead.

"Will you three stop fighting already," Mom asked glaring at dad who had his chin in his palms and elbows on the table looking at us amusedly as if we were a funny television show.

Looking at my mom he abruptly took his hands down the table and wiping off that dreamy smile asked us instead "Where is Adion?"

Good change of topic dad.

"Yeah where is he, I didn't see him after we all went to take shower this evening," Mom said frowning.

"Your kids are grown up mom stop worrying so much, Adion is twenty, he'll be here in a minute, where is rose though?" I asked curiously looking at all of them.

"We didn't see him or her" Jody said and I looked at my mom.

"I don't know either, she should have been here by now," Mom said

"Adion is not picking up my phone, so is Rose," Dad said frowning, with his phone pressed to his left ear.

"We think what if they have eloped," Joey said with wriggling eyebrows and that carefree lazy smile.

"Oh please if it were the matter I would have known because it's my best friend and brother you are talking about," I said looking at the devils.

"Same goes with us you know just not the best friend part," Joey said

"We are each other's best friend" Jody continued

"We know" All three of us mom dad and I said together, ignoring their smug identical smiles, we all rolled our eyes.

"I'll go check his and her room," I said and stood up to go but was stopped by a feminine hand on my wrist, I looked up to mom when she said

"You don't have to go sit down, when are they going to come in use," She said gesturing from her chin movements towards the twins, nodding I settled back down in my chair and looked at the two of them expectantly.

They didn't so much as blink, I looked back to mom

"Joey you go," Mom said and huffing he stood up and stomping he said before going out for the search "He should have gone, it's his turn"

If you ever have to break their loyalty towards each other all you have to do is assign them any work, their lazy asses cant work to save their life...................or each others.

After Joey was out of the room Jody said "It actually really was my turn this time" the smirk of confidence didn't go unnoticed.

I just rolled my eyes at that and changed the topic excitedly "Anyways where are we going tomorrow and what are we doing tonight"

"Tomorrow is beach day and we can go sightseeing and all roaming around on the roads for the whole day only you'll all have to cover up," Dad said pointing at all of us and we nodded.

"And tonight we'll do something special, we can watch movies or go in the pool or both of them together or something" Mom continued and excitement breathed inside me, pool, water, night, movie..........awesome.

"That is a good idea, tomorrow's gonna be fun," Jody said

"Only if the storm calms down," I said listening carefully for the noises outside, whipping and crashing of winds so fast it could take trees away with it.

"Yeah I just hope the storm dies, your uncle says the weather is worst in the city" Dad said

"Too bad if everything isn't good till night there'll be no beach and water and sand tomorrow," I said sadly

"True, we hope all get good" Jody said, he was about to say something when the dining room doors burst open and whistling Joey walked in with hands in his pocket slamming the door shut with his kick as earlier with a loud thud

"Do you want all the doors to break or something," I asked at the same time dad said "have some mercy on the doors man! what have they done to you!"

Ignoring both of us his careless self said "Adion is not in his room and Rose is apparently sick"

"She is not sick she is just................ different" I protested

Joey rolled his eyes and said " What we mean to say is she is not feeling well and is resting"

"Oh," I said nodding in understanding, my bad.'

Just then the doors burst open again and standing there was Adion disheveled, did he just had a quicky or something I thought to myself.

He closed the gate behind him a bit swaying and then walked towards the table when mom stood up followed by dad.

"Are you wasted before dinner?" Mom asked grinding her teeth

"Could've drunk together after the diner" Dad said disappointed, they both were just acting to be angry and disappointed just to play the good parents part and I think Adion knew that too.

Though his face didn't change one bit the lightest shade of brown locks were disheveled and the black eyes, they were blood red with a storm in the center, as if he had seen a ghost but it was just a bottle of liquor, two I think.

His lips were chapped and his cheeks were red and wet as if he had cried a long time after slapping himself hard a few times. And all of this because he wanted to get drunk, such an idiot who would think he was twenty already.

Something shifted in his eyes, his face suddenly though it was cold already but now it looked a different kind off cold, and just when I was about to ask what happened, I heard too loud noises of two gunshots.

A scream broke through my throat when I ran towards my mom and dad who had both fallen on the ground at the same time with a thud. Just a second ago they were both looking at him, acting and the next they were on the floor bleeding with a hole in the left side, right above their hearts.

The floor was covered in liquid red and the room was filled with screams and crying. I shook them both but they didn't budge, crying screaming I stood up to fight, anger pushed through me, hurt, and betrayal on its side.

What the hell had he done, my parents, our parents he had shot them, how fucking dare he, he had shot our own parents.

Just when I was about to shout and lunge at him he said with croaked voice "I'm sorry it was the only way to save ___ ___" I couldn't hear the last two words, because they were overshadowed by the noise of a gunshot, he had fired the gun again, the bullet hit my left side of the chest and I fell on the floor just like mom and dad.

I wasn't in the right mind to hear the twins shouting and crying but when a bullet tor my flesh causing a searing pain, I couldn't hear anything else either, though in the darkness I was vaguely aware of three more gunshots but then the darkness swept in and even that numbness of my heart, my mind I couldn't understand why my brother shot our parents, me. Why all of a sudden a happy family was a dead family, what was he saving by killing his family, and what did he mean by he was sorry, why, why, why?.

Why did he kill us all out of the blue?