Upon waking up, I saw and felt that I was being sat on by the muscular man. They were going through my backpack, rummaging through the items, looking for useful things. I then asked, “What are you doing? Why are you doing this?" The woman laughed and said “This is a whole new world. We all need to survive somehow and the safest option is to only trust the people you knew before everything changed. You should know that trusting people you just met is as good as putting your life at risk.” For a second, what the woman said actually made sense. But then I thought about the future. What happens in the future? I believe that we should all help each other not just so we can survive but so we can truly live. I then asked them, “So, you’ll never trust anybody else again?” The woman then replied, “Who cares about later? I need to survive now. I’ll think of the future when I get there."
While she was talking, I activated my misty steps shoes thrice to scare them off. They were taken by surprise and all they managed to do was just stare at me. I then activated my magic armor to protect myself. Once it got activated, it turned into a medieval plate armor made of what looked like a bluish-green lantern construct. I guess this was how Anton thought of what magic armor should look like. I started talking again and said, “While surviving, for now, is good, we have to think further down the road. Our problem is with these monsters. I believe–” I got cut off by the slim guy with a sword he materialized from his hand. It looked like a katana. He fixed his glasses while he clicked his tongue. Luckily, my armor was activated so I was protected from his attack. The Beefy guy then bulked up some more with his eyes reddening. As he walked, the road cracked. He landed a punch at me. The woman then said with her eyes glowing red, “You should have just stood down and let us take your belongings.” When her eyes glowed, the eyes of her companions glowed as well. I think their minds might be linked together by her power.
I took out at the bracelet I got from the hospital. I plan on using it to blind the woman. To do this, I have to make her look at me directly. I teleported on top of a car then prepared to summon a sun-like orb. Just as predicted, she looked at my direction and she got blinded by the sun-like orb. “AGGHHH!" She screamed and both her companions touched their heads and looked around in confusion. I realized by then that her power must have been controlling the minds of people and not just linking people’s minds.
I used my remaining teleportation power to run away while shouting, “That woman controlled your mind!” That should stop her from chasing after me. I decided to make a stop at Life Homes condominium. Before I go on with my journey, I have to wait first for my teleportation power and my magic armor to recharge. I checked on my backpack and thankfully, it looked fine despite being rummaged earlier. I wonder how many more items I can pull off from it before it empties. I checked on the phoenix egg and it also seemed fine. It is a good thing that Anton provided me with the protection I needed to survive.