Chapter 9: Fateful encounter 4.

DD syn. was known for its supplying of ammunitions to well-known and permitted syndicates.

Brenden's work was to hack the military securities, to let the ammunition enter the place without being discovered or caught.

He was busy hacking one of the security CCTV cameras when suddenly, someone fell over him knocking off his laptop and eyeglasses off his hands.

He frowned and emitted a deathly aura but, it diminished the second he saw her.

She had a round cute, flushed face. Her dark brown hair complementing her skin tone, fell in waves framing her face. She was not very gorgeous neither did she have a perfect figure. She was rather cute than beautiful and was chubby and short. He smiled at her unknowingly, when she blinked several times, profound trying to decipher the situation.

Then when her brown eyes gazed at his, without any words spoken, it was like she had bore into his soul. Has though, she understood him, without an explanation. His loneliness disappeared leaving no trace of its existence, for that moment. She smiled at him as though she was comforting him, his pain, and his entire presence in this world.

She was like the beam of light, in his totally dark world.

His little sunshine.


Buffet hall:

" Where were you?" Hayden asked Mel, as he saw her enter the hall, together with Alex.

" Just roaming around." she shrugged and sat down at the table.

He nodded and turned towards Alex, frowning," Hey you, don't leave before informing me the next time, alright?"

" You mean 'thank you' right, cause I left you two alone?" Alex scoffed turning to Steph asking, " How can you even like someone like him? You deserve a lot better."

Hayden: "0_0 "

He hmphed and hugged Steph," She's mine."

" Seems like our poor lover boy got his kickers in a twist." Lucas teased, sitting beside Mel at the table.

Scarlet and Bryan joined them on the table too, both with a polite greeting.

" Scarlet and Bryan " Hayden introduced, as he said " meet Alex and Mel." pointing at them.

"Where's Brenden?" Scarlet asked as she settled down.

" Umm... he's there!! Hey Bro, over here." Lucas shouted and waved as he located him.

Melanie continued eating silently not paying attention to their conversation.

' How can I even feel like that for a person I don't even know? Not even the face, but the eyes??? Seriously Mel?' ** Face slapping ** internally.

Then suddenly the chair opposite to her moved and a person sat down.

'Fu*k' Melanie cursed, as she saw the boy whom she fell on.

' He looks good with his glasses on .' she wondered.' Why is he so quiet? Should I talk to him? Maybe a small conversation? Fu*k why do I sound so desperate??'

'Maybe because you are!! ' her subconscious sneered.

The lively conversation went on, Mel stole a few glances at the boy in front of her, but dared not opened her mouth.

As soon as she was full she got up from the table to leave.

The silent ice statue who was in front of her spoke, quieting down the entire table.

"Why did you stare at me?" He asked seriously, his voice low and hushed.

' You can speak to me you know!! I wouldn't gobble you up.'


What's going on??

She paused at the table and sneered " It was pure fright what do you expect, love at first sight?" saying that she left the table.

He smiled amused by her words,' Only you will dare to sneer at the Dark prince darling!!' and left right after her.

" Did she just sneer at our ice block?" Hayden asked wide-eyed in disbelief.

" I saw him smile." Bryan said before adding," did you ?" doubtfully.

" We did too." Alex nodded absent-mindedly.

Lucas was in deep thoughts before he faced Scarlet.

" Has he ever smiled at you?" Lucas asked out-of-the-blue, to Scarlet (who seemed quite happy, strange...)

She shook her head and looked at Brenden's retreating figure and gave a sly smile, before stuffing her mouth, with food, to hide it.

Little did she know that her smile did not leave Lucas's observant eyes.