Chapter 8: Fateful encounter 3.

She blushed instantly and nudged him, threatening," Mind your words. Don't forget what my family is."

"You always do this!!" He complained, making a cute puppy face.

" So cute, but it doesn't work on me baby," she smirked, pulled his cheek, and walked away.

" Too sad that I'm already immune to it."

" Hey, wait for me. Some day I'll make you want me too," he grinned cheekily and followed behind her.

'Someday!!' he assured himself.


Alex went into the bushes, her eyes scanning for Mel.

'Where the hell is she?' she thought and turned just in time to find a scum.

' What the f**k!' Alex cursed as she saw Rochester sitting on the grass and leaning on the tree beside him.

"Did you see Melanie?" she asked seriously ignoring the fact that he looked hilarious.

" She ran that way ." he pointed, sounding hurt and in pain.

" Thanks," she added curtly before leaving.

"Hey, could you help me up, please? At least out of humanity?" he asked arrogantly.

Alex stopped in her tracks and smirked,

" Save that for humans."


<< Crash >>

Melanie who fell into the bush landed on something hard, but not the ground.

'Wow, I'm not hurt!! Hooray !!! Wait, am I on someone? Holy crap!!!'

She was in a daze as she saw that she had fallen onto a person. She blinked a few times before she could see him clearly.

He had dark hair, not too fair skin, a normal face not too handsome or too bad looking. Nothing like godly beauty, but definitely a beauty.

His dark eyes, so beautiful with a hue of blue, hiding a million secrets. A small smile lit his entire face making it beautiful, but a dangerous glint shimmered in them.

Her little sense screamed for her to get away from him, while all she wanted to do was get closer...

He had this dangerous aura, but all she felt was a secure feeling. It seemed as though he was the danger it-self.

But she couldn't care less.

She subconsciously smiled at him gently. She stared directly into his eyes, losing herself in its depths and mysteries.

" Melanie, are you here?" a loud voice called out, ruining the fantasy for her.

As she came out of her own absurd thoughts she cursed herself, "Fu*k."

She got off him and smiled awkwardly at him and apologized quickly," I'm really sorry, I .. I ..... I " she stuttered for the first time in her life.

' Mel get a hold on yourself. You didn't even drool over the Male Adonis for goodness sake!!!. So embarrassing!!!' She flushed.

' But I don't blame you falling for the eyes!!!' her subconscious giggled.

" Melanie !!" the voice kept getting loud and anxious.

Mel turned away from the voice, smiling apologetically," I guess I've got to go now. I'm sorry for that again." she added pointed to his laptop which was on the ground, and his belongings totally scattered due to her embarrassing fall.

" Well, it's time to go, bye." saying that she hopped over the bush and ran away leaving the boy speechless, behind.

Slowing his lips curled upward and his cold eyes softened.


Brenden was busy working or rather- hacking, precisely, for his newly attained brother, Skyler White.

'With whom he still had a few problems with, except for the funding (> . - )'

Skyler was a gangster who had recently taken over Dagon Dagger Syndicate, which was started by Deetra Houston, Erick White's beloved wife. Brenden joined DD syn. when he was 14 years old.

After he was brought to the White mansion after 13years of his birth.

His birth was hidden as he was the child of James White, as James isn't yet married, the first son of Erick and Deetra.

When Erick had found out about Brenden he was furious that his grandchild had grown up away from his entire family with another family, as an orphan.

He had almost banished James for his behavior and lack of responsibility. He had immediately convinced the Heike family, who had taken care of Brenden for 13years, to take him back to the White mansion.

Brenden reluctantly left, but finally settled with the White family as he entered DD syn. - as a hacker.