Chapter 23: Shopping.

' Knew it! ' Lucas frowned.

' She is just with Brenden as an obligation not 'love' as she claimed it to be!!! But it's alright, as he doesn't have many days left now. ' he sighed and asked the ' deep in thought' Mel to continue.

" Umm... Ok. Bryan, Would you rather agree with one-sided love or a contract marriage?" she had really wanted to ask that for quite a time now.

" One-sided love," he said with a bitter smile and turned back to reading his book.

" Wow, never expected that answer from you, bro! " Lucas exclaimed and shook his head in disbelief.

" Bren, would you rather have your childhood or a true love? "

Brenden frowned at her question. ' What does she know about me to ask that? Does she think that I belong to the 'normal' lifestyle to even think of those things? Things like that do not belong in my dark life, sunshine, they don't!'

He chuckled darkly, scaring the wits out of Mel,' Fu*k if I knew that he would be this scary, I wouldn't have asked anything!!! *Wu...Wu...* '

" I don't want an answer, Brenden," she hastily added, before he could answer. " Answer it to yourself, that's enough."

As the air around them tensed everyone wanted to run away from him.

" Ok, enough of games today, go to sleep now. Good night." Lucas said freeing everyone from the invisible bound. They all looked at him thanking him gratefully, for his help, inwardly.


After everyone fell asleep under the starry sky. Brenden opened his eyes, wondering about the reason why he was still alive. He sighed and looked up at the sky.

The reason why he didn't answer Mel's question was that he thought that he didn't deserve any happiness.

' Yes, I don't not, for all that I have done and created! I'm called the Dark prince for a reason. I must not pull her into my world because of my selfishness. Yes, it makes up another reason for Brenden's death. '

He got off the ground and looked at the tiny girl sleeping, hugging her jacket. He smiled sub-consciously and put his jacket over her and covered her.

' Sleep well sunshine, never try to know what I am. I'm far too dangerous and dark for your world. And most importantly, I'm not Brenden.'


In the morning Mel woke up as Alex pulled something off her.

' What the ....' She blinked as it was too bright. As soon she could see clearly, Alex stood in front of her holding a jacket.

" Morning?" she blinked, being clueless,' What the hell' with the jacket?'

" Whose is this and why was it on you???" Alex interrogated, a frown wide and clear on her face.

" I don't know but I'm thankful to that person," Mel said smiling for an unknown reason. ' Hey! You don't need a reason to smile alright, you can do it when you feel like to! '

Alex smacked Mel on her head.

" Ahaa.. why would you do this?" Mel pouted rubbing her head. ' What? She had nothing to do with this jacket, ok??? ' * wu...wu...* Nobody believes her!!!'

When Alex was about to smack her for the second time Brenden and Lucas came around.

" Is it yours?" Alex asked, fury evident in her eyes. ' Why is this a*shole stalking her cousin??? '

Brenden answered lazily," She said that she was cold so, she snatched it from me."

Hearing his answer Mel thought about last night, all that she could remember was asking him some questions and then falling asleep. She did nothing the whole time!!!

Alex eyed him suspiciously and smacked Mel another time. Mel escaped and glared at Brenden.

" Just because you say that doesn't mean that I believe you. Stay away from her." Saying that, she left.

After she left Mel turned towards Brenden, glaring at him," Why did you lie?"

" Maybe because you needed to get punished." He shrugged and looked at Lucas. Who took that look as a cue to get lost and left.

" What??? should I receive smacking from Alex just for some 'stupid' question I asked you?" She frowned.

" Nope, it's not for that. I'm not that petty! ", he complained. " It's because you took my jacket yesterday. When someone puts something on you when you're asleep what do you do?" he asked expecting a good answer.

" Umm.. thank them for the jacket?" she asked doubting herself.

Brenden had the urge to smack her very badly now!!! If only she didn't look lost and cute!!!

" No, definitely not. You wake up and kick that person in his a*s!!! NOT! hug the damn jacket and fall back into your sleep! " he glared at her 'lightly'. " What if someone put a grenade into your hands while you sleep? Would you hug that too?"

Mel almost burst out laughing, ' What an imagination!!! Hats-off buddy! ',

coughing lightly she turned to him and asked," Why would anyone put a grenade into my hand, Bren?"

He flushed,' Hell with your training of not exposing yourself! ' hiding his disappointment with himself, he shrugged and left. ' I should definitely not be along with her * sigh * she surely knows to spread her influence of being open, without any secrets! '


Day 4, Paris trip:

Today was the day that the groups gathered their budgets from the organizers and shopped for the necessities. The sun was shining bright, dominating the sky. The clouds were white and fluffy in the blue background.

Brenden was dressed in his usual gray shirt, black jeans, tousled hair, and silver glasses.

Everyone else was in their casuals- a t-shirt and Steph and Scarlet were in their summer skirts.

All gathered together outside the banquet hall. There were spacious patios all around the resort for simple group games. These patios were appointed to each team.

Their patio was simple with a 5-seater and one love seat and two singular seaters.

Lucas and Mel sat in the 5-seater while our love birds cuddled in the love seat. Brenden and Alex occupied the single seats to sit near the table in between.

Scarlet and Bryan were volunteering to help the teachers hence, were absent.


11.00 am :

After much discussion, the team was provided with 600 Euros in total because they did not reveal what they planned to do at all.

" Whatever, I need you guys to be back from shopping before 8 in the evening. Don't go anywhere for fun! Strictly- no. I hope you can keep that in your minds." The teachers informed and left.

" Ok, done. Now, what's our plan?" Lucas rubbed his hands together eagerly.

" We- me and Brenden have decided to shop in 5 different stores. First, we all get to lane ###1 and shop what's required for our respective counter, and then after that store, we spilt up. Lucas and I go to lane ###3, Brenden and Alex to ###2 while, Hayden and Steph would be going to ###4. In the end we all reunite in lane ###5. That's our plans. " Mel showed them the map that Brenden had planned on the other day.

Brenden eyed Mel but spoke nothing more. Mel didn't dare to look up at him as everyone agreed to 'her' plan. She smiled and added," Well, Brenden had come up with it."

" No wonder it was flawless. I thought something had gotten wrong with your head for some time now." Alex said and Lucas nodded.

Mel : (x _ x)!!!


As planned they arrived at lane ###1 and continued with their shopping. They had to reduce some of the ingredients as they were planning to save some money from the budget for items, essentials which they might have skipped.

The kitchen had permitted them to borrow some vessels and spice, which really helped, with the lack of budget-situation and all.

'All thanks to Alex's and Lucas's flattering techniques. '


Then after a bulk order, they planned to get all the stuff they bought to be delivered to the location of the charity banquet directly, which was open for the next day.

" Ok, so we can have them deliver these to the banquet after we are sorted into our counter," Hayden said, as he knotted the last bag.

" Yeah, it's too bulky to hide it anywhere. It's better if we get them tomorrow." Alex agreed and others nodded.


After that store, everyone spilt into their respective lanes as per their assigned plan.

Lane ###2:

Alex and Brenden strolled around getting required items.

" What is the problem between Rochester and Melanie?" Brenden asked putting things into the trolley.

" She seemed quite worked-up the last time. "

Alex eyed him and sighed, ' No one can read his stone face, can they? Well, I'm in no place to complain. '

" Long story short, they were all good friends and Mel, she had a crush on him. Dian knew of this and she kinda left Mel for him, not because he wanted her to, but she made up things like that. Mel found out about that and well, you know her fury." Alex shrugged.

Brenden chuckled, ' To much anger in her tiny body, isn't it? '

" Yeah and here they are, filled with bad blood, friendship-forgotten, a stupid reason to be split apart. " She said searching for more things on her list.

" What did she do when she found out that he was a scum?" he couldn't help but ask .

' Well, even I am hiding from her. * sigh * Not that I have a choice, not to. '

" Nothing, just some self-ridicule, acceptance, and a lot of understanding. Surprisingly mature! " She said casually and turned around to face him. Her face serious and her eyes threatening him.

" You should probably stay away from her. She's too innocent for this cruel world."

Brenden smirked, challenging, " Stay away? I was never near."

She retorted with a similar smirk,

" Just like a devil, never near, but not too far! "