Chapter 24: Young master.

" Nice, what a bitter way to twist my words! I'm amazed. Well, regardless, as a payment for answering my questions satisfactorily I'll give you information. Do wait for it. " saying that, he left, leaving a dazed Alex behind.

' Information? What information? he could have given me some money you see'


Lane ###3: Mel and Lucas strolled around aimlessly!!!

Lucas had lost their items list, as a consequence, they had to buy the things from their memory.

" Pass that bottle," Lucas asked Mel, as he eyed another in the other row.

" Do you think I've got nothing better to do than help a spineless brat?" she snapped and continue with her shopping.


' What have I done except losing the list * wu..wu...* I'm the 'Venom' and here I am getting snapped by a child....' Lucas cried inwardly.

" Now get here!!! " Mel called sternly.

' wu...wu...' " Coming "


Lane ###4: Hayden and Steph strolled around the store looking for different flavors of donuts. They ordered everything and went to look for ice-cream, vanilla in specific.

" Hey, do you still remember that day?" Hayden asked and nudged her lightly, grinning.

Steph blushed and chuckled, ' How can she forget the day that both literally were almost near to losing their chastity!!! ',

" It was quite a night to forget babe."

He pulled he into his arms and nuzzled in the crook of her neck, whispering, " Yeah, quite a night. "


Lucas and Mel were walking out of the store when Lucas's wallet was picked. He immediately, as reflex, caught the guy's hand and twisted it, letting the wallet fall to the ground.

" Ahhaaaa... Leave me .... let me go... I'm sorry!" the man wailed, clenching in pain.

Mel frowned and looked at the terrifying Lucas, he seemed as though he was controlling an urge to snap that man's neck.

" Umm.. brother Lucas let's go. Here's your wallet, " she said picking it from where it fell earlier. " We must head back they might be waiting for us."

Lucas nodded slowly and let the man go, with a blow on his back.

" Ahaaa... "he wailed again, but he told a number instead of screaming this time, panting hard." 7801*huff*3592*huff*." and left.

" What was that? " Mel asked curiously.

" Curious? " Lucas smiled. " Don't be."

" Now do you want some ice cream? " he asked pointing towards an ice cream parlor.

Mel didn't let out her suspicion and grinned," Sure, if you're the one paying for it."


Lane ###5: Brenden and Alex had already reached, after a few minutes of waiting, Hayden and Steph joined them.

After waiting for almost 15 minutes, Alex grew impatient, surprisingly, as this included her cousin.

" Where do you think they are?"

Brenden frowned and dailed to Lucas. It kept on ringing but did not get through.

Then Alex called Mel and put it on speaker.

" Hello." she answered after a few rings.

" Where are you?" Alex asked.

" Still in lane ###3, Lucas encountered a small accident. He almost ... never mind will tell you when we get there, bye!" saying that she hung up.

" She sure knows to leave people hanging! " Alex frowned. It already was 7 pm and they had to be inside the resort by 8 pm.

Brenden sighed checking his watch, " Ok you guys continue shopping, there not much time left. I'll go find and get them. If we're late, you guys leave first. Alex inform teacher Wen, would you?"

Alex thought for some time and nodded. " As long as you're inside before 9 pm."

" I promise." he hailed for a cab and left.

" Then let's get this done with," Steph said going inside the store with the other two.


Meanwhile in lane ###3 :

Brenden was glaring at the two who were enjoying their ice cream without a care in the world.

" What do you think you two are doing here?" he asked from behind them, in an intimidating tone.

Mel and Lucas were startled to hear his voice, to the point where she stood up from her chair and Lucas fell off it!!!

" Hello Brenden, why are you here?" Mel asked smiling awkwardly.

" Well you're cousin there, was going berserk, that you were late. If she found that this," he gestured towards their ice cream cups," was the reason... I don't know what she's gonna do."

Lucas got up and straightened his clothes," I have something to attend to as, me! Bye, I'll see you guys later." saying that he pulled his jacket over himself and left.

Mel eyed him and looked at Brenden questioningly but shut her mouth.

" What do you want to ask?" he asked as he saw her questioning gaze.

" Nothing, you guys just seem so ... secretive. No, you are, secretive," she concluded.

" So, don't you have the instinct to run away from us?" he teased ignoring the fact that she was correct.

" I had it. You see, my instincts are rather strong. " she smiled and muttered, "What was the number the guy told him? Why was it for? Was the guy sent specifically to Lucas? I'm sure that it wasn't a coincidence or why did it seem like he pickpocketed the wallet only to distance Lucas from the crowd? Why? Maybe he wanted to give or invite him somewhere?"

Brenden was surprised at how she thought and ' if, they were away from her as she told, how could she hear them? '

" Did you eavesdrop on them? " He blurted out.

" Umm... I was just getting information. Nothing wrong." She retorted, puffing her cheeks.

" What was the number?"

" Umm.. 780... Wait why should I tell you, what if you told Lucas? He might hate me for that. " she panicked. ' Shit, why didn't I think about that? '

" Hey, calm down. I wouldn't tell him. Trust me ok?" He said patting her head, which reached exactly below his shoulder. " Even if you plan to kill me, I wouldn't tell anyone." He muttered.

" Well, it's because you'll be dead, genius!!! " she snapped, making him laugh-yet another first!


The number was an address to an old but well-maintained mansion.

Lucas frowned seeing the familiar mansion, totally secluded from the world.

He pressed the number told to him into the keypad and entered. Walking inside everyone greeted him graciously.

" Good evening, Young master Harrington. " The family butler of Harrington family greeted him and led him inside." Your grandfather awaits you."

Letting him inside a well-furnished study, the butler left.

" Nice way to invite a guest, grandfather. I'm definitely gonna kick their a*s someday, " he said, sitting down before a huge mahogany table behind which a dignified old man sat.

" Good evening to you to brat, you see I'm an old man now, with no playtime so, this was fun," he said sounding like a complaining child rather than a mature man. The dignified aura around him completely blanked out. " I just wanted to have dinner with you, come, all your favorites have been prepared."


Brenden received a call from Lucas saying that he'd be back tomorrow morning as his old man asked him to stay over.

" Lucas is staying at his grandfather's place. The man, earlier, was sent by him so don't worry. "he assured her.

" Wow, that was a fun invite. How cool! " she brightened up instantly.

' Isn't that creepy? How is it cool?' he thought but kept them to himself. 'Strange kid.'

" Do you want to go to the resort or if you want, I could take you somewhere," he suggested, checking the time on his watch. They still had enough time to go and be back before 9, as he had promised.

Mel loved surprise trips and unplanned stuff with some adventure.

" I would love to let you take me there. "

" Ok then, give me 5 minutes," he said and pulled out his mobile and walked to a safe distance.


" Zack."

" Yes?"

" I need the Paris' base garden cleaned and everyone to be out in 15 minutes. "

" Consider it done."


In 15 minutes they reached a secluded opening. A few trees scattered around it, in a random fashion. The evening hues in the sky held a mysterious aura.

" Here put it on," Brenden said, handing a piece of cloth to Mel.

" It's a blindfold," he explained as he saw her quizzical expression.

" Why should I put it on?" she asked him,

' Shit is he some kind of psychotic killer or something???' Her sub-conscious was shivering at the sight where Brenden stood with knives and guns.

" Don't have many thoughts about it. It's my boss's house and he expects some privacy. Nothing much, he's a private person." he said, himself being his own boss.

' Who the hell would build a house here? and most importantly, where is the house??? '


Meanwhile in the Resort :

Alex, Steph, and Hayden had done ordering the items and gave them the delivery address.

" Anyone hungry?" Hayden asked sadly holding his stomach.

Alex was a lot worried about Mel, the entire family had told her to protect that monkey!

' When will she ever grow up and take up her responsibilities? ' she sighed.

" I'm hungry if you're the one treating," she added as she heard Hayden.

" Ok, come on. It's on me tonight! " Steph said as she stood to pick her bag up.

Then the trio went to a well-known three-star restaurant, the only restaurant in the neighborhood with stars.

" Isn't it too costly here?" Alex asked self-cautious in her surroundings.

" I guess so too " Hayden shrugged and both followed Steph's lead.

" Ok, you guys can order anything you want. Go on." She said as they sat.

Alex and Hayden opened their menu and held comical expressions.

' Wait they had come here to eat, right? Not to buy some gold or diamond.

Then why the hell is it, this costly??? '