Chapter 48: Not violence.

Main White mansion, over the hills:

The sun was just about the set and it seemed to be sprouting shades of crimson, coral, and mulberry all across the sky. The birds retiring back to their nests, the fog beginning to creep into the forest...

Mel sat on the big French windows of her room and swung her legs.

She and Erick had left in the morning, to get here, to the main mansion, from the White mansion as the others had plans.

Mel wanted to roam around the Mansion and explore the huge Mansion, it was quite mysterious. Especially the sophisticated art and decoration around the Mansion was a bit spooky and large.

Mel was in a daze when there was a low knock on the door.

Mel turned back to look at Erick entering into her room and smile.

" I can show you around if you want. " He suggested and left.

She nodded excitedly and followed after him.


Mel stood in front of a huge wall painting or a huge portrait of a beautiful woman. She had dark hair, aged mostly in her late '20s, beautiful blue eyes and a charming but cunning smile on her face.

" This is Deetra, my wife. " Erick said as he saw her staring at the painting.

" She is beautiful. " Mel said without tearing her gaze away from the painting.

Then they moved to another wall which held different documents, framed and arranged.

" What is this? " She asked as she looked at one of them closely.

" Oh, that's my wedding docs and a few more of our, mine and Deetra's achievements. We had them put up right after we got the Mansion. " He smiled at the memory.

" We never had money when we had started, my parents died in an accident when I was in my teens. Ever since, I'd been alone if I hadn't met her. " he sighed, " Well, it's a long story. "

Mel grinned, " I have a lot of time to spare. "


Mel lay on her bed thinking about Erick's cute but tragic love story.

But on second thoughts, which story isn't tragic?

Erick roamed the streets searching for any place to work, anywhere to partch his thirst and hunger. He didn't even have some money on him. Until one day he collected a bit of money to study, from different jobs. Then, tragically he was attacked and the meager money he had, was snatched from him. That was the first he saw her... She saved him from the thugs and returned his money.

Wow, now the damsel in distress and knight in the shining armor have exchanged roles!

The days passed, the young man who tried his level best got successful with his career, he now owned the restaurant which he worked for. Every day that he entered that place he wanted to thank the girl who saved him. One day, coincidentally she and her friends had come to his restaurant. Then, days passed on and on as the coincidences got much too often that it embarrassed their fate.

At last, the girl proposed to him as he was useless in that aspect. They were happily married and he stayed oblivious to the fact that his wife was a syndicate owner!

And she left.

Until one day he found her covered in blood, a dagger in her hand, with murderous eyes. He never complained, mostly because he loved her and didn't want to lose her. A child behind her, almost looking like her peeked inside.

" Is that your child? " he asked when he found his lost voice.

The dark hall was dead silent... only the dripping noise was heard which he assumed was from the blood on her clothes.

" He's yours. " She said with a shaky voice and collapsed to the ground.

The days went by and the couple acted like that day wasn't a part of their life. They had another child. The days were too good to be true when her past caught up to her...

She was forced to assassinate a well-known figure, while she finished her mission, things went wrong and the person's condo suffered a major blast- consuming her, alone.

The days went dark for Erick, he started to only work and take care of his children, just believing that his wife, his Deetra would be alive and someday they would meet again...


Mel sighed, ' I can't even wait for food for a few hours while Erick is waiting for a dead wife to return to him, for decades now. Great! '

' I would rather look for a corpse than learn some patience. ' Her subconscious sneered.

Mel ignored her subconscious and thought of Deetra.

" Wait, what happened to the syndicate that she owned? She was a creepy person, the painting was proof, what was she like? " She thought out loud and ran to the window. The hills near the Mansion seemed well built than the usual. ' Why not find out? '


It was pitch dark as Mel opened her door to get out. She pulled out her phone to use the torch, as it was easy to put off.

Walking down the corridor she found a locked door. It instantly piqued her interest but she controlled it and went into an open room.

The room she had entered was huge and had a lot of books,

' Wait, I'm inside a library... This place has a LIBRARY? ' she looked at the faint light emanating from the 1st floor and she walked down the stairs, without making a noise.

Erick sat there with a few huge books, seemingly photo albums.

Mel thought for some time and decided to show up. " Hi " she called out, scaring Erick.

He jerked back and looked at her, " What are you doing here I didn't see you at the door, " he asked and smiled at her.

" Come sit, let me show you a few pictures if you're not sleepy. " he tapped at the chair beside him inviting her.

" Sure. "


DD syn. base, LA:

A group of 45 people were all ready for the end of the training. It was only for few weeks until they were released.They were the new set of trained variables to the DT. syn.

They were taught to just kill and to stay alive while doing so... The latest technology and a bit of hacking were taught for security purposes and to escape without leaving a trace. They were mainly taught to hunt down the criminals of the underworld. To protect the excess of problems and to keep the underworld and illegal handlings under their control.

They were even taught to help the cops and detectives, in disguise, of course.

Brenden glared at the stupid hacking test. " Seriously are you kidding me? "

Zack, who was seated beside him was wreaking his head to pass the first stage.

" What the hell is this, why is there no choice just to break the computer and burn the whole thing down? " he screamed, frustrated with the test.

Brenden looked at him in disbelief, " Well, that's a lot of violence. "

Zack chuckled, " What would you do instead? "

" I would probably hack into the person's database and make him lose his important files one by one right in front of his eye and he wouldn't be able to do anything... " Brenden smirked as usual.

Zack looked at him in a stupor, " That's perfect mental torture. "

Brenden shrugged, poker-faced, and reasoned out, " But it's not violence. "


Spenser had left for the trip along with his team of 7 boys. They bid their goodbyes to the family and left the White mansion as they had 2 more guys to pick.

" I'm free for 2 weeks, hooray! " Judith cheered and went into the garden, " I can finally spend some time with you guys. " she smiled at the plants.

" For a second I thought it was me... " Jeff sighed.

Skylar shrugged, " I thought you knew better than that. "

Jeff: "..."


In the Heike family house:

" So, you are my granddaughter's boyfriend? " Old lady Heike asked Hayden.

He gulped in his saliva and nodded, ' I guess so. '

" You want to take her on a vacation? "

" Yes ma'am, if I have your permission," he answered.

" Where do you work now or do you even work? " She asked pushing her glasses up to the brink of her brows.

" Yes ma'am, as an intern in the Heike industries," he said.

She tried her best to hate him but ended up liking him. He was a lot cheerful and lovable to hate, unlike people present in her house.

" Ok, I'll give you both 5 days from the morning, nothing more. " she agreed to it at last.

Hayden and Steph nodded, satisfied.

'Sometime together at last! '

Suddenly his phone rang, " What is it? " he snapped.

" I need you here in another ten minutes or you're fired! " a man barked over the phone and hung-up.

" Yes boss. " he frowned and his brows twitched.

' Why does it always happen to me? '


" Grandpa Rick, do you mind if I look around the mansion. I'm just curious and I like Deetra a lot because of your stories. " she smiled cheekily,

' I'm not good at getting on people's good terms am I? ' she thought as Erick frowned.

' Definitely not. But don't worry you sure know to make them hate you so much that they leave you alone for their inner-peace. ' her subconscious shrugged.

" You sure are a little curious, aren't you? " he said breaking her thoughts.

She looked at him, " Well, I just like Deetra and wanted to know more about her. If you don't want me to, I won't. " she said trying to please him with Deetra's name.' At least not with your permission. '

" I know what you're doing. " he sighed, " Ok, you can do it as long as you stay safe. You can ask me if you need anything. "

She looked away guiltily, " Well, can I get the key to the last room in this corridor? Please. " she pouted, trying to be cute.

Erick looked at her pleading face and had an urge to laugh. He chuckled and nodded.

" Sure, I don't see the reason to not hand them to you. "

Mel smiled, ' Well, I guess I can get into the closed room, after all. I wonder what I can find there. '

While Erick frowned, ' I just hope she's safe.What if she ended up getting into Deetra's traps? '