Chapter 49: DNA test.

Next morning, main White mansion:

Mel smiled as she found the matching key to the lock on the door from the bunch of keys that she held.

The door opened with a little creaking, seemed like it wasn't opened for a while. She entered and switched on the lights.

The room had many papers and designs drawn over it. Dresses and threads all over the room. In total, the room was a huge mess.

Mel looked around and found James's books and a few pictures. Looking around the bedroom she found a few designs from his fashion line. A few templates and sketches scattered all around.

The room was huge with a sitting area inside the room which looked more like a studio than a room and a bedroom connected to it.

Just looking around she stumbled across a huge wall covered with pictures. It was filled with pictures of a single woman.

The woman in the picture seemed strangely familiar to her.

She tried her best to remember but, she was surely a face-blind person.

' Same long hair, olive eyes... urgh, never mind. But, who is she and why is this room filled with her pictures? ' she wondered and looked around,

' Sh*t aren't I invading someone's private stuff here? Ok, I am. '

She got out of the room instantly and locked the room .

' But who was that woman? '


Hayden worked the whole night.

Greif and sorrow were too less as words to explain what he felt.

He had just convinced the most terrific and hostile person, just to let his effort go down the drain.

' * wu...wu...* What a fate! '

He sat there sadly tapping over the keys in his computer.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

" Come in," he said with his sorrow-filled voice.

" Go, have some time with your girl, I'll see your manager, " Old woman Heike smiled at him and patted his arm. " Go on, when my offer still stands. "

He felt a shiver run down his spine at her threat and ran out of the office to meet Steph.

" Did the old lady eat her favorite dish for breakfast today? Maybe! " he muttered and skipped his way out of the office.

' Now let's go spend sometime with my baby! '

Just then his phone rang, again.

" NO! I would never pick it up, never! " he screamed and threw his phone down.

" Why wouldn't you pick the call? I was luck to have spotted you. " Steph called out from behind.

" Ah, sorry I didn't see the ID. " he rubbed his neck awkwardly and smiled. " So, let's go to Alki, I've booked the resorts. "


Alki Beach, Seattle:

Scarlet walked along the edge of the Alki beach along with Skylar.

" How good would it be if I had shown up on the date instead of the ceremony? " she sighed.

Skylar smiled at her and pulled her into his embrace, " Nothing changes, we would still have to face the world. In that case we would've faced it earlier, now we are just a little late. "

She nodded and hugged him tighter.


Somewhere, nearby:

" Hey, it seems like Skylar isn't it? " Steph asked as she spotted two people.

Hayden frowned , " How do you know? "

She didn't smell the vinegar reeking from him and continued to get closer to them, " The silhouette seems similar. " she mumbled and pulled him along.

" How do you know that it's his silhouette? " he asked grumpily and looked at the girl in Skylar's arm. " What is Scarlet doing here? "

It was Steph's turn to reek like vinegar, " How do you know it's her? Wait- why is she hugging him? "

Hayden frowned, " Let's go find out. "


Main white mansion:

Mel roamed around the rooms one by one , not entering the rooms which belonged to someone.

Then she went into the 3rd floor, which Erick said that he had never been to, as he suffered some breathing problems due to the altitude.

The whole floor was dusty and abandoned.

She grinned at the possibilities that she could discover or she could get into trouble...

But, her curiosity got the best of her.

At the end of the abandoned corridor a huge locked door stood.

Mel frowned as none of the small keys would fit the lock. She looked around to find a key but it was for naught. She looked at the lock for some more time and saw that the lock was a lot rusted due to humidity.

" Bingo! " she exclaimed and went down stairs to get something.


Erick was listening to a beautiful piece of violin when a tiny figure barged in, scaring the violinist.

" Grandpa Rick, I need a baseball bat," she said and ran outside .

Erick looked confused , is she going to learn baseball?

" Get her a baseball bat, " he ordered and sighed, shaking his head, ' Anything as long as she is happy. '


Mel got a bottle of metal lubricant and the bat.

She poured the lubricant all over the lock and hit it a few times with the bat.

There was not a single difference in the lock.

" It should've worked by now. " she sighed and sat down near by the door.

" I let me take some rest " she murmured, laying her head back and suddenly the door creaked, it seemed like a clock work began.

Mel's eye widened and she moved back, as far as she had known all the thriller and horror movies had this piece.

' Sh*t, it's a trap!!! '


Skylar frowned as he felt someone's eye on them.

Just because he doesn't act serious and mighty doesn't mean that he isn't...

He let Scarlet out of his embrace and did a perfect side whip kick directly smashing into Hayden's face.

Hayden felt something harsh hit his face and he fell to the ground instantly, without any motion!

Steph screamed and ran over to help him, even Scarlet was quite startled to see Skylar do that.

He stood smiling awkwardly and scratching his neck. " Sorry bro, I didn't see that it was you. "

Scarlet glared at Skylar and smiled apologetically at Steph.

Steph aided Hayden and fell into peals of laughter.

She tried her best to not laugh at Hayden's luck lately, but it just seemed impossible. .

" So mean of you. " Hayden groaned grumpily and turned his face away from all of them.

" What are you two doing here, together? " Steph asked, a bit later.

" Nothing we just met here " , " I just came to drop her/him. " both of them answered together.

" Well thanks, that really answers my question," Steph replied and looked at them doubtfully.

" What's the question? " Skylar asked as he knew that they just told her the truth in the wrist way possible.

" You two are dating or you are trying to be far from each other for Brenden, isn't it? " she asked, calmly not waiting for an answer.

" No, it isn't like..." Scarlet was cut mid-sentence by Skylar.

" Yes , but he knows of it," he said and went to get some refreshments.

" He knows? " Scarlet was petrified

" Woah, now that's a wonderful love triangle, don't you think? " Steph asked Hayden, wide-eyed.

Hayden who was grumpy a while ago was serious and dead silent, ' If Brenden has nothing to say, it must be because it isn't the right time or... he just doesn't care at all.'


LA, DT syn. base:

Brenden was quite bored doing the useless tests and fighting to kill, along with his army of 15 guys- whom he rarely used...

The last time he had used them was when he had to find Patrick Lambert for Mel.

But ended up finding all the as*holes who tried to leech off his work and the documents, which he had given to Mel, filially.

' Yeah, Alex! ' he sighed, he had really forgotten about his promise to her.

" Ok, let's go fulfill it. "


2 am, Seattle:

Alex was busy trying to find more about her dead cousin. Whom Juliet claimed to be alive of and along with the White family.

She couldn't understand why Mel wouldn't contact her, maybe she lost contact... But wasn't the family powerful enough to find out about her whole history?

She sighed and leaned back on her chair when a message popped up in her email.

She frowned as she didn't recognize the sender.

She opened the file and recognized the culprit- Brenden White!

The promise, wait, White family- Mel!!!

" How's Mel, is she alive? " she asked immediately but there was no reply.

It just said that the email doesn't exist...

" F*CK! ", she snapped and banged at the table.

She calmed down and opened the email.

' Don't try to email me again, this account doesn't exist and Mel is alive and quite angry as your grandparents sold her off to the White family.

Well, hear the story from them by yourself and this is for fulfilling the promise which I had made to you.

Get a hold on yourself and decide, whether you can believe the contents or not, it's wholly up to you. '

She sighed as she read it and stared at the attachment for a while.

" Ok, here it goes," she muttered as she opened the attachment.

The files opened and all it showed was a simple document.

A DNA test, to be specific.

Between a child and her father- A paternity DNA test.

Probability 25 percent only.

She was quite confused at the DNA test, but whom was it between?

Father- Mr. Scott

Child- Ms. Alexandra Scott

What's wrong with that?

The picture in the attachments, a born-girl child and a man, holding the child and his eyes filled with tears and a bitter smile on his lip.

" Who is he? He is definitely not my dad! "