Chapter 54: Tantrums and drama.

The lights lit back up in the club. The entire group of people dancing downstairs cheered and howled up again with their bass.

Mel looked around everywhere but she couldn't find her Mr. Terror.

" Mr. Terror, where the hell are you? " she screamed, as she called out for him.

" Are you searching for someone? " Brenden asked, climbing up the stairs.

Mel turned around and found Brenden carrying a set of clothes and some ice-cream for her.

She frowned, ' Why am I so confused and hurt? Why would I even kiss him back when I push Bren, whom I know really well, away? What is wrong with me? '


Somewhere far away in a distinct office, underground:

" I heard that the girl is going to London for her study courses, is that true? " an old lady's stern voice rang.

" Yes ma'am, it is. It seems like she tried to kiss young master earlier last year. And they are spending their time together since. " the man replied, bowing down to her.

" Oh, you mean they are together now? " She chuckled deviously, " First she gets into the white family for no reason. Which orphan would be so very lucky to get into a prestigious family for no reason at all? And now she targets the heirs. Wonderful! " she exclaimed deep in thoughts.

" I couldn't watch over her as she entered the Old White mansion. But the moment she steps out, I'll be a loyal hawk as always ma'am. " he bowed.

She smirked, " I know that you were not able to get information about her in the mansion but, are you sure that your loyalty remains true only to me? "

He felt cold sweat all over himself, " I am sure ma'am. "

She nodded as though she was considering his words and with a swift movement, she slit his throat with a carbon-black dagger.

" I'm not. "


Mel and Brenden got into the mansion before dawn.

" Did you like it? " He asked as he dropped her in front of her room.

She smiled, honestly, " It was one of the best hours in my entire life, thank you, Bren. "

He nodded and left without a word.

She frowned, ' Did something happen to him again? Why isn't he talking to me? Did he see Mr. Terror? '


Skylar and his group of friends returned from their trip that day. Mel and Skylar being the generous elder siblings, that they were, went together to pick them up.

" So, when are you gonna tell him that you like him? " he asked as he saw her in her own thoughts.

She shrugged and sighed, " Maybe when I get a sister-in-law, perhaps."

He gave her a bleak look and sighed, " I was just trying to help and you being this sarcastic isn't helping. "

She looked at him apologetically and smiled sarcastically, " Thank you, 'brother'. Thanks."

He nodded smiling back at her, " So when are you leaving? "

" 2 days from now. I'll leave after Spencer's grand and royal birthday or he would really start to hate me. " she shook her head in total denial.

He chuckled, " Well, that he would, do you know that Julliet, that blonde that he liked, left? "

She looked at him seriously, " Left? "

' Did the family move too? What about Alex? ' she frowned, ' No! '

' Why are you so bothered when you think that she betrayed you? Why bother? ' her unconscious sneered.

" They went to..." he was cut mid-sentence by her.

" It's ok, I don't really care. " she shrugged and smiled, reluctantly, " So, how is Scarlet doing? It's been months that I met her."

He noticed the change but didn't care much as she asked about Scarlet.

' I wonder what's wrong? '

" Scarlet is quite occupied with her merging in the fashion industry. She's trying to design and get into that field," he said.

" Nice, what about you then? " she asked, trying to keep him occupied.

" Well, I guess it was fixed way before I was born. I'm handling the conglo. Let's wait and watch. " he shrugged.

" I didn't ask what you have to become but, what you wanted to do, Skylar. " She said softly, stressing on the difference.

He sighed, " Maybe branch out in the entertainment field. I know it's totally of context but, I would love to do that."

She chuckled, " That's nice. To be on top of the food chain in the industry, isn't it? " meaning his connection with the underworld.

He let out a burst of laughter, " Yeah, you're right. It is an industry that gives you life or snatches it away in mere seconds. And of course, it feels great to be at the top of the food chain. "

She laughed along as they discussed more entertainment industry and the weird food chain entangled in it.

" I wonder what's holding you back? I mean, you like the industry, you have enough money or even more from your other, I don't know... work? So, why not go for it? " she asked after some time.

He chuckled, " It's complicated. "

" Well, I guess my life is way too easy. " she snapped and realized what she had done, " I'm sorry that was not supposed to be like that, I meant..."

" It's okay, don't bother. I meant that the high fu*king society is a lot complicated, twinned with a lot of politics. It's like- the people with more money tend to make everyone fear them. It always get's a person's hand dirty. " He sighed, " Well, you see my uncle, James, right? He is a first born too. He was kicked out of society as soon as he pursued his life, rather than to get his hands dirty. Erick and Jeff couldn't do anything. At most, all they could do was to help him accomplish his dream, that they did. "

" The White Fashion line. " She sighed, understanding. ' But who was the woman in his room? The picture... only of her. Technically I shouldn't be bothered but, I can't help but be a little curious. '

" We're here. " He said as he parked the car

' No wonder you get into troubles so easily. Fu*k your curiosity! ' her subconscious sneered.

Mel ignored her as usual and asked, " Do you know who Brenden's mother is? "

He looked at her and frowned, " Don't ever speak of her, not to James, not to Brenden, not even to Erick. Trust me, it isn't a good topic. "

She nodded, aimlessly. He smiled assuring her and sighed.

" Now, where were we, ah yes, the food chain. "


The old White mansion:

Mel and the boys returned home.

The entirely noisy people came to an alt as the mansion seemed, too quiet and creepy, of course.

The evening dark sky didn't help much, either.

" I guess me and my boys will just wait in the gazebo by the garden, " Spencer suggested and pulled his gang of boys away. " Sightseeing anyone? "

" I don't have a good feeling about this. " Skylar said from behind Mel.

She nodded, agreeing with him, " Can we escape? "

He smiled graciously, " Of course. Just wait here, I'll go get my beasty. " Saying that he ran into the garage.

Mel frowned, ' I clearly shouldn't listen to their arguments. I'm literally a nobody there. And who the hell is beasty? '

Suddenly she heard something stattering and screaming from inside the hall.

She thought for sometime and walked in.

' I just want to make sure that Bren is safe. '



Erick sat watching his son throw tantrums all over and over again, as always.

" You, yes, you are my greatest mistake! And by greatest I mean the largest that had ruin of my life!!! " James screamed at Brenden, who sat emotion-less.

It was like he wasn't bothered at all or he never wanted it to show. If it was the latter, he definitely succeded.

" Enough, James. I mean it, enough. " Erick glared warning his son. " It's time the kids returned, stop with your tantrums. I'm done with your drama. "

He chuckled, " Tantrums, drama, well go on father, call it what ever you want. But do you know what I call this- grief, it's my grief, my sorrow, my greatest regret! " he screamed and threw the antique vase, placed near-by him, down.

" That was Mel's favourite, " Erick frowned, ignoring his middle-aged son who was throwing tantrums like a teenager on steroids. ' The teenagers in this household behave a bit more mature. ' he sighed.

James frowned, " Yes, it is recently her. It's her who has ruined him, she will soon enough ruin this entire family. She has already killed her parents, the family whom she knew, disowned her, guess what's left in her life now? " he taunted Brenden.

" Shut up, James. " He growled through his teeth, his fists clenched.

" Oh trust me, she will bring you nothing but ruins by herself. " he screamed, ignoring Brenden's words.

" I said enough! " Erick said sternly, standing up. ' He's going over board, now! '

" What? Did I say something wrong? " He retorted, chuckling. " About that sl*t? "

Suddenly a soft voice echoed in the corridor,

" No wonder that woman left you. " Mel sneered, sarcastically.

" She would've had enough. "

Breden and Erick looked up at her.

James glared at Mel and threw the tea cup which was nearest to him, at her.

Mel froze has she saw the cup thrown at her when she felt a push and the cup smashed away from her.

" I guess I told you to wait for me, outside. " Skylar stressed as he helped her gain her balance.

" That doesn't change any fact that she is totally a curse, for her parents, family and now, her new foster family. " James chimed in again.

" Oh, go on, help her all you want, she is nothing without you guys. Specially you. " He pointed at Brenden.

" She is a murderer!!! "

" Who definitely deserves to die! "

" What makes you think that she isn't gonna bring one of you to ruins? "