Chapter 55: I miss her...

" I said you to shut the fu*k up, James. " Brenden yelled and pulled Mel towards him, away from James.

" I expect respect, you bloody bastard! " He screamed back.

" Skylar, take Erick and Mel outside for me. " Brenden said apologetically.

Skylar frowned and nodded, just then James laughed, loudly.

" I wouldn't do that, let the selfish bit*h hear much more about herself first," he said, still chuckling.

" That's enough, James. Get her out of here, Skylar, now. " Erick called out for the butler, to send him out.

" Oh, seems like you really don't know your own grandson, Skylar's hobbies. Do you? " He asked Erick. Skylar grimaced and glared at James.

" He owns a syndicate, for a hobby... " James chuckled as Skylar punched him right after. "What a simple one! "

Erick frowned, " Tell me new news, it seems like your alot outdated than I am. " he snapped and walked to Mel, " Come let's get you out. "

She nodded and looked at Brenden who held her hand tightly.

He sighed and let go as a few guards and the butler got in.

" I'll never forgive what you did to him bit*h, never. "James screamed as they left him alone with the guards and the butler.

" I will never!!! "


Night fell, Judith and Jeff got to the old mansion to celebrate Spencer's birthday and decided to arrange a party in the morning which continued to the late evening.

The party had already started in the garden outside.

It was quite warm and cozy as there were only a few friends and the family this time for Spencer's party.

" The Linale's and the Heike's arrive in the morning tomorrow. " Judith said as she chatted along with the small crowd of boys.

Jeff nodded and smiled at her, serving the dishes.

" It was the best holiday I've ever had! " Spencer exclaimed.

" Mine too."

" Count me in."

" +1 "

The boys chimed in.

They all played some weird games, as usual, spoke about all the fun they had during their trips.

They even told the others about their embarrassing moments and laughed along.

Judith and Jeff were quite into their own world, talking and giggling, maybe teasing each other.

All others were happy, unlike three people or rather that they were quite different...

Mel sat along with Brenden and Skylar. All the three faces, blank and expressionless.

" Do you think Erick already knew about it? " Skylar asked, nudging Mel.

She sighed, " I do, it belonged to his wife, afterall. But he seemed surprised to hear it. " she added, comforting him.

" I bet he was surprised even if he knew, he would've expected the lie. " Brenden said thoughtfully.

And all the three sighed deeply, together.

" I miss Alex. " She blurted out and realized what she told, " Never mind."

" I miss Alex, too. " Brenden nodded agreeing, ' It's time I send her the last e-mail. '

" I miss her too, " Skylar nodded nonchalantly and frowned,

" Wait- Who is Alex? "


Mel went into her room before the party ended, she couldn't handle the laughter, happiness, and joy which surrounded the garden.

She really couldn't keep her facade up for long as Skylar and to Brenden... it was just his normal expression.

" I'm so sorry Alex, I really am. " She sighed and accepted that she really couldn't get herself to hate her. No matter what that family betrayed her, Alex was just a 17 year old, what could she have done?

" I really am. " she frowned.

All my tears have dried up, there's nothing more left. All the dreams, the expectations, the weird pressure which really told me to stay calm- all gone. So, to let the by-gone's be by-gone, I'll rise.

I'll rise to show that I'm worthy, to show that I'm more than an orphan, to prove that my parents' death has got nothing to do with me.

What did he call me, right, a selfish bit*h, I'll show him what a selfish bit*h can be.

" I'll make you regret that you ever challenged me, James White. One day! "


Brenden walked into James's room.

" As expected you're wide awake. Is it from your guilt consciousness or just basic fear? " he sneered as he saw his dad, James designing a new line of dresses.

James glared at Brenden, " For how long are you gonna threaten me with my family? I thought we could really bond when you approached me the first time, in the Heike family house. It all was really good when you didn't show me your real face. "

Brenden chuckled, " Trust me, I never really did. " metaphorically meaning the 'nanobit mask

' he usually wore.

James frowned, " Why are you doing this? Why do you have to give me the lines to go throw a tantrum and the horrible drama? What did I do wrong to you? I don't want to be the family lunatic! "

Brenden couldn't help but let out a roar of laughter, " What makes you think that it's your choice to make? " he snapped and got back to his neutral and scary self,

"What did you do wrong to me? I was made to suffer even before I was born. I wasn't even supposed to be born... I had a mother only until I was 3 years old and guess what, she never really bothered about me. It was like I never really existed for her. I got lost and the so-called 'mother' never came for me. All she knew was 'her' family. "

He chuckled, " And my father, after 13 years, he comes into my life and expects an exemplary relationship. Father and son, all cuddles and hearts but all that he got was a fatal threat, to him and 'his' family. Poor you. "

James scowled, " You're not my son. "

" I agree and technically, you didn't even raise me. Neither do I need a father. " Brenden shrugged nonchalantly.

Suddenly Brenden's phone rang.

He smirked at the caller and put the phone on speaker.

" Yes, Knight," he answered.

Zack frowned as Brenden used his code name, ' Ok, then I guess someone is present there with him.'

" It's done," he called out.

" Very well, " Brenden hung up and looked straight up at James.

" Now, let's talk about the extra dialogues that you added in my script, shall we? "


Somewhere in a faraway office, underground:

" What's the news about? " an old lady asked.

" There's news that young master has kidnapped his half-siblings, ma'am. " a new replacement said, bowing to her.

She looked up in surprise but her face held no expression at all, " He did? Why? "

" It seemed like James White spoke out of what the script held, ma'am," he answered, monotonously.

" It's been years and that boy still uses the script? " she chuckled, " So, what is it about? Isn't it the first time that he went out of line, was it that worst? "

" Yes ma'am. But, it is the second time. The first was the unruly engagement which the young master was forced to abide. This one seemed like James White spoke unrulily against Mel White, which angered the young master. " he explained.

" Her, again? Why do I hear so often about her? " She sighed, " I need you to finish her. I'm sick and tired of her. "

" Yes ma'am." he bowed.

" It needs to be tomorrow or you know that there's no tomorrow for you," she warned.

"Certainly ma'am. "


The party ended a little later, after Mel and Brenden had left.

Skylar found his way to Erick's study. He stood in front of the door without knocking.

" Come in, Skylar. " Erick called out to him, surprising Skylar.

" How did you...Wow! " Skylar stuttered into his office.

" I have a camera placed there, brat. Is there something that you want? " he asked.

" I'm sorry. " Skylar sighed and frowned, " I should've let you know. "

Erick stood up and got to him and patted his shoulder, " Don't worry we've all been there. I understand. "

Skylar frowned even more, " What do you mean? "

" Do you really think that Deetra and I had a beautiful- a knight with shiny armor story? " he chuckled. " Those were days when I had to eat or be eaten, struggles, various kinds, I really can't point at now. I was shot one day. I really thought that I'd be eaten but she saved me. "

Skylar rolled his eyes as Erick flushed at the thought, " She never asked me anything about how I got it and neither did I ask about her wounds. We made each other a haven for us. "

" You know I didn't even know that she was pregnant with your uncle while she left me, once. " Erick shared, looking at the huge portrait of Deetra's hanging in his study.

Skylar frowned, " I'm really not into love stories right now, old man. Find Mel to tell your old cr*p. I'll pass, good night. " he walked away.

Erick glared at his back and sneered, " I heard you like guns. "

" Do you have a problem with it? " Skylar snapped.

" Well, I also heard that you don't use it, you know for its real purpose. " he shrugged.

Skylar growled, " I do use it... well, I don't, but never mind! " muttering that he walked out.

Erick chuckled and sighed, his grandson is such a fool.

" Then, what does Brenden do? "

He picked his phone. He had to have a nice chat with his dead wife's best friend.

" Old lady Heike, how are you? "

" Yes, did you find anything about my grandson, Brenden? "