Chapter 56: Hustle.

" Now, let's talk about the extra dialogues that you added in my script, shall we? " Brenden's eerie voice echoed in the room.

James shivered involuntarily, " I just told what I felt and it is the truth, isn't it? Why do you support her so much? What does she mean to you? " he retorted.

Brenden chuckled darkly ignoring his questions, " I wonder whether you would continue to talk exactly the same way when you see your children, my half-siblings all tied up and covered in blood. "

James's harsh facade broke and his vulnerable state, his pain was clearly visible in his face, " What did you do to them? "

" Well, nothing much. It seemed as though your daughter gave my guys a bit of struggle but your son was a coward, hiding behind her. What an irony, isn't it. Like father, like son. I'm really glad that I'm not like you. " Brenden looked at his dad with mirth in his eyes. " Must've been my mother's gene. "

" Why, why are you doing this to me? " James wailed as he saw the video of his children tied and beaten through-out.

" First, I was never a good person, nor do I intend to be one." Brenden shrugged and narrowed his eyes as he emphasized his second point, " And the second, your safe until and unless you touch my bottom line, my princess... So, stay the hell away from her! "


Old White mansion, morning:

The maids and butlers were busy preparing for the third young master's birthday celebration.

Judith was busy arranging and supervising the party.

The day was bright and lovely, as though the great mess caused yesternight never had happened at all...

Mel was busy packing some more of her stuff to leave the next day. She was determined to make James regret his words.

Suddenly, there was a low knock on her door and Skylar got in.

" Morning. " he smiled, his usual charming smile. He was dressed in a dark blue tux paired with dark overalls.

" Spencer's party started already? " she frowned and looked down at her PJ's. " I'll take a minute. "

" Nope, take your time. I just came to tell you that, Erick already knew. He just wanted to hear the lies, just like Brenden told... " he shrugged.

She smiled, being happy for him, " I knew it. Do you really think that Erick didn't know that Deetra was an assassin? "

He shook his head, " Well, Erick, he himself was one so, I doubt that. "

She looked at him surprised, " What? I never expected that. "

He chuckled, " I will never hide it from my friend, not anymore. You're the only one I can really open up to. You know most of my secrets too. " he sighed.

She ran up and hugged him, " I agree. I'm glad to have a friendly brother. "

He smiled at her caringly, " What are those? " he asked as he saw pictures with few familiar faces on her desk.

" Oh, those are my father's files. " she shrugged. " Do you mind telling me about them or who they are? "

He frowned, " Now, why would I do that? " he challenged.

She grinned and shrugged, " Well, I guess only Erick is fine with your 'simple' hobby, and I have a sister-in-law to tend to. "

He glared at her as she threatened him with Scarlet, " Ok, fine, what do you want to know? "


The hall filled up with all the elite guests and the indistinct chatter echoed around the place.

The entire decoration was done with sunflowers and carnations. The yellow and white of the flowers gave a pleasant and cheerful ambiance and besieged the environment.

" I'm glad that you all were able to attend my humble birthday party. I thank you, for all the gifts I've received from your goodwill and graciousness. " Spencer smiled, charmingly at the crowd, " Today I present a toast to my mother and father, for all the things that they've offered to me. "

The entire crowd put up their champagne glasses, " For all the things they've offered you. "


The afternoon went well, surprisingly...

Mel was happy with her flavored soda and a few doughnuts, the problem raised when the soda got over... She frowned as she realized that she had finished it.

" I'll go get some soda for myself," she said to Skylar, who sat beside her.

" Do you want me to come along? " he asked, concerned.

" Nah, I'll manage. " she called out and went away teasing him, " Continue with your- sightseeing Scarlet scheme. "

He sighed and hid his flushed face.

' I really doubt if this girl is 3 years younger than me! '


Mel walked to the counter and waited for her drink. Her gut feeling was all over the place all of a sudden, something seemed fishy with the waiter. She frowned, suddenly someone called for her, distracting her.

"Ms. White, Mr. White requires your presence in his study. " a maid called out.

" Here's your drink ma'am. " the waiter served, mirth in his eyes as he thought of how she would die.

She picked up the glass, ignoring her intuition, and walked away.

" Grandpa Rick called for me? " she asked.

" No ma'am, it's Mr. James White. "


Mel walked towards the study when a guy barged into her in a hustle. The glass in her hand hit the wall and shattered to pieces, spilling the drink on a near-by vase.

She frowned at his apology and left, ignoring the incident, she had more pressing issues in her hand, to care for broken glass.

When she worried about her situation, she failed to notice that the bright flowers in the vase were now dried, more like they were burnt...


Mel knocked at James' study and went in.

" What displeasure, having you here Ms.Lambert. " James greeted with a sadistic smile.

He looked totally lost and hurt beyond repair.

She chuckled ignoring his face, " Well, it's not like I invited myself into your study so, I think we share the same distaste, more or less. " she retorted, sarcastically.

" Do you know why you're here today? " he asked, ignoring her.

" It's not like you've told me," she snapped, uninterested.

He took in a deep breath and sighed, " I don't see why Brenden wants to protect a disrespectful, irritating, annoying bastard like you. " he blurted out in the nick of the moment.

She scoffed, unfazed with his words, " Look who's speaking of disrespect when you couldn't even be manly enough, to protect your son. Irritating, annoying? At least I'm not a coward who acts all goody-goody while being an a*s. And, you of all people, have no right to talk of being a bastard, as you might rule a kingdom of them. " she snapped, harsh and rude. All the points to pull a nerve of his.

He sat, baffled that this tiny girl could speak, actually speak her mind out.

" That doesn't do anything. Whatsoever happens, you're never gonna get to be with my son," he spoke and pulled out a few papers and put them on the desk in front of Mel.

" What's this? " she asked, pissed with his shameless authority.

" An engagement request, your engagement request. " he sneered.

She frowned and looked at him, " Do you have some weird obsession with getting people engaged. Do you run a matrimonial site? I know that your life is totally f*cked up but to literally, destroy the others, your own son, you're purely sadistic... " she said.

He got furious at her utter disrespect and disgust towards him. He banged the enormous table in front of him and screamed, " I will not accept you as my daughter just because my father adopted you. "

She shrugged, chuckling, " I never asked you to, nor do I require a psychopath as my father. Thank you. "

" Young lady, you have two choices, one you get engaged or you stay away from Brenden. If you don't, I will make you, " he threatened.

" And why should I do that? " she snapped. " Do you really think that you can get me into your control, if so, keep dreaming! "

" Do you really think that Brenden favors you because of who you are or because of whom you portray yourself to be? " he asked.

She stood quiet, for the first time since her entry. Reason- she didn't know.

She really didn't know whether she was herself with him or she just portrayed herself like that.

The only person who had seen her in her vulnerability, her lowest point, from the start was only Mr. Terror, her Mr. Terror... He was the only person who knew the real her and the only person who made her feel safe, after Brenden, but safe.

" Why do you think would I care if he favors me or any other? " she asked, " I was really confused earlier so, I must thank your base-less nuisance, to have cleared that out for me. Thank you. " and bowed a bit gratefully.

" So what are you gonna do? Get engaged or leave his life? " he asked, as he couldn't understand why she acted so weird, how could his son really like her, HER of all people?

" What do you mean by leave? " she asked, confused with his behavior change, " And what's with the politeness all of a sudden? "

" I... Things are complicated. " he sighed.

" So, who is that woman, in the picture. And why the hell would you put them all around your room, that's so sick! " she exclaimed and looked at the papers placed on the desk.

He frowned, " How do you know that her picture is placed all around my room, unless- " he thought out loud.

Mel suddenly screamed at him interrupting him, " Are you crazy? Why the hell would you book me a ticket? I'm not going! "

" Trust me, you're going or getting engaged whether you like it or not," he smirked.

" Well, I can't trust a man who wouldn't trust in himself, " she sneered, " And what makes you think that I would leave? "

" What about the fact that you disrespected Old lady Heike or you bad-mouthed Mr. Erick White or you did something to Mr. Rumashter. " he shrugged.

" What the f*ck? And who the hell is that Mr. Ruma- something? " she looked at him in disbelief.

" You might be brave but don't forget that that's the only thing that you have. " he snapped.

" What if I say that I wouldn't get engaged? And to whom is this thing arranged with?" she asked, curious of the other unlucky fellow being tied down.

" It's Adrian Smith, the son of the L.A. publication house. "