Chapter 57: Kept in oblivion.

The party continued downstairs, all of them oblivious of the massive changes which might occur in the not-so-far future...

Brenden roamed around with Scarlet. Both maintaining their distance from each other but, not so far apart that could instill doubt.

" I'll give you your freedom today, thank you for all these years," he spoke first.

She looked up at him baffled, " You know that this engagement is related to your safety for the inheritance, don't you? "

He chuckled humorously, " If that's what you think. I had promised you your freedom the day we got engaged and I'm gonna fulfill it, no matter the price. Cross my fingers it goes on well. "

She took in a deep breath and nodded, " If you're ready to break it, I'll help. " she offered.

" Yeah, I really need your help. A help only you can offer," he smirked devilishly.

" What's that? " she asked frowning.

" Playing a victim. "


The party went on when suddenly, the silent Brenden proposed for a toast.

" Today I propose a toast to a lovely lady, a good friend whom I consider as a good and righteous as a sister, " He raised his glass towards Scarlet, confusing the entire crowd. " Scarlet Linale. "

The entire crowd was baffled, Skylar himself was shocked by how the events turned out...

" What do you mean by that, Brenden? " Scarlet asked, helping him dutifully.

" Don't stop me, Scarlet. It's time that we end this, pathetic and sick relation between us. I just wish that we end on good terms. " he explained, playing his part well.

His face remained devoid of any expression.m, except for a short smile.

The whispers spread to the entire hall... to the rich and high society gossip club!

" What do you mean young man? " Mr. Linale roared.

Brenden smirked, ' It's time. '

He bowed, deeply, as in regret, " I just wanted to say that I'm sorry and she deserves more than a person who likes another girl, sir. "

Gasps filled the air...

" What? " Scarlet chimed in, a tear dropped from her eye. " How could you? "

' An Oscar for Scarlet! '

" I'm so sorry. Don't ask me anything more. I'm leaving and I will never return, only for you Scarlet. And for what I've done you wrong, I apologize. And I forgive you even if you say something later on... " he said, nodded to the elite families for the last time as a goodbye and left.

Scarlet frowned, " What did he mean? Why? Is it really because of me? "

" Don't worry, I'll always be there for you. " Skylar said putting a hand on her shoulder, comforting her.

She thought for some time and smiled slyly, " Thank you Brenden... " she whispered and sighed.

Skylar looked at her baffled at the sudden change. ' Wasn't she supposed to be sad that that guy left her and liked another girl? '

" So, what if he had left you so, what if he liked another girl? You can get engaged to his brother, Skylar White, for revenge. "A man chimed in- totally unwanted!

" Yes, I agree. " Judith chimed in and the entire high society followed her. At last, she gets the girl!!!

' I mean, my son gets the girl...


" Yes, yes you definitely should... "


Meanwhile, Mel got out of the study, frowning.

She really didn't want to leave and definitely not tonight...

' I hate this fu*king bastard! ' she cursed internally and screamed out of frustration and walked to her room.

" I'm sorry James, but I had to do this," she muttered as she pulled out her old phone, the one she had earlier before her life got messed up, and saved the recorded audio.

She pulled out a few letters which she had written for a few selective people and put them into their envelopes.

She sighed looking up at her ' blue haven '

" I'm gonna miss you, buddy. Thanks for putting up with my sh*t. "

She pulled out her packed luggage and took out her phone to search for the number saved by someone great, in times for her need!

" Amory, could you do just drop me at the airport, please? " she asked, totally exhausted with her entire life.

Amory chuckled sarcastically, " What? " she asked, amused by the way Mel asked her a favor, " Is that you, asking me a favor, by any chance? So soon, already? "

" Yes, and could you do it discreetly for once, please? I really need to leave and I wouldn't be able to if Bren finds out, " she explained hurriedly, ' I'm taking my only chance with Amory. I can't get to face her wrath of ' you hurt Brenden crap ' this way! '

Her subconscious looked at her with amazement, ' Tell me who told you this idea, there's no way you came up with that on your own... '

Mel frowned, she needed nobody extra, to put her down, when she had her own subconscious!

" And why do you think I would agree to do so? The number was given for emergencies only, " Amory's voice brought her back.

Mel was done with the stupid cross-talk. She had a limited amount of patience and the limit didn't last very long...

" Do you want me to stay away from Brenden or not? "


Skylar was quite happy with his 'fiance' Scarlet when he noticed Mel's absence in the hall.

" Wait for me, I'll be back in a moment. " Scarlet said with her happiest smile and left.

He nodded but frowned and pulled out his phone, " Ryder check out for Mel, please."

After looking around the hall for a while longer he couldn't help but conclude that she went missing, right after she met with James...

" Oh no, she didn't ask him anything like she did to me, did she? " he muttered and left to find her.

He walked into the mansion searching for her when he saw someone near burnt flowers and shattered glass.

" Do you need some help? " he asked, being a polite host.

The guy turned and was horrified to find a familiar face. Skylar's eyes widened along, as he recognized him...

" Raziel? What are you doing here? " he asked, seeing the Alpha who Amory keeps searching for.

He smiled charmingly and put a flower petal into his pocket.

" Do I know you? " he asked, mockingly.

" Why are you here? Whom are you here for, Alpha? " Skylar sneered, holding onto his collar.

" Trust me, I wouldn't do that to my guests. And I presume you wouldn't like it if your fiance or to say her dad, would let you go after he finds out about this... much less get her engaged." He jerked Skylar's hands off his shirt and touched a few pressure points of Skylar behind his ear.

His body fell limply to the floor. Raziel smirked, " People maintain distance from me for a reason. "

A polite smile instantly lined his face as he moved away from Skylar's fainted body.

He corrected his handmade suit and walked out like nothing ever happened and he had got what he needed...


Downstairs the party continued, oblivious to the chaos created upstairs.

Lucas and Hayden had arrived because Brenden had literally fooled them... not for one but three damn years! He really broke the engagement, not that they cared about that but he said that he would leave! How could he?

" Where the hell is that guy? " Lucas asked Scarlet.

While Hayden was busy ogling over his girlfriend, Steph.

She frowned, " I don't know. He's probably with Mel, I guess. " she shrugged, " Um... Did you see Skylar by any chance? "

Lucas shook his head and went to look for Mel. ' Well, let's deal with Brenden after I meet my little sister first. His matters can wait. '


" Mel, I'm gonna come in, " Brenden called out as he opened her room door.

He was shocked to see the entire room vacant and empty, only a few things on her desk but, the rest was- gone.

' Maybe she just packed them earlier. She told me that she would leave later tomorrow. ' he reasoned with himself, ' Yes, tomorrow. '

He went and looked at the pages on her desk. It was a ticket, her flight ticket to London.

He frowned and ran into his room and pulled out his laptop.

He checked all the cameras surrounding the mansion but found nothing.

Suddenly he remembered the newest gadget which he had designed earlier, the one that would help with avoiding the cameras, the one which would help- " Amory! "

But why would she use that here?

I hate the fact that I'm kept in oblivion.

He searched the cabinet in the desk, which Mel would usually hide a few things, he pinned in the pin code on the small door and found a few letters and a paper... crushed.

He pulled all of them out and saw that they were addressed to Erick, Judith, Skylar, and Brenden...

He took the letter addressed to him and opened it, just to find it written in a haste...

" Dear Bren,

I really hope that you would be happy with Scarlet and find peace but, you should also know that she has someone she loves. I wish that I never would've told you about her 3 or was it 4 years ago. I was wrong, but when was I ever apt about anything?

A few things have changed, I can't help but blame James for it...

I don't want to be bound by any strings and an engagement is definitely not my piece of cake. I can't handle it. I just experienced the freedom and trust me, it's intoxicating. I love it. It's all I've ever wanted and James tried to steal it.

Whether you like it or not, James is a jerk. I'm sorry that I'm writing this, whatever this is, to say that I'm leaving. To where? I don't know. He was the one who booked the ticket( even if it gives me the creeps...) Even if I feel that I earned my freedom, I'm not given a choice in selecting the place.

The irony, I run away from responsibility but, I'm left with no choice but to abide by it now.

I'm glad to have met you, spent time with you, and I'm sorry that I couldn't bid you goodbye.

I'm sorry to ever have hurt you. I'm really thankful for your presence in my life, Bren.

Thank you for everything...

Your best friend (I assume so, rightfully),

Melanie Lambert.