Chapter 58: Long-lost memory.

Mel sat in Amory's car as Amory drove towards the airport.

" Aren't you gonna ask me anything? " Mel asked after a 30-minute silence, she had enough of silence!

Amory looked at her and shrugged, " After you black-mail 'me'? Nope. "

Mel chuckled, despite her droopy mood, " I'm sorry, I had to leave and I couldn't find anybody who wouldn't tell him anything and I remembered only you... "

Amory nodded and continued driving.

Mel leaned back onto her seat and sighed, " Did you ever like a person with no name and you know nothing about them but, you like them? " she asked out of the blue.

Amory smiled bitterly, " Go on, I can lend you an ear. "

" Not about that, but I really hope that I get to see him for the last time, Mr. Terror, " she sighed " I don't think I will ever get to see him ever again, " she smiled bitterly and closed her eyes.

" I just wish we meet, sometime, anytime anywhere, just the two of us. " she blurted out and sat back straight, realizing that she was opening up, " Ah, never mind, I don't know why I told you those things, but thanks for listening to my banter.


" Don't worry, your secrets are safe with me and it will reach only the ones whom it has to... "


Brenden frowned at the letter, ' She left! I lost my only chance with her. ' he burned with rage ' and it's all because of one person!'

" James, don't tell me that I haven't warned you," he whispered through his gritted teeth and walked out when he felt the breeze and something hit him.

He turned to find the crumpled paper on the floor.

He frowned and picked it up.

To Mr. Terror...


Lucas was baffled to find Mel's room empty. He knew that it wasn't something that happened a lot.

He went in just to find a few envelopes thrown on her desk.

" That girl's gonna get badly screwed this time. Let me go save her a*s before she gets into more trouble." he sighed and brought the letters out with him.


Lucas walked straight to the hall when he found Skylar unconscious.

" Dragon? Hey dragon, get up bro. " he pressed a few pressure points and shook Skylar until the latter opened his eye.

" Raziel " he whispered between his gasps.

Lucas looked at him with a ' Do you think you're understandable? ' look.

Skylar gulped in and glared at Lucas, " Raziel was here. "

Lucas nodded, " Ok, so should that information do good with anything that Mel's missing? "

Skylar's eye widened, " Mel's missing? "

Lucas grimaced, rubbing his hands together awkwardly, " Wrong timing. "


Amory parked the car at the airport and got off.

Mel sighed deeply and got out and smiled gratefully at Amory.

" Thank you for being here, I didn't really want to be alone. " she sniffled a tear. " And you reminded me of someone, my best friend who really cared about me. "

Amory frowned, she was really bad at consoling people, " It's fine. It's your only chance to feel free and get away from all the burdens and darkness of yourself. You can start anew, forget this place, Brenden, even the White family, along with your own... There's nothing wrong with being selfish before you lose yourself. " she said and walked a bit closer to Mel.

Mel nodded and wiped her tears, " Your right. I'll try. "

" So, where is the ticket for? " Amory asked changing the topic. Being emotional doesn't suit her!

" It was for Uk, London... my old ticket. So, I guess this one is too. " she shrugged.

Amory nodded, ' Maybe my mind is too very corrupt to think that that jerk of a man would send her somewhere else. '

While Amory was busy in her thoughts Mel rummaged through her pockets and found her old phone and handed it to Amory.

" Please give this to Brenden," she added and went inside with her luggage thanking Amory another time.

Amory nodded once and put it into her pocket and got into her car, but on second thought she walked into the airport.

' I don't have a very good feeling about this... '


Lucas handed all the letters to the Judith as soon as the party ended in the evening.

Erick was damn furious with himself for letting James talk to his poor little granddaughter, he left for James's room.

Lucas frowned and sighed, ' He does have a point by getting angry. Like which father does that? She isn't even your daughter! '

" Let him be. " Judith stopped Jeff as he was about to stop Erick. " He shouldn't have done this to that little girl. She deserved a lot better than this. "

He frowned and nodded, " What did she write? "

" She felt really happy that she had me and that I was a very good person. And she didn't want to leave without a proper goodbye, but she had to. " She teared up. She really loved that sweet little girl from the day Erick bought her home.

Jeff smoothened her hair and comforted her.

Skylar frowned and opened his letter. It said that she was very grateful to have a friend, to have met him and that she had an amazing time with him and that she was happy for him, always.

She had even teased him and told him to be courageous when it comes to Scarlet.

He crushed the letter in rage, he really wanted to beat that pathetic man for years, but now's the chance.

' I'm gonna kick that mother f*cker's a*s tonight. '


Brenden got out of his room fetching his car keys.

He was angry and disappointed with himself that he couldn't save her, much less protect her...

Walking into the hall he found James almost covered in blood, lying on the floor with Skylar over him. Lucas was standing in a corner watching the family drama, Judith and Erick looking at James with ' you deserve that ' kinda look and Jeff was busy controlling his son. Spencer was nowhere to be seen.

He ignored them and went out as Erick called out to him.

" Young man where do you think you're going? " He asked, authoritatively.

Brenden took in a deep breath and glared at James and looked calmly at Erick, his face devoid of any emotion.

" I'm off, as I promised to Scarlet," he replied.

" Nobody else leaves this house, not anymore. Get back to your respective rooms, " Erick said and looked at Lucas, " You stay for tonight and leave whenever you want to. "

He nodded, ' Just for your satisfaction, thanks for your humble consideration. '

" I will have to go. " Brenden said and turned to leave.

" Brenden White! Do you not know respect? " Jeff asked, angry with his behavior.

" Sorry that I was self-taught, as my parents abandoned me. " he snapped and walked away.

Jeff was about to refute when Erick gestured for him to leave Brenden alone.

He knew his grandson had complicated feelings for Mel but, didn't expect this turn in their lives.

" When will you be back? " He asked instead.

" Not soon, I assure you. " He replied and left, " Thank you for everything, Erick. I'm sorry Skylar, I really hope we remain this way but, that's just impossible... " he smiled bitterly and got into his car.

" I will find you Mel, whereever you go. "


James sat in front of Erick in Erick's study.

His face filled with guilt and remorse.

He didn't want to send that girl away but, he had to. His son didn't listen to him so, he thought that if he has her, the only person Brenden cares about within his hands, Brenden would hear him out. Only for Brenden to let his family... his children alone.

If Erick would've heard that reason he would've laughed for days in mockery.

" How did I raise you to be my son? " Erick asked him.

" Well, I can tell that your son died the day I was put down in your shareholder meeting 23 years ago. When I lost my wife, my children, my entire life... You were there, your perfect son was there and that seemed so angelic that the entire high society voted me out. " he roared, " And when my wife left, you never even bothered to convince her that I was drugged. "

Erick sat, unmoved by the confessions, he knew that his son's wife, a woman whom they never spoke of anymore, which led to her extinction in the White family to a limit that James wasn't even married.

None of the children, not even Skylar or Amory knew that he was married and he had twins for children.

The woman now is just a long-lost memory in their lives.

" That woman left you because she didn't want her children to be like you. She didn't want a man with no power and authority, she never loved you, why don't you get it? " Erick reasoned, " And I wouldn't be surprised if she had drugged you that night and put up a drama on the next day. "

James glared at Erick, he was done hearing all the worse things about his wife, his only love!

" Enough! " James banged the table and stood up. " How do I know that you were not behind all of this? How do I know that you did not drug me, wasn't the party for your son?

Why is it always that she is wrong? Why am I always losing in anything... everything?

Was the reason always me or was it someone who always was with me, like you? "