Chapter 59: I owe you, too.

Brenden drove out in search of Mel.

Her ticket was for tomorrow so she must need another ticket for today or she must have stayed behind, somewhere else, for tonight.

He got to the Heike family house first and found old lady Heike speaking to Hayden and Steph, all of them oblivious to Amory's absence at home.

" Where's Amory? " He asked the old lady.

" Who are you? " She asked with a clumsy smile on.

He frowned, ' How can I just forget to remove my damn mask? * internally slapping himself. * '

" I'm her friend, a good one. I just need to talk to her. " He said because she had a hell lot of friends who intended to kill her...

" I expect you are or you will experience living hell in my hands if not more in her own hands, " She said, not letting out on the smile part.

" I know. " He nodded, ignoring the two overly shocked and confused people on the couch.

" The airport, probably. " she said, " See yourself out. " she shrugged, she knew that a person who didn't know the mansion would surely, without mistake, get lost.

" Thanks," he muttered and ran outside.

Silence prevailed in the hall, Hayden and Steph were quite confused and filled with questions but they dare not to ask.

" Excuse me, children, I have a person to talk to," she smirked and left.

" Um... Do you know why your friend is searching for my sister? " Stephanie asked.

Hayden shrugged as he saw Old lady Heike's back disappear and grinned.

" Thanks to Brenden we at least have the room to ourselves now. "


Erick was busy with the confrontation of his pathetic son and his totally bizarre past when his phone rang.

He frowned but picked it up, as he recognized the caller ID.

" Yes, " he answered. " What? * sigh * thanks. " He hung up and looked at his son.

" What have you done to that child? " he asked as he glared at James.

James frowned, " I did nothing but sent her away safe, far away from where you or your family can reach her. It's for her good. "

" You ruined your life, your son's life, and now... Mel, " his voice cracked, " What have you done to her? Did you send her off to a syndicate as you did to Brenden too? "

James' frown deepened, " What? What do you mean by syndicate? "

" Where is she? Where is Mel? "


While Brenden wracked his head and searched all the airports one by one while, Amory and Mel were chatting leisurely waiting for her flight...

" So, the guy you met had a scar? " Amory asked as Mel kept speaking of her weird love track.

" Yep, it's my favorite, well I'm sure that I like Mr. T in total, including his scar, mysterious past, and the danger that my instincts warn me about. " she shrugged and smiled unconsciously.

" I would listen to the warnings, if I were you but... anyways, don't mind me," Amory shrugged and asked, amused by the way Mel thinks." You like him a lot don't you, more than Brenden. Whom would you choose between the two? "

" I would like a person who mixes up both or Mr. T is enough. " She sighed, " I just hope to see him one last time... "

Amory could see yearning, loss, a painful but sweet memory in Mel's eyes. She frowned, ' This isn't gonna last long or it isn't gonna end well. Either way, I wish you... ' she smiled, " All the best, for you and your new journey. "

Mel giggled and walked to the stairs, her time was up. She didn't feel that regretful as Amory helped with that.

" I owe you one, Amory. " Mel smiled and hugged her and walked away, without turning to look back.

' I owe you, too... '


Amory pulled out her phone and called her only friend, guardian, whatever, Azriel...

" I guess it's time that you get into the airport, she's in and... it's time that the drama began."

Just as she hung up Brenden rushed into the airport, right to her.

' Speak of the devil! ' she sighed and got herself mentally prepared to see his 'new' side.

' The 'he' with blood and brains is much more understandable than the teenage boy raging with hormones and instability. ' she sighed.

" Where is she? " He asked, in a haste.

" Gone, she left an hour ago. " she replied and added, " Well, the 'always-on time' buddy is late for the first time in his entire life. "

He ignored her and glared at her, " Where is she, Amory? "

She sighed, ' Do you think that you would've come this far, searched for her the entire evening and come to the airport just to find her gone, if she wanted to let you know? ' she asked internally but decided against it, rather it was useless and might take her energy for naught...

" She left. " she shrugged.

He frowned and his hands shook, " No, no she couldn't have, not after the letter..."

" She did. And, this is for you. " She said and handed the phone which Mel gave her to him as promised.

" Mel's phone? Why do you have it? " he asked, suspicious of her.

" I don't give a d*mn if you blame me, there's nothing for me to lose. " she shrugged and walked away.

" Did she really leave, even after what she wrote, for me? " he asked, broken, speechless, and blank.

She stopped in her tracks and turned back to face him, " Are you sure that it was for you 'Brenden' or was it for a person with a huge scar that she likes? Don't try to act like him or it's your choice, " she turned back and walked further, " And I don't think that the letter was supposed to be read, I guess it was crushed and thrown inside something. "

His frown deepened as his brows twitched, " Wait, it's all my fault, I can still correct it, right? " he asked, desperately.

She frowned, hearing his desperate and broken voice, it reminded her of the once little boy who came to her, bathed in blood just to save his friend from death's door...

" Yes, but can you tell her the truth, 'Brenden'? " she sneered, concealing her inner emotions perfectly.

Gloom and desolation spread from him, he was petrified of his own truth, how could he get hinself to tell her, his only ray of sunshine, his only light his world of darkness?

How could he be the reason her light diminishes in his dark world?

She deserves a lot better than any person who hides from her.

" But the letter..." he muttered, not letting the last of hope fade away, for the first time in his life he wished that his hopes came true, but as usual, they never do and never will!

" That was for another person, 'Brenden' " Amory sighed.

He roared and threw the phone in his hands and watched it shatter, " Don't call me by that wretched name. It makes my skin crawl. "

She looked at him, clueless about what emotions he's dealing with, ' Well it's not like I would know the feeling. I didn't even have an attraction towards anyone that I can understand. But he should like this one... alot.'

" Ok, so, back to good old days now, Leon," she smiled, " You'll be there in seven days, then? "

Endyleon (Brenden) gave her a curt nod as his eyes redened and walked away.

" Did I say something awful? " Amory asked as she sensed Azriel behind her.

" When haven't you? " Azriel blurted out and his eyes went wide as he realized whom he snapped at.

Silence prevailed, tensing the situation...

" I'll pretend, I didn't hear that, " she spoke, her face stoic and composed.

" I'll pretend, I didn't say that. " Azriel added instantly.

They went out as Amory stopped again, " Was it so awful, again? " she asked, finding nothing wrong with her question.

" Never mind. "


Mel got into the plane but stopped in her tracks.

Her instincts were screaming to run away from the plane...

find him...

" Where are you taking me? " she asked the flight attendant, who seemed to be the only person around.

" Somewhere safe and where you could stay out of White family's business. " The woman replied and buckled her in her seat belt.

" Let me go! " Mel screamed, but it was for naught.

" Ready to take off in 1...2...3 "

The speaker echoed in the empty plane and the plane took off in oblivion, ignoring the screams and cries of Mel which turned to silence as soon as something sprayed on her.


Lucas was worried sick about Mel. He couldn't find her anywhere.

He thought for a long time and called someone who could reach her...

" Where are you right now? " he asked as the other person picked the call.

Silence prevailed, " Who are you? "

He frowned, he knew that, that girl would act like this!

" Please Alex, I beg of you. Just don't joke around, not now. " he pleaded.

Alex remained quiet for a moment, " Fine, what is it? "

" Mel's missing and our phones won't reach. Try calling her, she might pick yours, I'll send you the number. " he messaged her the number and pleaded again, " Please, just once, try to help her. "


Alex hung up and looked at the number and sighed, after 3 whole years she gets to talk to her stupid little sister...

She was busy packing her stuff up to leave Seattle, to go away far away. She was just waiting for her school to get over.

She couldn't sleep a day after knowing about the DNA test which Brenden sent her. And it didn't do well with her insomnia...

Knowing that the person she called 'dad' her entire life wasn't her dad at all! It sure wasn't a piece of cake to handle.

She was done with this 'family' and now, understood why Mel ran away from this pathetic little hell called 'family'.

She was scared to hell to hear Mel's voice but, she dialed in,

" Mel? "