Chapter 60: Place your trust in me...

3.5 hours later:

Mel's plane descended, she frowned and glared at the attendant woman,

" Give me my d*mn phone, you b*tch! " she screamed at her.

The woman maintained her pleasant smile and handed Mel's bag and handed over her phone.

Mel wanted to rip that mocking smile off that woman's face but, she held back and turned away from that infuriating woman.

She got off the flight and looked around the airport, it was definitely not the one in London...

Her eyes grew wide and scared and she gulped in.

" Where the hell is this place? What's the time? "

Behind her, the board read,

' Welcome to Washington. '


An hour ago:

Alex was so infuriated that she couldn't reach Mel's phone.

She had tried over a million times in the last hour but, all was for naught.

She pulled out her bags and walked into the airport and called one last time but as usual, it didn't get through. She took a deep breath to calm herself but ended up smashing her phone on the ground!

She frowned as she saw what she had done!

Tears filled her eyes, her phone, ' What have I done? ' she felt all emotional over her phone which was now broken and shattered all across her.

She sighed and walked away as they called for her.

' It's fine, it's not like anyone would call me! '


Mel gulped and walked around the airport, she was petrified...

She had never been out of her home including when, she was at White family house, much less go out to the airport to book an air ticket!

She roamed around teary-eyed. She was so lost, she wanted to find a safe place for herself to hide but she had to put up a brave front.

She gulped in her saliva and went to a person nearby, the man seemed friendly and stood along with his entire family- his wife and son.

" Excuse me, sir, if I'm not being rude could you help me book an air ticket? Please. " she practiced a bit before confronting them, standing a bit away from them.

' You should beg, not order! ' her subconscious corrected.

" Excuse me, oh good sir, could you help me! " she smiled satisfied but her smiled dropped as her subconscious glared at her,

'You're here to ask for help, not please him and his family to help you cross the globe! '

She sighed deeply, ' How I wish I could call Alex right now! Taking to her would be enough, I promise to not pull her into this weird mess. I would tell her that I'm sorry to be angry at her for no reason. I was stupid as she always said! I just want to hear her, talk to her, my only family left... '

" Is there a problem, are you lost? " the man, himself asked, as he heard a low cry. Turning around he found a girl tear-faced and lost in thoughts. " Don't be scared, I'm a cop. I can help you. "

She didn't realize that she was crying until the man called out on her. She instantly wiped her face and shook her head. ' A cop? a good start I guess... '

" I just needed some help to book a ticket. Could you help me, please? " she asked, at last.

He smiled and nodded, " Have we met before? What's your name? " he asked as they walked towards the counters.

She frowned, she could see that he was a bit familiar too. "Mr. Rogers is that you? " she felt a bit happy to see a familiar face in this wretched place! that too, it was her father's friend...

" Melanie Lambert? Are you? " he asked, disbelief in his eyes. " But..."

" Yeah, I survived the blast and a family adopted me," she explained, ' Wait- wasn't he included in the last mission too? I guess I was wrong.' she wondered but broke out of her daze as he spoke.

" That's good to hear, Patrick was a good man. " he smiled bitterly.

Suddenly the alarms went on, the buzzers were so loud.

Men dressed in total black entered, totally armed.

" Who is Mel White? "


Mel freaked out as they asked for her. She was already petrified enough, to even make a move.

" Go hide and call the only person you trust and you feel is safe for you for now. Go. " Mr, Rogers sent her away into a counter to another side, to hide.

She walked away into the girl's room and hid behind the door of one cabin and called Alex.

She couldn't think of anybody else. The phone didn't get through.

She frowned and dialed another person, whom she trusted a lot... but called another number.

" Lucas brother, save me! "


Lucas was busy contacting all the help he could get to find Mel when his phone rang.

" Mel, where are you are you safe? " He asked in haste, " Are you alright? Are you safe? "

She didn't speak for some time but she whispered, " Lucas brother, save me! "

And the line went dead.

He frowned and called the only person who could trace her down.

" Leon, I need your help. I need you to trace down 16 numbers by order for me as soon..." He said and sent the numbers.

The line was quiet for 5 minutes and Lucas received a message with 16 addresses.


" Thank you so... " Endyleon hung up before Lucas went on with the ' I'm so grateful to you ' speech and threw the phone in the back seat and drove to his hideout.

He surely knew her number, the 4th one on the list, but he couldn't help but stay away from her.

He was a coward who couldn't face a situation in which Mel looks at him like he is a monster. The thought dreaded him.

He sighed with defeat and hopelessness. It was the first time that he understood the meaning of loss. He couldn't take it.

She was his little sunshine, his princess, his...everything!

His hands trembled, he could feel the adrenaline pumping inside of him, his anger was getting all over the place and his eyes were bloodshot!

He pulled over and reached out for his phone, " Zack, send a few people to check if she is alright, for me. I'll send you the address."

Zack frowned, " Why don't you talk to her? I know the feeling of loss and I wouldn't want it for my brother. "

' Can you let her see you when you're drenched in blood or do you wish to be drenched in her blood? ' An inner voice asked him.

" I appreciate your concern towards me and on second thoughts, don't send them. " He ordered and hung up.

Zack looked at the phone and looked up at his team, " I don't think our boss would return anytime soon, so, get back to work. "


A few men walked into the cabin and went towards the one in which Mel was there.

She frowned and got into the cupboards where they placed the cleaning tools.

A man got in and looked around and opened the cupboard, just to find her inside.

She rolled her eyes through the tears and fear.

' All that drama was for naught! '

Deep down she couldn't help but wait for 'him to show up, save her in the nick of the moment, as always...

But the person she expected never showed up, it was like the promise he made this time was for real and the kiss they had shared was their goodbyes to each other without their conscious...

The man looked at her and closed the door, surprising her.

" All clear, let's head to the next airport. "


A few hours later:

Alex got down to the warmth of Washington.

She was quite happy to get away from all the trouble and to clear her head from the trashy email which she now, wished she had never read in the first place.

She made her way through the crowd and looked around taking in the heat and warmth which she missed for the past few months...or years, but who cares?

Suddenly she saw a person whom she thought she would never meet, again. She couldn't even get through her phone, but the reason was clear to her now...

Mel ran into someone's arm and hugged him tightly. Her eyes filled with happiness and hope.

The guys' face wasn't visible from the place where she stood, but Mel was clearly visible to be happy, away from her family, forget the family, she had even forgotten about the one who cared for her truly.

She walked away from the scene just to run into a guy, in his own happy little world.

She glared at him, funnily, shocking him.

" You were the one who ran into me, darling. " he smiled.

Her glare grew more deadly, but he remained unmoved, still waiting for his apology.

" I'm sorry, are you happy now? " she snapped and walked away.

He smiled and nodded, " Even if I would love to hear that in a proper tone! "


Mel got out of the cabins and sat near one of the terminals.

Lucas had promised to come and get her out, she thought of what Mr. Rogers said when he asked her to call her most trusted person, she really wanted to call Brenden but she knew that he had his own life and she should always not be a burden he saves, all the time.

And most importantly, she didn't want to see him again, she couldn't ruin his life with the luck that she had.

She wanted him to have a lovely life, just, without her in it. She expected him to be happy and to live his life...

Just as she was lost in thoughts the speaker ran out for Lucas's flight.

Lucas hurried outside to the place where Mel waited for him.

Just as she saw him, her thoughts blurred and she calmed down...

She ran to him and hugged him. She was scared and ghosted enough for one day!

" Let's go," he called and walked away.

" Where? " she asked, she knew that the plan for London was already down the drains as people would find her...

" My home, LA, " he smiled and led her into the airplane.

She nodded and smiled...

' Los Angeles! Here I come, I guess... '



Endyleon walked in circles around his hideout.

Every single step he could feel her presence, her laughter, her cute little face, her sarcastic remarks, her kind and lovely heart, which couldn't even harm a thing, even if she wanted to.

The themes kept changing, the letter, the goodbye, the way he deceived her all along...

All the hatred towards himself returned, the self-loathing was the only thing he knew since he was a toddler. The new form of love was something he felt only with her. His only escape from himself, from his hateful self, was now gone... Why? All because of him!

If only he had the courage...

He lost her, he couldn't protect her, he really is something-a creature which deserves hatred!

He could feel something trickle down his cheek and wiped it, just to see the blood on his hands...

He picked his phone, " Amory, I'll be leaving my base. I'll get into the twin missions. " he said, surprising Amory, and hung up.

He couldn't stay here, here onward. If he planned to stay here he would destroy himself and she would be disappointed.

He took out a shot and injected it into himself, he could feel it burn his blood vessels, but he had to control himself...

He couldn't disappoint her, not again!

He packed all his things and looked at the glass case which now held his mask he took in a deep breath and put it into his bag and packed the rest.

" Don't think of her, you always knew that this would happen and she would leave. Be happy that she didn't know about your dirty, hateful secret and that she doesn't hate you like your parents and others who tried to kill you when you were 7," he said to himself and chuckled bitterly, ' She didn't even know my name... '

He picked up his letter, which she had written for him, for her Mr.T,

it said nothing much,

" Place your trust in me and I promise to always, always, be a person for you to confide in and a haven of understanding. "

He frowned, " I failed, I failed you, you- who really trusted me... I'm so sorry, princess... "

He was about to get out of the door when a phone rang...

He looked around and found that it was Mel's old phone which rang.

He picked it up but the screen wasn't visible as his eyes were filled with a layer of red blood, clouding his eyesight.

" Hello, " the other side spoke,

He frowned, " May I know who's speaking? "

" Who are you boy and why are you using this phone? " the man asked, ignoring Leon.

" Who are you? " Leon insisted his fury clearly his voice.

He could feel his body react to the chemical, which he had suppressed years ago... It had returned, the chemical was now reacting and it was all over the place and his anger didn't help much. He took in a deep breath and tried to control his trembling hands as a few drops of blood dripped from his eyes...

" Melanie's dad, " the man replied.

" Patrick Lambert? "