Part 1: The meeting

Nobodies POV:

Clarissa Fair was overworking her job as an assistant at the 'Massimo listri' (Maximum Listri) the most exceptional library in Red Gravel City. 'It is currently 7:59, now it is 8:00 pm I should be heading home then...(sigh) at least it's getting late.' Clarissa thought to herself as she looked at her watch and collected all her things and turned off all the lights then, walked out of the library as she locked the door.

It was really dark and when she made it to her flat, she opened her door and later walked inside until she heard a gunshot. Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang!! She ran towards her window and then noticed a white-haired man dressed in a scarlet leather coat with a large sword with a skull at the handle and also had black long boots. Clarissa's heart was beating hard that she thought, 'Who is that guy? Did he just kill-' she looked closer to the window until that man looked by the corner of his eye and noticed that someone was watching from where he killed demons.

Clarissa then closed the curtains and when she was going to peek a bit from the curtain, outside the mystery man was gone. Then she cleaned herself and headed off to bed for the next day, 'Why is my heart pounding like crazy? I better sleep.'

Dante's POV:

'Done. Now I have to go back and sleep.' I thought to myself as I smirk until I sensed someone was watching me, it was a woman but then, she closed the curtains sharp that made me curious about her for the first time of any women I've met. But it must be a demon besides I doubt it. After that I left fast, 'I could believe that she is beautiful.'

The next morning: Nobodies POV:

Clarissa woke up at 6:30 am, and she started to get ready to take a shower first then, was on her way to the ocean as she got there at 7:00 while bringing her breakfast with her which was a Club sandwich and she was dressed in a white V blouse with black pants.

Her hair was in a low ponytail with, one strand of hair at the side of her head, after eating her breakfast she noticed that she had forgotten that she was in the highway and then, noticed a truck coming closer but then, she realized what was holding on to was, 'A-A DEMON!!' she thought until she noticed a red car with the same man who she saw last night killing was that, a demon. As the demon grabbed her by the waist as she yelled, "HEEELPP!!" as she closed her violet eyes.

But then, she felt that she was let go until, the blood coming from the demon as it spread on her blouse. And then, noticed she was falling and, she said as she screamed, "I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!" However, she felt a pair of arms grabbing her and then, the same man from the car and as he jumped and as he landed at the red car and then, realizes that his eyes were sky blue. ' Wow, his eyes are like the ocean.'

After they landed, he kept driving as he left her on the back seat of the car as for Clarissa then, said, "Thank u for saving me...but what's your name by the way?"

As the white-haired man said as his eyes were on the road, "Dante."

"Hi my name is Patty Lowell, a pleasure to meet you." the little blonde girl beamed as she smiles at Clarissa while, she answered, "Clarissa. Clarissa Fair and I appreciate your he your brother?"

'Dante snorted and so does Patty as Clarissa looked dumbfounded, until he answered, "No. I'm just doing my job to take her home."

"Yeah, because I have to be protected and get my families to fortune from my father's will," Patty said. And as for Clarissa, she said, in panic, "Damn it! I'll be dead if I'm missing from the library and now my boss will kill me.!"

Well, what do u guys think about this one? Did you like it hope u guys enjoy please comment your opinions down below please bye?