Part 2: Dante hunt's Demons

Clarissa's POV:

'We were all now on a train to another city I have never been to so why isn't supposed to be private like any movie. Oh, I don't know but...Dante really smelled nice when he saved me though.' I thought to myself as I was staring at him until Patty asked me,

"Which library do u work in Red Gravel City?"

I chuckled at her and said, " the Maximum litre. It's a little around the corner I think...I'm really not so sure about the name of the street but..." I looked at Dante who apparently is asleep and I asked him, "So what do u do for a living, Dante?"

He glanced at me with one eye and said, "I kill demons if that's what you mean, Ms Fair. And besides you need to go change by the way." as he stated out, even though I completely forgot about the blood dried on my blouse "Damn it" I cursed with my breath. Patty then said,

"Dante that was rude at least help her."

"No besides, it's easier to say that she deserves to strip and stay like that."

"Hey! It's your shooting by killing that thing, that I nearly died back there!" I half-whisper since we're on the train to the other side of the city. 'So now I have to go ask someone to lend me a new sweater or a blouse. How embarrassing.' I stood up from where I sat and left to ask a lady which apparently was with her snuggling boyfriend and I said, "Umm...excuse me to interrupt but can u lend me a sweater or a blouse I may borrow please?"

"Of course, let me get that for you." the lady said.

Luckily that she didn't notice it was blood and only thought it was spilt tea or coffee. I thanked her and went to the restroom and when the train entered the tunnel, I took a black sweater that she gave me and washed my face and my blouse which was ruined. I then washed my chest rinsing it with water, and when I finished then, I heard again gunshots and, when I was ready...wearing the sweater the lady gave me. It was a long-sleeved black woollen crop-top sweater.

n I was ready, I opened the door to find a dead man next to Patty but then, the other people from the other seats noticed and ran to where they were so, I walked towards where Patty was in order to calm her down by the dead body as I heard her say, "M-mom, M-mom..." as I rubbed her back and later hugged her, as she hugged me back. And as I heard from far, the conversation was getting weird...

"Hey, did you kill this man?" asked the security guard of the train. As he glares at Dante with his questionable eyes. Then, what shocked me the most was that Dante had just said, "He was beaten to death"

"It can't be was it you?" asked the old man, pointing at Dante.

"Over here!" said the same lady who lent me the sweater earlier. Which she apparently told the officer this train, while he arrived.

"Geez, what is this? Hey you!" the officer asked him. "How about you start telling what's going on here?"

"Sure," said Dante as he lifted his head bit that his bangs were covering his eyes, as for me...I left Patty a few meters away as I got near the conversation that Dante was going to explain so I can hear better.

"How about I run this scenario for you, in the last 10 seconds or so the train was in the tunnel in this cart either was those three me, the girl and the young woman right behind the couple, and then, a dead friend here makes seven...First off the old man,"

"Huh?" the old man looked worried and shocked

"He didn't do it, and the couple there was making out in the dark, the girl sees how she was and lastly the young woman was not here because she was changing her sweater which the other lend her when I told her go change because she was dirty."

"So that leaves only you."

"No," as Dante continued, "there was one more person or to be more precise one more thing."

I quickly turned my head around and dashed towards where Patty was and right stood there was me (Clarissa) in shock of what I saw.


Then, out of nowhere both of Dante's guns shot a lot of bullets at it while I carried Patty to seat on the other side of the seats. and then, once we were fine Patty and I noticed that it was gone.

After that whole fiasco, I went to check the window and realized that I felt like I wanted to puke 'Now that...was a real demon' as I thought to myself with terror in my eyes and I sat myself down to the seat, I turned to hug myself and my knees with fear and terror, that I heard again...BANG!BANG! which I already knew it was Dante because he was shooting the last one pretend to look like a corpse but apparently it was another demon.