Part 3: Demon's exist...don't they?

Nobody's POV:

Once the train stopped, they arrived at Capri while the cops were investigating the crime scene made by Dante, of course. However, Clarissa, Patty and Dante were now walking away while the girls were to shock about what just happened back there at the train cart.

"Demons exist...don't they?..." asked Clarissa while stammering in her tone of voice of nervousness.

"Who knows?" Dante replied while he carried his guitar bag, looking straight forward.

"Could a demon be hunting me too?!" Patty started to panic as for her reaction, Clarissa could tell she was shocked.

'Oh poor her...I already feel shocked and sad about the girl's life now at stake, she needs someone to soothe her' Clarissa thoughts were interrupted by Patty's voice calling out to,

"Dante! Dante!"

"Let's go," he said blankly at both of the girls, while they stood there in shock and on how calm can he be when Patty is in danger.

Hours later...

"Welcome to our hotel." said a very ugly man. Which to Clarissa's senses didn't like him at all, since it is creepy.

"Give us your cheapest room, I don't care if it gets sun or not. We'll be out of here first thing in the morning."

"Well then, two adults and one child." said the ugly clerk. As Clarissa was scanning the area inside the motel and she narrowed her eyes in question 'How can we trust this man? Why am I here? I should have been back in Red Gravel city by now and my boss will kill me. Why? Why me?' as she looked and heard Dante's voice say,

"No, she's not a child she's a young lady," as he grabbed the key to our room. And as Clarissa joined him, to the stairs until they both noticed Patty looking at the poster.

"Come on move it, let's get to sleep.," said Dante as he half-commanded Patty which was a little, disturbing in Clarissa's opinion as she thought to herself, trying not to look nervous and scared of him 'Dante please behave don't you have manners!' she just wanted to go-

"That's my mother," Patty said looking at the old poster

As Dante's voice is shocked and thinks she's crazy, "What?" with his dull voice.

"Well..." the ugly man was about to say something else. Dante turned to her and said, "What are you talking about? Come on let's go."

And as for Clarissa, she followed them calmly to the stairs with them. Once they arrived, Clarissa looked at the room and noticed Dante, really stubborn man.

"What a tight fit." as Dante was complaining like a child, (you can't blame him he's tall and damn handsome A/N) "Go to bed tomorrow is going to to be a big day." as he closed his eyes but peeked when he saw Clarissa on her way to bed as she took off her shoes off and tucked herself in while she shivers from the cold room.

"I didn't tell you the truth. Didn't actually get sick and die," Patty says as for Clarissa's reaction she was shocked as she looked from Dante to Patty, she (Clarissa) said to her,

" lied to us? and you don't know demons exist?"

"She disappeared."

Dante opened one eye to look at her, as Patty continued, "I happen to overhear the hospital director talking about it, my mom was hunted by a demon. She didn't want me a baby to be in danger so she put me in the care of the orphanage" she then started to cry, "Anyone who is hunted by a demon, is as good as dead. Is my mother really dead? Tell me Dante, am I going to be killed too?"

"No your not, Patty. Why do you think Dante is here with you? He's your bodyguard until you make it to the one place you think is safe. Do you think it is hard for someone being their prey. Well I don't think so and we will make it 'till tomorrow." Clarissa said finally with her last breath and then, went to sleep. Then, she heard Dante say, "She's right you know. Patty, just like she said so who knows,"

Patty's eyes widen for his response and then, looked where Clarissa was who apparently didn't see her face since she pretended to be already asleep.

A few 2 hours later: I'm lazy

Clarissa woke up and stared at the full moon and then, remembered her mother singing to her when she was afraid of the storm but they were no storms tonight so she began to sing in french play the video on top.

Dante's eyes peeked the minute he heard her singing, like an angel. 'Clarissa have no idea why I brought you here but, your voice is beautiful'

Anna Blue: ~Every time the rain comes down~

And every time the rain comes down,

You'll know that I'm the one who'll be around.

You're fighting a demon,

Your heart keeps on beating,

You're feeling so close to the edge

(Don't jump).

You're losing your temper,

You want to surrender,

I'm talking you down off the ledge

(Come take my hand).

You won't go lonely into this fight,

If you just hold me we will survive.

Every time the rain comes down

(When the rain comes down),

I'm the one who'll be around

(The one who'll be around),

I'll become a part of you and share your pain.

Every time the rain comes down

(When the rain comes down),

I' ma lift you off the ground

(I'll lift you off the ground),

Gonna grab your hand and take you far away.

Every time the rain comes down.

Every time the rain comes down.

All your tears are in vain,

And it drives you insane,

'Cause nobody cares if you cry

(But I'll be there).

Deep inside there's a riot,

I feel that you're tired,

You don't wanna live a lie

(I'm there for you).

You won't go lonely into this fight,

If you just hold me we will survive.

Every time the rain comes down

(When the rain comes down),

I'm the one who'll be around

(The one who'll be around),

I'll become a part of you and share your pain.

Every time the rain comes down

(When the rain comes down),

I' ma lift you off the ground

(I'll lift you off the ground),

Gonna grab your hand and take you far away.

Every time the rain comes down.

Every time the rain comes down.

And every time the rain comes down,

You know that I'm the one who'll be around.

Every time the rain comes down

(When the rain comes down),

I'm the one who'll be around

(The one who'll be around),

I'll become a part of you and share your pain.

Every time the rain comes down

(When the rain comes down),

I' ma lift you off the ground

(I'll lift you off the ground),

Gonna grab your hand and take you far away.

Every time the rain comes down.

Every time the rain comes down.

Clarissa then, realizes that Patty was gone but since she didn't know the city she tiptoed out of the room leaving Dante alone sleeping.

Clarissa then, put on her shoes and ran out the door of the place and ran to find Patty until, she spotted her and said, "Patty wait!"

She turns to see who was calling her and said, "Oh, hi Clarissa..." as she scratches behind her neck as Clarissa told her, "You cannot go alone in the middle of the night by yourself, Patty. It's dangerous."

"Alright...but would you come with me to meet my mother?" the little girl asked.

She nods and then, joins her until the arrived at the theatre.

Later they arrived, as they both went in as Patty and Clarissa went in and kept walking inside until they both spotted a blonde woman with an elegant dress singing on stage which there was no one in the crowd except Patty, Clarissa and the woman on stage.

'I have a bad feeling about this...I think I smell something rotten w-wait a demon!!' she thought in alert and yelled it's not her

"Mommy mommy I wanted to see you so bad." Patty cries hugging the lady even if Clarissa had to run down the stairs.

"I'm sorry Patty I won't do anything to make you feel lonely again." the demon lady said

"Mommy you promise-"

"Because you're about to die soon enough!!!" the demon screeches as the rest joined in until Clarissa said while throwing a chair at them,

"Hey leave her alone!!"

"A human here let's eat her first then, the girl !!RUAHHHHHH!!" But as Clarissa ran towards Patty and grabbed her she yelled in fear while Clarissa didn't notice but found that she had her knife with her but forgot all about it and then,

SLASH SLASH! the demons cried in pain as they were about to kill her and Patty. They both heard shooting bullets, killing the demons. Clarissa and Patty looked to where the unknown person who was shooting was and just in time.

'Dante...' Clarissa thought while looking at him in the spotlight as he came walking down the stairs while he says,

"Hey,'re not actually into lame uppers like this now are you?" he asked both of us as Patty said in relief, "DANTE!"

He smiled for the first time man he is good at smiling it'll make you faint.

"Thank goodness your Dante. Sorry for leaving without you knowing where we were..." said Clarissa while her violet eyes looked at his.

"But you both we'll have to wait for our touching finale. Besides the cool knife."

At that moment, the demons slashed Clarissa in her right arm while Dante jumps into action. And that's exactly what he did as Patty looked behind her and noticed Clarissa getting her dagger out ignoring her wound which was bleeding its scarlet wound. Dante kicked the demons face with his right black boot and then starts shooting as Clarissa got the other demon behind him she slashed it straight to its chest while the demon pushed to the floor hard. As Dante said with a gun in his hand,

"Sorry honey, but this show isn't for kids by any chance." as he shoots the air bringing another blank screen while the light behind the curtain was the scene Dante fighting and killing the demons while Clarissa fought alongside him with her bloody dagger they fought a lot until Clarissa heard while fighting,

"I'm sorry miss but I'm afraid that it is now time to die because I was promised I would be greatly rewarded by my masters if I killed you if the others fail to do so."

'That's the same clerk from the motel, Damn bastard!' Clarissa thought with her angry look as she slashed him in the arm while he scratched her on the stomach as she yelled in pain,


But before he could kill both her and Patty Dante shot a bullet between his face and Patty's. While leaving him a scar on his left cheekbone, nevertheless Clarissa fell to the floor while bleeding.

"Hit the road," said Dante still pointing the gun at him. But then, while the spotlight followed the clerk of the fake motel left as he fell and continued running.

However, the pool of blood running down the floor while Patty blinked again and said, "Dante she's hurt!"

Dante looked down at Clarissa's bleeding body while he grabs her body and said, "Let's go"

After that, two days later now back at Red Gravel city Clarissa was now feeling better that she left the hospital still with her bandage up wounds she then, stopped by to Devils may cry and said, "Hello...?"

"So all right, but you're not staying at the mansion?" an old middle-aged man said.

"No it's fine, I received full compensation," said Patty


"Yup, since I'm a little girl who's been scared and all-" and at that moment, Clarissa entered with a creak of the door Patty said,

"Clarissa, your all right!!"

"Ouch watch the wound it still hurts though," Clarissa said with a hiss of pain.

"Oh sorry! Morrison this is Clarissa Fair she's the one who accompanied us and fought with Dante to save my life!" Patty exclaimed

Morrison's eyes widen in shock and said, "So your Miss Fair, that she's been talking about huh?"

"Yeah, it's a pleasure to meet you, Morrison." as she waved at him while he, smiles and looked at her with narrowing eyes. Until Dante came to the room topless with a towel on his head as he was drying it.

"Hey, I thought my strawberry sundae would be delivered here by the time I got out of the shower."

"Oh, that strawberry sundae." Morrison, he winked as he pointed out where Patty was now with an empty cup with leftover ice cream while Dante asked,

"How are your injuries?"

"Getting there but-"

"Hey my strawberry sundae!!" In confusion, Clarissa looked up and laughed so hard it pissed him off even hilariously more.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? This is my place! "said Dante as he continued, "Let's get this straight this is my place!"

"Well it was filthy and dorky so I cleaned it and did some cute decorating," Patty said with an obvious voice. But as Clarissa laugh so hard she fell with her knees to the floor while Patty and Dante argue.

'LOL I think I'm going to like it here since she does have a point even though I have never been here before.' she thought to herself looking at Dante who's still furious.

"Cute is a relative term. I'm more concerned about my goddamn dessert."

"That's what I charged for my work, it was the best sundae ever." as she (Patty) grinned at him.

"So I will be going and pretend we didn't ever-" as Clarissa was about to finish her sentence Patty said,

"You can visit as long as you like isn't that right Dante?"

"Hah...Alright then, you can come whenever you like," he says as he turns away from he was standing and left to get dressed.