Clarissa's 2nd adventure

Clarissa's POV:

After I had jogged early in the morning, that I was running around the corners of Red Gravel city it was really better off without the librarian job thought I have to admit it...Even the sunrise is gorgeous today and in that moment I saw another vision...again.

Vision #2

"Make sure she doesn't get out of that room and she better not see that man again." said an old man to his butler as he answered, "Yes, my lord." But then, a flash of demon eyes looked at her until...

Vision ended...

OK, now I know something is gonna happen but I wonder who's the guy she's dating? I asked myself that I ran back home and unexpectedly I bumped into a tall man with round glasses which apparently grabbed my arm and asked me,

"Are you a demon hunter?"

Then, I answered as I shook my head, "No why?"

"N-no reason. Thanks bye." he said as he left and I thought to myself, 'That was weird...could he be the one that woman in my vision is in love with?' Never mind.

Later...I went home to take a hot shower so that I can wash my hair since the bloody day of motorbikes and actually I like that date with Vincent but, Dante interrupted us in the middle. It really was funny but Vincent moved on and I'm glad to be alive. After the shower, I dried my hair and wore this a black and white longed-sleeved shirt, dark blue jeans and brown short-ankled boots.

I then decided to have breakfast at my favourite diner which my mom used to bring me here every year on mother's day...good memories...I miss you, mom.

Nobodies POV:

As Clarissa was working on her new part-time job as the new waitress, she spotted an old man with a cigarette on his hand. While cleaning the tables, he turns to the window where she was and gestures her to come. She then, thought 'Isn't that the guy from DMC? I think his name is...Morrison. Great. No wait, I can't it's my first time in this job but...'

"Hey, chief."

"Yeah wa'dda want Clary?" said the chief

"Can I go out for a while??"


"Because I need to..." as she was thinking of an excuse to go, Morrison came in.

"Do you mind if she comes with me to visit an old friend?" at she face-palm herself but to her surprise, the chief said, "Oh of course you can. Clarissa don't forget you owe me 2 shifts got it?"

"Y-yes sir and alright pay ya back in full." she grabbed her black bag and dark-brown coat and joined Morrison in the car.

"So...your the one who can see what happens on the next demon attack, am I right?" Morrison asked her while smoking in the car.

She nods silently, but he said, "Don't worry I'm not going to scare you, just relax and let's go to Dante's place."

"OK, at least, Patty will be there," she said with a smile. Then Morrison started the car as they drove to Devil may cry.

Once they arrived, she heard Dante's voice is lazy saying, "Tight-fisted bastard of an agent."

At that Clarissa snorted, while Morrison says, "Hey who u calling tight-fisted?"

"Ahh your here for some more jobs that won't make me more money."

"No, and I asked a friend of yours to come along so here she is." as Dante took the book of this face he almost fell backwards his chair that he saw Clarissa again as she said,

"Hi Dante, looks like you are not a fan of getting another job so you can make an extra out of this one?"

At that, he blushed pink to these ears that Clarissa smirked as he just realized that, she has changed a bit since their last fight together.

"You know I'm the one who gives you the ones that pay up. On the condition, you do right," said Morrison answers as he comes inside. As Patty drags him with her to fix the broken TV. But Clarissa said, "Don't worry Patty I'll buy you one if you stop whining for a while OK?"

Patty huffed and said, "Oh alright but can you do it now?" she asked the last part. But before Clarissa could answer, Dante said, "Got your car here Morrison?"

"Yeah, I drove here with Clary, though-"

Dante cut him off by walking towards the car and sat inside. "I'll take the job if you let me sleep on the way," said Dante with his hands on his pockets. "I've been losing sleep on a broken TV. Well, what r u waiting for let's go."

As Clarissa, said, "I'm sure you guy's don't need me so I'll be on my way to-" but Dante used his free arm to grab her by the waist to close to the window that Clarissa gulped and said, "On second thought...OK, I'll come but I don't break my promises alright." And then, she entered the car on the backseat and asked, "Where are the seat belts?"

"Who needs e'm," said Dante as he slept on the way and as they were on the highway. Clarissa looks down and tells them.

"You know I received another vision again and this time I saw a demon controlling someone but not possessively as you think but...the way demons poison them with words." she says to both the guys as they are now looking at her with a "What really face?". And Morrison asked,

"So it is can see visions as he said."

"Yeah, even I thought of why I couldn't get any sleep at all but manage somehow." as she said that she nods too.

Later in the afternoon...they arrived

"Woah this place is huge than the last place." Clarissa awed as she said that and as for Dante...he smiled while no one was looking.

"It's the mayor of Capulet city so try to be nice and Clarissa..."

"Hmm," she said.

"Don't say anything if it is important."


"Sorry gentleman, that I'm late I was caught on a meeting before I arrived and who is this beautiful lady?" the mayor asked.

Clarissa stood up and said, "My name is Clarissa and I was forced to come but since I'm here can I walk around outside I love gardens."

"Well actually, can you keep my daughter company?"

"Are you sure?" she asked

"Of course I'm sure besides she needs someone to distract her please?" he begged and then, she said, "Alright, sir."

Once the door was closed behind you, the butler guided you to the other room next door and then, when the butler opened the door.

But the woman just left the food untouched as the maid said, "My lady."

And accidentally bumps into you while she said, "I can't go to the washroom by myself."


"I'm sorry I didn't see you there who are you?" she asked in confusion, looking at Clarissa.

"Hello, my name is Clarissa Fair I was brought here by my friends talking to your father and-" she was cut off when the woman said,

"It's nice to meet you I'm Angelina and I'm stuck here and I wish to see my boyfriend again," she said sadly while...

"So you're saying this brat is a murderer," Dante asked while the girls were walking and talking, Angelina covered her mouth in shock that her father wants to kill her lover which was really sad for her. On the other hand, Clarissa wouldn't allow anyone locking her up just because her father suspects that her lover is a murderer. But the only thing that shocked both the girls was when,

"Kill this bastard!"

Both girls widened their eyes and Angelina then ran but Clarissa couldn't go but decided to open the door and asked: "Are we done here?"

Later in the night, the guys decided to follow him while Clarissa kept quiet just watching how Dante was looking at him like his prey. 'Freaky but I trust him even if he is a demon or not, he is worth staying with the woman he loves.' she thought to herself.

~Brought to you by "I am simply one hell, of a butler"-Sebastian Michaelis motto.

As they saw the man reading a book, Dante asked, "Mind if I take a seat?"

Bradley looked confused but said, "Um..sure I don't mind at all."

Meanwhile, Clarissa was waiting outside leaning into the side of the car where Morrison was parked on the side of the road while Clarissa said, "I think I should get a gun so I don't look like a princess in distress. So do you have an anti-demon gun that I can use to shoot at?"

"No, and you can ask him yourself if you-" Morrison was cut off by Clarissa leaving him in the car while she followed Bradley to an alleyway but to only peek at what appears on the wall.


"Everybody has been singing to the gate so we open the portal tonight." the demon from the wall said with an evil laugh.

"Will it now," said Bradley.

"Leaving the world like this is such a shame." the demon finished

"So I guess it's you who's been responsible for these strings of murders." Bradley guessed

"I am very fond of the warm and tasty blood of the living ones." but the demon sniffed and

'Dammit, I forgot I wore perfume today oh no...' Clarissa thought as the demon grabbed her by the neck as Bradley stood there in shock seeing her a human overhearing their conversation.

"Ack!!!!" she said while the demon grabbed her tighter but then, she grabbed the knife Lady gave her and stab it right there on its arm as it bled on the floor and let go of her as she landed on the ground.

But then, a bullet shot the other demons arm as Clarissa tried to get up as she coughed a lot as Bradley helped her up. The demon growled and asked, "Who dares?!"

As Bradley asked both Clarissa and Dante, "Did you both follow me?"

As Dante finished his slice of pizza and said, "Eating a large pizza in 5 minutes a new personal for me I might add."

"Don't you both mess with ME!!" as the demons giant hand that portaled its way to grab Dante by his arms and neck as Clarissa said to attack, "LET HIM GO AHH!" with her dagger in her right hand but at the same time the demon pushed her making her almost land against the wall until Bradley block it as they both landed softly to the ground.

"Man, that's some handshake you've got there," said Dante with a smirk as his gun under the demon's hand and shot it making the demon yell in pain. As the demon backed away to another way while,

"Clarissa what the hell you're supposed to-" said Dante as he was interrupted by none other than...

"Supposed to stay in the car no thanks," said Clarissa with a defensive look on her face as she straightens up to face him.

"Your as strong as I heard," said Bradley

"That makes me sound like you everything about me," said Dante face to face.

"I heard you're a half-breed, is it true that your parents were in love? was there alone between human and demon."

" never told me you were..." as she was about to finish her

"Who knows the stories of the lovers, they look like they were made for each other but inside, their hearts are as cold as ice," Dante said coolly

"That's just-"

"But (sighed) I think a lot those couples truly loved each other, deep inside their hearts."

"Dante..." said Clarissa stared at him and already could tell that he had a hard life within those blue eyes of his.

Then, Bradley said, "You think so."

"That's all you wanted to say?" Dante asked still pointing the gun at him.

"Yeah," said Bradley

But to Clarissa's surprise, Dante didn't shot him but, shoot the demon above him as its body fell to the ground.

Moments later...

Clarissa was now leaning against the balcony as Dante stood there, watching and listening to Bradley's explanation.

"I know I can't defeat you."

"You know your a wimp being a demon you know that," said Dante as Bradley continues,

"Even if I'm a demon, there's no way to vanquish an opponent like you. Besides my role here is finished I'll be going now," he says sadly looking down towards the city lights.

As Clarissa watched she asked, "Role what role? The demon butler that has gone insane?"

"How do you know that?" Bradley asked as he turned to look at her

"I can see who and which demons are going to attack in that location with my vision." she said blankly with her violet eyes but at that moment, Dante said, "As you were saying?"

Clarissa glared at him a bit until, the next words coming from Bradley.

"As I was saying, I'll be going now."

"What are you talking about?" asked Dante and Clarissa in a unison

"Tonight my master will arrive, he will come from the demon world, to enter this plain. I was summoned by a human to prepare away. I have done this biding, my job here is over."

"Why are you telling us both this exactly?" Dante asked him while Clarissa just stared at him like and as she thought,

'Dante really is a jerk but...he does like listening to people when it comes to "business" '

"Maybe it's because I want to put an end to this. My master is greedy I'm sure he will devour this entire city...That Cafe with the wonderful coffee and the hill with such a beautiful view with the setting sun, everything." he says as he finishes.

"And Angelina can't leave her isn't she, your true love do something about it!" said Clarissa while standing up for where she was sitting on the balcony with her determined look on her face. Dante heard her as she said that, as he watches her and Bradley. Bradley gave up his knees withholding the balcony, he started to cry and say, "What should I do I don't want to lose her, she was so kind to me. I've been so treated cruelly in the demon world, but she smiled at me and I don't want to think about her being devoured by my master. But I'm just one demon, I don't have the power to defy my master."

"It's true your being pathetic for a demon. But if you can love Angelina that much, you'll be able to live as a human." Dante finishes as he and Clarissa walk towards him.

"A human?? You mean it??" Bradley questions as he looks up to both of them.

"Come on let's get going or are we gonna let this whole thing slide," said Clarissa with a smile as she turned around and winks at the guys. While Dante was even more shock, that she has changed and has become more attractive than before even if all his missions dangerous.

Before they were going Bradley asked Dante a question, "Dante?"

"Yeah what now?"

"Do you like her? And I mean in love." as Dante blushed pink on his cheeks that he pulled his gun and warned him, "That's none of your concern about and keep your mouth shut before I shoot you before that son of a bitch."

"OK if you say so." said lastly Bradley with a good smile.

Later as they arrived Dante came in and shot a lot on the door as Clarissa ran towards Angelina and says "you'll be OK! Trust me."

she nods and takes to a corner as Clarissa was about to shoot the butler, he grabbed her by surprise and pushed her to where the ritual is marked and now it's glowing red that Dante got pissed and yelled "Bradley!! Get Clarissa out of here!" And now Belphegour was about to come but, as that was happening she stood up and jumped to where Dante was hanging on the chandelier with a gun on his mouth as she says, "Let's jump!!"

But before Dante could stop her, she's shooting and stabbing the demon along with him as she said, "GO BACK YOU BASTARDDD!!"

"It must be a hard trip for ya huh?"

As he and she were slashing and shooting together, Clarissa thought angrily, 'I hate this demon sooo much so GO TO HELL.'

When it was done, Clarissa looked over to where Bradley, Angelina and her father were. However, Clarissa said, "Well job well done." she smiles at Dante as he stares at her with his dark blue eyes and she looks at him with her violet ones and then, they left them alone.

"So now I have to do double shifts that I owe my boss now, but (sigh) let's go Dante." said Clarissa with her arms behind her shoulders, Dante surprisingly hugged her and said, "Don't you dare die in front of me is that clear, Clary?"

Clary frozen and just nodded in response and then, hugs him back. And they both stay there for a few minutes.

Until a week later...

"Clarissa thanks for paying off your double shifts by working hard these past weeks and I know that you deserve a reward for your hard efforts so, here's your extra loan." the boss said handing out her extra payment in hand while Clarissa turned to face her boss and exclaimed,

"Woah thank you, sir, maybe I'll buy something nice in the store or probably a new canvas." as she said that with a smile until,

"Come on we still need our order." customer 2

"Coming sir be right with you. I have an order for you boss." as she handed out the paper with the order noted down, she then, said, "I have to go, sir, my shift is done I'll be going bye!"

"Bye Clarissa!" yelled the boss with a grin on his face.

As she was walking near a TV store she thought 'Maybe Morrison fixed it or bought foster than me instead...(sigh) yeah I think so let's see the gang'

When she arrived at DMC, she exclaimed, "Hey guys I have the day off from my extra shifts and so I got extra payment this week!" >0< But to her surprise she won herself a bet by guessing right Morrison was fixing the TV for Patty.

"Hey there miss, congrats but at least you make an extra effort on your job than most people I know..." said Morrison as he glares at Dante in which apparently is checking on photos that were sent to him.

Clarissa giggled.

"Hey less talking more talking!" pouted Patty at Morrison.

"So did Angela and Bradley live happily ever after, right Dante?" Clarissa asked as she walks behind Dante looking at the happy couple together with flowers they were holding together, but on the look at Dante's face he asked her,

"Where is it that you work in again?"

"What? Oh, that's..." she whispered where she works at Dante and then, said, "Thanks, Clary. ;)"

0///0 she blushed red at Dante that he noticed and smirked at her which made her scatter back against the wall and said, "I'll kill you next time you flirt!"

"Hey Dante, I'll just deduct my payment my repair fees for your next payment," said Morrison in the complaint as he leaves leaving Patty watching her soap opera. "Oh...whatever." as Dante throws the picture of the couple together from the mail, as Clarissa stopped and sat down on his desk crossing her legs and said, "Come on Dante stop wasting your money on your food and pay for your debts right now so you can be done with it."

"Maybe later..."

"You always say later and now you wanna be lazy until your next mission how pathetic." as she turns her head to watches Patty watching her soap opera. While Dante smiled at Clarissa and thought,

'She was a shy girl before but now...she is like the perfect person I've ever met.' as he smiles at her and she smiled back.

Here ya go everyone yay~~