Meeting the demoness

Clarissa's first-night hunt training with Lady...

As Lady was riding her motorcycle while Clarissa, was holding onto the long chain that was really heavy but, she got the hang of it. However as they were arriving in their target, both of them crashed landed to the gates as Clarissa has jumped out of the bike that they were in and then,

Slash slash!! as Clarissa was slashing and chaining the demon that was following a guy while she said "Get out off here." then the guy ran.

"Clary must remember always know and sense the demon out of the act got it?" she asked while, Clarissa "TCH! I told you not to call me that, Lady," she growled the last part at Lady. Which she smirked and said,

"At least it's your turn to kill your target in sight."

"Thanks teach." as Clarissa took her tongue out as Lady sighed in anger until, ROAR !! 'Here come more ugh so tired I need some sleep but I can't be just Dante and her hunting while I'm bait no way! So now, this is what I want to do instead of being that'

As more demons come, "The fun is about to start." Lady said as she smirked while Clarissa on the other hand ran forward to the first demon and went with her dagger and sliced it while Lady started her motorbike. She sped up as Clarissa ran faster and jumped on top of the motorbike and pulled the last demon on its neck but then suddenly, a lightning bolt appeared out of nowhere. Clarissa got out of the motorbike and asked,

"Where did that come from?!"

"I don't know but..." said Lady as she pointed at the direction where a long-haired blonde woman who was on the top of the roof as moon lite at its peak. (Trish image on top)

The girls (Lady and Clarissa) got off the motorbike and pointed their guns at the woman that only appears to be a lightning demoness,

'Wow...she looks slimmer than me and Lady but...I wanna kill this one so I don't' Clarissa's thought's were interrupted by Lady saying, "I've been looking for you, so your the devil laying waste to this town."

She starts shooting at her and yells, "Clary shoot!!"

"I don't think she's the one...!"

"Don't look at me she's getting away!" Lady scolded as they both run and made sure she can't hear them, they went to silence mode. With the guns on their hands, Clarissa runs to the other way and then, follows Lady up the stairs. As they got to an empty room, a cat was meowing.

As Lady opened the window, Clarissa followed to the rooftop and they both meet the blonde woman in which, she apparently smiles at them. Clarissa then asks,

"Is someone else doing all this?" while pointing the gun at the blond woman, that's when she got another vision.

In the Vision:

Hi, names Trish and hunting another demon that's been causing trouble.

Girls shop and both of them (Trish and Lady) having to try all the clothes.

end vision...

"Clary Clary wakes up! Shit, we lost her but you're okay," said Lady as for Clarissa, she was still laying in the floor with a big headache.

"Come on I'll take you home."

The next day...

Clarissa was on her morning shift, serving every customer their meals as they keep ordering,

"Miss, here." customer #1

"Here's your tip miss." customer #20

"Alright, here and thank so much for coming," said Clarissa as the chief looked at her impressed. As she smiles at him and walked towards him and ask, "Today is my raise, right?"

"Yes and congratulations, on your job. And today I'm going to be your genie today so...what will t be for your order?" said her chief with a smile on his face.

Clarissa laughed and then, calmed down and said, "OK, I'd like to order a hamburger and some fries along with honey mustard, please."

"Alright coming right up, Clarissa." as he left to the kitchen and went to start cooking Clarissa was happy and Dandy that she glanced at the glass window and just noticed Lady just passing by and then, she caught Clarissa staring at her through the glass.

"Here ya go one club sandwich for my hard-working employee!" the chief smiled as he gave Clarissa, her order and continued, "So I think you'll be able to visit one of your friends today since you showed promise more than anyone here in this diner so go have fun and go have your adventure. Besides your like a daughter to me."

"Thank you, sir, see ya next week!" as Clarissa waved at him and grabbed her dark-brown leather bag and decided to follow where Lady was heading until,

"Why are you following me, Clary?" Lady asked as she spotted Clarissa's hiding spot. Although she said, "For the past week I've been working very hard and received extra cash and got free food in exchange thanks to my fatherly figure chief. And I suppose you are still thinking about the blonde woman with lightning powers?"

"Yes but..." she (Lady) cut off by Clarissa says,

"So...were gonna hunt the same demoness we fought last night?" she questioned (Clarissa)

"Yeah," she answers with her concern look on her face.

But later on...

They have arrived and when they walked in, Clarissa spotted Dante reading a magazine and heard him say,

"Damn that sure was a stupid bet I made."

"Then, why don't you just try not to take a bet that you think you could win?" said Clarissa as she came in and sat on his desk while crossing her legs and arms as Lady takes the magazine from him and said,

"Huh? Thinking about dressing up and drag?"

Clarissa smirked as she saw Dante's reaction, as he says "Who knows maybe let me know if there's anything that you girls think would look good at me."

"Geez, your jokes are so lame." Lady groans while, Clarissa says and surprisingly at them both, "Hey he made me laugh and you should know how to respect him even if he's lame. At least he tries all right, shit..." she muttered the last and blushes *///*and turns away and stood up from where she was when suddenly another vision came and this time was flashing at her

The demoness

the priest turning into a demon

and her abusing past

She then fainted.