Competition between girls

Dante's thoughts after Lady left and Patty there worried, (Dante's POV)

'What the hell?! Has Clarissa been okay, why has she been training with Lady and that she-demon what did she do to her?!' I can't think straight what the hell, well anyways...Patty keeps getting me annoyed and entertained.

" hurts."

I notice that Clarissa is waking up and groaning in pain from her head, thank goodness. I am so relieved she didn't die or anything... Wait a minute am I worried about her...I thought and blushed in pink that Patty just noticed,

"Why are you blushing?"

I coughed at her '///' '~'and heard Clarissa's voice say, "I had another vision again..."

"What did you see?" I asked her but she shook her head and said, "I can only tell you the two of them are at each other's throats."

I knelled and as I was about to say something Patty interrupted me, "Clarissa you're alright! Thank goodness!"

As Clarissa sat up and stood up she asked, "So why are you looking at girls clothes magazine anyway it's not like your gonna buy her clothes or something?"

"Well actually he promised that if he loses to a game of cards he'd buy me some clothes," Patty exclaimed

"I didn't say I'd buy them today," said Dante

"That's not faiiirrrr" as she complains but then, Clarissa sighs and says, "Patty if he doesn't have the money, you just can't force people even if he's lazy and doesn't pay much you could have asked me you know besides...I have a day off so that means *sighs deeply* I'll buy them for ya on his behalf okay unless you stop being so spoiled for once. All right, good."

I widened my eyes and I thought to myself, 'I definitely have to pay her back', though as I smile and then, Patty asked, "Um...but you can't Dante owes a lot but...okay just this once."

Clarissa sighed to herself and said, "Dante your welcome." as she turned away from them both and headed to the door.

Nobody's POV:

Clarissa was now on her way to one of the boutiques to get new clothes since the rest got ruined by her first demon hunting and since Lady did say she went shopping. As Clarissa was trying out a nice dress for her blind date tomorrow night so, she is trying 2 dresses.

Option 1: A black dress top and a floral skirt with big white flower patterns around it.

Now option 2: A dark-red shoulderless dress

'Hmm IDK if this one or the other one geez I love this 2 but-' as Clarissa was still wearing the 👗 option 2 the same blonde woman came in and picked almost the whole rack of the new collection. Clarissa was shocked that she sighed and asked, "I knew it was you for sure in my vision yesterday and today so I wonder you are the good demon? Like Bradley, I'm sure u kinda know him."

But unfortunately, she just nodded at Clarissa as she went into the changing room. Meanwhile, as Clarissa was finishing paying her two dresses, Lady enters and greets her,

"Hey Clary, your buying those dresses? What's the occasion?"

"I've decided to go on a blind date this Saturday night," she said casually while paying and getting the bags ready and was about to leave until,

"I'm sorry the changing room is being used at the moment. Would you wait just a moment." said the clerk lady apologetically.

"What awful style," Lady commented and at that moment she met her again. Clarissa sweatdrop as she keeps watching the scene and noticed that Lady whispered something to her that the blonde woman just smiled and was now next to me but she whispers,

"You have a lot of nerve, training Clarissa Fair..."

At that, Clarissa just grabbed her arm and asked, "How do you know me?" But the blonde woman ignored her and then

On the church.

Clarissa was sitting now next to Lady while the so-called priest scolds us but...

"...if things continue like this the damage could spread to other towns as well. She's terrible."

"Well my friend here, and I didn't think she's terrible at all," said Lady

"I agree I don't think that-" Clarissa was cut off by the priest telling her, "Maybe if you just shot that woman none of this would have happened and keep your so-called visions to yourself and kill before I tell your father."

Clarissa went silent for a moment as her tears swell up quietly making them fall out of her eyes, making her cry. But then before she could attack the priest and from the roof, the blonde woman came down to them as Lady was about to say something, Clarissa turned her heel and left crying

"Hey, where do ya think you're going?! Clary!"

As the girls keep fighting Clarissa ran towards a hill while Dante saw her run towards the bushes and hid. Dante on the other hand followed her. Minutes later Clarissa was covering her face while her thoughts ran wild,

'How did he know about my father? Did he tell him to break me in order to become like them at a young age or-' her thoughts were interrupted by none other than,

"What do you want? Wanna see me cry?" she asked still covering her face while she hugs herself with her knees. Dante however, came closer towards her and kneeled.

"No, but if ya don't tell me now I think I'll just..."


He turns to face her as she stands up and wipes her tears away and tells him what the priest said to her back at the church but what shocked him the most was that she knew, the demoness was a good one and the priest insulted her (Clarissa). Clarissa then, said "You don't have to *sniff*sniff* worry about me I've been called worse...ever since my dad...Did you know he abused me when my mother I a lost cause."

His eyes widened the minute she said 'abused'. 'They have no right to insult her, whoever insults her insults me...*blushing mess* AGAIN I can't I-I!!'

"No your not a lost cause..." she turns to face him as Dante continues at the same time he walked towards her and hugged so tight,

"Don't listen to anyone who insults, threatens or hit you, because I'll always be with you no matter what so fuck 'em they don't deserve to live do you hear them so so...ignore them and whenever you need me because b-because I'm here."

At that moment, she cried while tugging him more into the hug and he caresses her brown hair while his dark-blue eyes scanned her violet ones but as they were about to kiss...BOOM! The explosion came from the church. They both stopped and Clarissa said, "Well...aren't we gonna kill that demon priest or not?" she grins at him and he says, "L-let's go before Lady and Trish kill each other."

He smirks and blushes pink to the ears.


As both women were fighting and punching each other and as they kept going at it Lady asked,

"Bitch you shot my hair what's the matter feels like I'm fighting another human?" as she kept panting of tiredness. As the demoness smirks at her in response and prepares to shoot her with her lightning bolt of electricity to Lady. A giant sword flew between them while at the front door of the church while Dante says,

"If you're gonna continue like that, probably getting some money."

And right behind him was Clarissa, standing there as her cheeks were a bit pink. Looking away for a bit ad then, said, "Are you both done pissing each other off because you're both annoying even if you. Lady, don't believe in 'her' being a demoness doing the same job as all of us."

Lady couldn't believe this but...Clarissa is jealous again because of Trish since Dante tells them, the demoness name. And...

'How long were they a couple even for them both? Are they still are and Dante's playing with my feelings? Wait for feelings!!?? I should just pretend or-' her thoughts were interrupted by Lady asking her,

"So how long were you gonna tell me, Clary???"

"What? I told you and you didn't believe me remember after I fainted you didn't even give a second thought about it haven't you and was the show for us all to kill each other, priest?" Clarissa asked the last part while glaring behind the pillar where the priest was 'hiding' as she pointed her gun at him while the rest...

"Don't misunderstand me by putting an end to you 3 do-gooders will be easy, just thought I'd like to avoid the hassle of doing so. And I see you Clarissa Fair becoming the 4th of them. But I see'll become one of us soon enough hehe."

That shocked Clarissa to the core but then again, she felt her visions scanning the surroundings but, while that was going on Lady said,

"I always thought this guy was a little weird but, I wouldn't guess he was a demon."

"D-Dante..." Clarissa said worriedly

"What is it?"

"I wanna kill him first."

"Alright and better be quick like us." he smiles at her and then, he notices her violet eyes were glowing? He didn't understand but then, he nodded. As everyone got ready to attack, the priest turned to its true form as a white demon.

"Tell me, Dante, what do you think?" Trish asks

"Unfortunately for him since this horny little devil is new in town. he probably doesn't know what we do for a living and I won't let any demon insult, Clarissa, ever again and if they do kill it!"

Everyone starting attacking and shooting Clarissa unexpectedly opened her glowing violet eyes and made a big violet rope and yelled: "Jokes on you pall!!"

At Clarissa's flat...

"*exhales*" as Clarissa changed her clothes into her pyjamas, she started to clean her place a bit while she orders her Hawaiian pizza and kept's her weapons at the back of the closet which, she made sure no one human sees it.

"Well I am super tired..." she then, thinks about what the demon priest said and about her father? 'How in the world did I make a rope from my eyes even Dante, Lady and Trish seemed shocked at the same time...'

"Maybe I should just pretend I don't have any powers and get ready on my blind date for tomorrow night." she says to herself as she fell asleep for the next day.

On one of the rooftops...

Dante was keeping an eye on her, just in case. He couldn't figure out why her eyes were glowing back at the church, he asked Lady and Trish but none of them answered because they had no idea either. 'Sh*t I have to figure this out before she loses control and the rest of them would use against me! No matter I'll protect you, Clarissa, with my skills I will teach you and keep an eye on you.'

The next day...

"Where you heading off this time?" asked Dante to Trish while, Clarissa was wiping the windows with Windex but she was listening and for some reason, Clarissa checked her wallet and notices that she is being prepared because of her hard work in her job she has it full of extras.

"Probably gonna travel little more, wherever their following." said Trish as she waves goodbye

"Take care of yourself." says Dante

and then, "Oh one more thing, Clarissa."

"Yeah, Trish?"

She (Trish) smiles and says, "Be careful alright you make sure he pays."

Clarissa sweatdropped at that and says, "Bye-bye!"

Clarissa came down the stairs and placed the Windex and cloth on the coffee table while walking towards him and asks, "D-Dante are you alright?"

"Hah, yeah I'm fine is it just me or are you worried about me~?" he teases leaving Clarissa blushing and denying as she says, "O-of course not why would you think tha-"

Before Clarissa could finish, she was stopped by a woman opening the front door and asks, "Excuse me are you Dante?"

"Yep, who's asking?" he answers.

"I was told that you should pay this bill."

"HUH?!What?" he asks as the lady gave him the bill he stares at it in shock and tries to explain to her that you got the wrong guy. Clarissa then, thought 'I knew those 2 were up to something, I now know why his full of debts, because they make him pay like he's a sugar daddy or dad. Ughh I am really gonna kill them both for sure.'

"Miss?" Clarissa says

"Hmm." middle-age woman.

"I'll pay how much is it? Hand it over." while Clarissa's hand facing upwards

"Of course here you go." as the middle age woman hands the largest bill ever to her.

'Lucky you Dante I have enough to let down your worries for now.' she told herself as for the bill she handed over to the woman and said, "Here ya go."

"Humph, have a nice day," she comments as she leaves.