Dante jealous over a blind date and a hot kiss

FYI this is not from the series but a bit of fun before the rest of the parts of this fanfic so please enjoy~

Let me know if your thoughts in the comments Thanks.

~*Fairchild out ;)

Clarissa's POV:

'I hope Dante doesn't get any ideas in order to ruin my first try on my first blind date, and now the finishing touch, my lipstick.' as I place my 💄 lipstick on and then, 'Done!'

I start wearing my black leather coat and my white wool scarf. As I walk out of the flat, I was now walking on the sidewalk but for some reason, I went to the alleyway and said,

"Come out u filthy demon." And it did, then, I took out my dagger and sliced it right in the neck where it lefts it's colour, in addition, I made sure my clothes were clean and luckily they are. 'Perfect'

Minutes later...I arrive at the restaurant where my blind date is supposed to meet me. As I wait patiently for my date...

Outside the restaurant Dante's POV:

'Why in the hell am I following her damn it' I curse myself in my head and questioning myself, about what Lady told me' Flashback a week ago...

"You should know that our little friend, Clarissa is going on a blind date right?" I was shocked that I almost choked my strawberry sundae as Lady smirked at me as she saw through my blushing red face that I totally forgot she is teasing the truth out of me and then she says,

"Come on Dante it's writing all over your ugly face right now! So...are you gonna follow her?"

I then asked her, "Where will it be? ///the date I mean..."

Flashback ended...~.~

Here I am now spying and making sure that if a demon comes to her I'll kill it and...wait who is that? I stare at the man who just entered the restaurant and kissed her hand! I try holding myself together while grabbing my anti-demon guns, I growl.

*Dante then jumps off the roof to a dark alley while watching them, talking to each other. And listens to their conversation with his super hearing.

At the restaurant...No one's POV:

"Sorry I'm late, are you Clarissa?" the tall and elegant man asked her.

"Yes, I am and don't worry. I'm sure you have another reason's to be." Clarissa said with a smile as they sat down she felt an uneasy feeling on her skin as the tall man introduces himself, "My name is James Brandwell I work in a newspaper and should say that, you look ravishing in that Scarlet dress Clarissa." he compliments.

While she took a moment and answered, "Why thank you, James. And you look handsome yourself."

They both nodded and started to order,

"I will have some spaghetti with mushroom filling and a salad too please," Clarissa ordered her meal while the waiter wrote it down.

"And I'll have a salad with oysters please," James ordered. But for some reason, Clarissa spotted James glowing golden pupils and then turn back to normal. Then, she knew and thought, 'He's the demon that has been asking pretty girls out, ordering less and then, telling the owner to close the restaurant when they're alone. *Humph*'

*Dante was listening to the conversation and was growling until he sees the restaurant going dark and then, he realizes its a trap for Clarissa! He ran to the entrance and glance a second of Clarissa frozen to her feet.

Clarissa noticed that she forgot her gun 'Damn it,' she thought making a tch sound that James noticed and said, "Let's enjoy ourselves in the dark, shall WEEEEEE!!" as he turned to a revolting demon. A second later, Dante broke the dark restaurant's door and started shooting at it which was very fast but not long that Clarissa she remembered she had a dagger when she killed a minor in the alley and then, she jumped to the side and yelled,

"Raghhhh, DIE YOU PIECE OF SH*T!!" and stabbed it with her dagger making the demon hit her on the side and fell unexpectedly on top of Dante and he grunted as he asked, "U alright?"

"Do I look alright to you, please....let's kill it." as Dante and Clarissa smirked at each other as they lunged forward and killed the demon at last. It didn't take long for the police to arrive. Dante then covered Clarissa with his Scarlet jacket and whispered, "Let's go"

As they were both walking, Clarissa as blushing red to her ears. That Dante was grabbing his warm arms around her shoulders, and keeping her warm since her jacket was ripped to pieces and covered with demon blood. 'How in the hell did he know I was going on a d-' then it hit her 'Lady...'

Dante noticed her blushing and he answered, "I was reported to kill that date of yours who was a demon and that's why I was there. A-and ///// you look great and...beautiful tonight." Then it started to rain. Clarissa said, "Let's run for it."

As they did, they arrived at Devil may cry and sigh. Dante on the other went in one of the doors and came back with a towel. He threw it at Clarissa and said, "Here...dry yourself."

"...T-thank you."

"Your Welcome," he answered with a smile and sat the red couch and patted it. Signalling Clarissa to sit next to him and she did.



"Are you always stalking people's privacy?"

"Well..." Dante sighed and said, "I did follow you but, why were going on blind dates? I mean seriously I thought you weren't the type to go on date slide that."

"Oh my,...you were...j-jealous?!!" she blushed of the thought that maybe he likes her too and got angry at so-called 'James'.

Dante turned his head towards her and then, pressed her against the couch grabbing both her wrist and growled saying, "Listen to me very very...carefully...you belong to me and that is that" as he caressed her left arm to her waist down. As Clarissa's face was in a blushing mess and as Dante continued down his hand went under her dress and grabbed her thigh hard as Dante smirks at her blushing reaction he continued grabbing now both her thighs and pulled her into a passionate kiss. She was shocked and then after he broke the kiss, she grabbed behind his neck and kissed him back. He was now the one shocked and wrapped his arms around her waist as he was taking off his top as she removed her dress leaving only with her bra and underwear shorts, as they kept kissing each other and thrusting then, they found a blanket long enough to cover each other. Dante touches her soft spot and bit her as he kept going in and out, Clarissa was blushing a lot while her moans get louder and louder Dante smirks and grabbed her breast while Clarissa wraps her arms around his strong back and she whispered, "O-oh OH...oh my God Dante...Dante."

"Hold on and...(smirks) enjoy...your mine now" when he was finally in she wrapped her legs around him and moaned louder than before and whispered, "Please more" Then Dante smirks and whispered back "as you wish Clarissa"

Hours later...

Dante and Clarissa were panting as they hugged each other tightly and Clarissa asked, "Dante.."

"Hmm?" as he caresses her head in circles

"Do you think we'll be at peace?" she asked

"Well, it depends on what the future holds."