In private but a real follower for advice?

As Dante came into his favourite place to get the best strawberry sundae in the city, and eventually...

"That was fast." as the bartender slides the sundae towards Dante and in front of him, and the bartender said, "I figured you'd come sometime soon." as he dries a glass cup with a towel.

"Kinda hard to believe you'd wait for me for too long."

"I missed you so much." answered the bartender with a smile as he looks at the person who arrived and when Dante turned, it was Clarissa. (picture on top that's whats she's wearing) as she spotted Dante, she smiled and walked towards where he is and says, "Good morning, Dante how are you?"

Dante smirked and decided to tease her a bit, "Fine but your late to take my sundae."

"No, it's not. You wanted me to come so there you have it." she winked and whispered to Dante while blushing as he grabs her hand and whispered back, "You look nice today...."

Clarissa was watching Cindy and a blonde buff guy talking, "What are you talking about telling me what kind of guy are you looking for?"

"A real he-man, I like a wild sexy and intelligent man it's kind to women and always relaxed and he's got to be to die for cute a real man like Dante." she finishes

As the guy stood there in shock, he noticed a white-haired man (Dante) with his scarlet coat who was teasing the brunette next to him and she pouted at him as he shoves some of his sundaes on her mouth making her blush as he smirks and licks the corner of her mouth.

Later in the night...

'I don't get it, what does Cindy see in a guy like him anyway? Even he has a girlfriend and...'

Dante and Clarissa went in the Renaissance Dance nightclub and Clarissa thought to herself, 'I know that guy from this afternoon and he is still following us...hmm...maybe he wants to be just like Dante!!OMG'


"What is it?" Dante asked and Clarissa answered him, "N-nothing (chuckling)it's just I think we you have an admirer."

"Were here," he said.

"Dante don't change the subject, but alright." she answered with a shrug as they both went into the nightclub in which Clarissa loved the music until Dante whispered to her, "Wait here I'm gonna take care of the demon." in which she gave him the jealousy glare because his target is a female demon and at the corner of Clarissa's eye she saw 'the guy'(A/N: IDK his name in the series but comment if you guys know what his name)

This time she followed him to where Dante was eliminating that demon with loud Bangs from his gun and then the guy caught me and asked, "W-What did he just kill or do something to her?!!"

Clarissa hesitated and answered his question, "I-I don't know what you're talking about?!"

Then, Dante came out and saw Clarissa leaning against the wall in front of him and he wraps his right arm around her waist as he whispers in her ear and she nods at him and they both walk away leaving the guy nervous and scared as he opens the girl's restroom to look around until he gets kicked out.

Day 2...At Devil May Cry lair

'That guy has serious issues about following Dante but,...I think he's tr-' Clarissa's thoughts were interrupted by Patty's rambling towards Dante and while he just ignores as he kept being lazy as always but she could give that stalker credit he can learn a thing or two about how to get women so...

Until, they decided to head out but, Clarissa was the only one who saw the same dude from before last night, to which she shook it off and decided to pretend not to see anyone until Patty went to where the guy was and saying out loud at the same time scaring the guy, "Hey! What do you think you're doing?"


"Looks like the business is as slow as always," said Morrison as he sat across from Dante.

As Clarissa was working nightshift tonight while Dante says, "Yeah, yeah whatever let's see it."

"So (giggling )another job for him, right?" said Clarissa as she left again to the bar the same guy from yesterday she stopped next to him and asked, "What's your order, sir?"

As the guy turned to face her his face paled and she whispered to him, "Don't worry we already know you stalking around but don't tell him I said that."

But before she could move, he grabbed her by the arm almost yanking her wrist he asked her, "Is it true what I saw last night or whatever it was going on?"

At that Clarissa froze and asked politely, "Let. me. go. please."


The sound called both Clarissa and the guys attention, as they looked from the bar inside the suitcase was big loads of cash right inside it that did surprise her more than the other guy as he let go of her wrist slowly she lay down the waiting tray on the table to massage her wrist as she then went to get the rest of the client's orders and at the corner of Dante's eye he watched her very closely while paying attention to Morrison at the same time.

As soon as Clarissa was back with the orders until Dante got up from his chair he said to Morrison, "Like you give a sh*t..."

Clarissa stood there but placed the tray on Morrison's table as she goes towards him and tells Dante,


"Hmm?" he turns to face her and she says, "Be careful out there and call me if you need me to help." he simply smiles at her softly with his reassuring look on his eyes and he leaves her with a kiss on the forehead so quick that only the guy noticed his actions towards his girlfriend. Once she was done with her shift she was prepared to go home but she decided to walk around for a while in the night, but she bumped into a familiar human face.

'Sid? what's he doing here?' she thought seriously as she was about to get her gun he said in his haunting voice, "Well well, what a surprise that we ran into each other huh?"

Clarissa was about to take out her gun, from her holster Sid evilly said, "Clarissa Fair why don't you stop thinking about defending yourself and work for me I am happier to make you as the new queen for my kingdom. Besides, I think a few friends of mine would love to how should I say feast on you?"

As soon as he finishes his line, he dissapears leaving only the hungry demons with her so they can feast on a delicious soul. She dropped her bag and pushed it to the side and prepared to stand her ground with two guns on each hand making her position and then,

The demons charged at her and in slow motion she calculated how many of them were there so, she said while grinning, "Hmph, you guys are so annoying! Ruining my perfectly beautiful night routine. But," she continued, "You all just leave me ALONE!!"

As the demons kept charging she ran and jumped between buildings to land on top of them. Then, she pulled her gun out and shot all the demons from the alley and once she landed to the ground they all started spilling scarlet blood on the cold floor. Clarissa however, she wiped the last stain of blood that was on her face and said to herself,

"Well...I guess I should go back and sleep because tomorrow might be a new-" before she could finished she heard a groan coming from one of the demons who attacked her,

" they chosen of the...(coughs out blood) living with demon senses."

She turned around to look at the one who is speaking and asked, "What do you all want from me? What is it you all gain to collect?"

Then, it answered, "Y-you of course hehe..." then it died like the rest of the corpses.

Day 3 in the night...

Clarissa couldn't sleep last night that she ended up having dark circles and slept at Dantes place but however he tried asking her what was the matter? but she kept changing the subject. Dante knew that something's wrong but shook the feeling away for the meantime. While he was killing the demons in disguise as the mafia.

Until she decided to follow the guy and finally find out what he was up to this time in order to comprehend him about his jealousy towards Dante from Cindy's comment. Which Clarissa was pretty sure that this guy took her comment very seriously, as in which that's why she is here? It's because she senses more demons tonight even unaware of Dante's arrival.

"(yawn) God I'm tired how long is this gonna take?" she said, in a tiring voice that waited for almost 20 minutes until she accidently moved a bit closer to find out that the dude is currently now with a gun and is injured 'Oops,'

"Who's there?" he asked pulling out the gun. As Clarissa said coming out of her hiding place, "Hey, sorry dude."

"(sighs in relief) H-hey what r u doing here?"

"Seriously why are you taking Cindys comment so seriously? it's like a play in the theatre." she commented while walking towards him. And at the same time he walked backwards slowly, making him ask, "Do you know that Dante is murdering mafia!?"

"Why in hell would you ask me something like that besides the answer is no, he isn't besides all that I could not tell you otherwise..." she said cooly while crossing her arms.

"Otherwise what?" he asked staring at her with his eagerness in his eyes but Clarissa's eyes never blinked for a second until, a growling roaring sound came from the other alley behind them; then Clarissa pulled out her gun and said, "Dude I want you to run as much as you can and don't look back understood?"

He then, looked at her and said, "No you'll get hurt and do you even know how to use a gun?!"

She groans and answered, "Yes goddamnit now LEAVE!"

But he didn't leave but stood there in shock, in fear until he woke up and ran to hide. Meanwhile, Clarissa was busy shooting at the demon she said, "What r u things doing here?" she started shooting the gun until she was caught by a pair of arms, it was Dante!

"Now why would you start ignoring me and keeping secrets from me from yesterday?" he asked her with concern in his voice until he noticed the dark circles in her eyes and from then, he figured it was her nightmares again. He sighed and asked, "Tell me what's wrong? you've been avoiding our normal chats but this has gone far enough, won't you tell me?"

Clarissa had no idea that he'd be so worried, at least she knows that he loves her but,

"Thank you for your concern Dante but now, " as she took out her guns pointing it directly at the demon and saying let's kill this son of a b*tch."

Dante's lips curved into a sexy smirk and also took out Sparta and smiled. At that moment, he said, "Nice timing you dickhead. Shame I had no one to fight with but, with a bunch of your weaklings I've been wanting go with someone that can give me a little workout isn't that right?"

Clarissa smirked and answered with, "Yeah and I am in a very bad mood because of you demons."

Nevertheless, these two charged towards the demon and started shooting along with a bit of one slice from Dante's sword Sparta. And with that Dante's hair covered his eyes from his face and then, he grinned with a smirk. However, Clarissa stood there watching his back saying, "You all bark but don't bite." And before she even realizes, she passes out but luckily Dante caught her in his arms and thought while looking down at her figure, 'You...have been trying to sleep but you couldn't because of these bastards disturbing you in your sleep, that's why you didn't tell me (sigh) don't worry I will find out why they want you I swear it'

As Clarissa's eyelids fluttered a bit the next morning only this time she was back in her apartment, as the sun hit her face her violet eyes started glowing again but, for some reason once she got up she walked to her bedroom mirror as her eyes were still glowing so from that day she got dressed and headed out with black sunglasses. On one of the sidewalks she sensed a demons presence but she was unsure of who? She looked around but then, a voice woke her up from her daze,

"Clarissaaaaa!" a familiar little voice said to her as she looked down and saw Patty, "Hello Patty how are you?" she smiled at the girl. But Patty asked her, "Are you okay? Wait a minute, you're eyes are glowing!"

"Shuuuush keep it down please, Patty." Clarissa hissed while covering the girls mouth was begging for her to say yes and of course, she nodded.

Clarissa's POV:

In the night at a bar there sat Dante, Patty and Lady while I continued wearing these sunglasses from this morning as I kept serving her customers some beer and they're order but my eyes wouldn't go away like last time, as I thought to myself,

'Ugh so I'm stuck with my glowing eyes huh?' as I let down a sigh making Dante look at me in worry as he then heard Lady as she finished counting her money, "Yup that's all."

"You can be a little deadly about that," Dante complain in annoyance as Lady counted her payback that Dante owed her. But what I didn't realize is that Patty asked out loud, "Dante haven't you noticed that Clarissa's acting strange lately?"

I froze at the question Patty just asked and I just told her not to make any comments 'jeez this girl doesn't keep her mouth shut damn it!'

Lady then, looked at my frozen figure and asked me the question, "Hey!"


"What's wrong why wear sunglasses in the night don't tell a demon caught your eyes?" she jokingly said with the question which I hesitated for a minute until I said, "Maybe it is best that I tell three outside it will be weird if these people saw this." as my hair covered my sunglasses a bit. Luckily my boss told me I can leave now for the night, as I waited for them to come out and see what Patty meant. 'Good grief, okay don't worry I will explain everything to Dante and Lady although I don't want you Lady to bully Dante your to mean💢'

Minutes later...Dante came out of the bar alongside Lady as she started dragging me to an alley only this time Dante told her, "Let her go Lady let's take it slow and she will explain." At that Lady let go of me and once we are gathered in the alley Dante asked, "What's with the sunglasses, Clarissa?" As I hesitated at first, but took them of slowly until they saw my violet eyes but this time they now understood why I wore them because they were glowing. Lady wondered as she walked around me in surprise along with suspicion while Dante, widen his light-blue eyes at me and walked towars me while asking, "When did that happen?"

I then, started explaining about the encounter Cid, the demons trying to get my precious soul and of course about what they wanted me. Lady then, said "So how are you gonna handle it while you are sleeping? Dante what do you think the demons want her so much?"

As I looked him in the eye questioning him 'Dante?' But he said, "Leave Lady I'll take care of this." he told her off as she shrugged and said with a warning, "Be careful where you go from now on Clary."

Once Lady left, Dante walked towards me as I started to tear up and hugged him so tight that he slowly hugged me back as he whispered to me in the ear saying, "Clarissa," as I cried in his chest and sobbing he lookedand soozing me with his long hands on my back asking him, "Why do they want me to become the queen I just (sob) want to live a happy life with you." Dante couldn't say anything but comfort her just for a while. Then, he cleared his throat telling me, "You should head back to my place while I go do bit of working out okay? I promise that I will come back for you once everything is cleared up understand?"

I nodded and then, I kissed him passionately in my tippy toes and he kissed me back as his arms wrapped around me as he pulled me close I closed my eyes as the world around us sparkled with light and peace.


Later he took her back to his place as he lays her in his bed and thought to himself looking at her sleeping figure, 'Don't worry, Clarissa I won't let them lay a finger on you no matter how hard I try I will always be right next to you' as he left to her slumber, he went off to explain to the blonde dude what he wanted to say,

Later outside of the city, Dante said while carrying the demon bell, "You ready cuz thhis party is about to get started" the blonde dude freaked out and hid inside his car as Dante smirked with anger as he thought, 'Slicing each one of you nasty bastards is great thing until, you decided to hurt the only person who can help and who really cares for me not just as a half-demon and half-human but because I am Dante the demon hunter and I will protect anyone that hurt the people I love' "Alright," as he swing his sword in preperation, "This is real" the demon growls in anger. as it starts spitting large bolts of purple light with poison.

As Dante continued, avoiding every bolt that the demon was spitting he arrived in speed and then, swish he sliced the thing in half as it started turning into black ash as it kept burning until the crack of dawn started pouring in and then, the car turn into pieces as the dude starting to walk away from the scene until,

"Jus a minute," as Dante liftedhis hand as he was grabbing a photo of both the dude and Cynthia as and had a sadden face, "If your gonna skip town you should at least let her know about it."

The dude was in shock at his words and at the same time he could not believe it, "If you don't she can't chase you even if she wants to."

"What do you mean by that?" the dude asks Dante as he answers, "Why don't you ask her yourself?" as Dante tossed it at him as the dude grabs it and looks at the photo sad, and looked up to say, "You came all the way just to tell me that?"

As Dante shows him the bell from before, he says, "I'm just a demon man, I just hadn't had my fill of fun yet" as he throws it up into the air and then, BANG! it was destroyed. As he was walking away the dude spoke, "Dante,"

Dante stopped his tracks and looked over his shoulder, "What are you I mean who are you? Why do you do this but does your girlfriend know about what you are?" the dude asked.

"Who knows maybe you should ask God or someone. Besides she knows and is really cool with it that I would be willing to protect Clarissa with my life." he (Dante) said closing his eyes as he walks away seriously.

Hours later...

Clarissa woke up walking to the mirror only this time her eyes were not glowing anymore, she smiled to herself as she headed out while wearing a tank blue top along with a brown jacket, grey pants and white flats. Because today was her day off as she decided to check on Dante at the ice cream parlor and as she made it to the location she spotted the same dude walking towards Dante from the window across the street as she could tell he's ordering the same sundae as Dante's 'Well at least there finally getting along' as she giggles to herself.