Rock in roll in Hell!!

Dante's POV:

'This is the 5th time I've been keeping an eye at Clarissa's place just in case though...but I still can't shake the feeling of someone or something is aiming at my girlfriend for a feast but not on my watch' I thought as I watch from her window as she was sleeping in the night peacefully so far but at the same time I love her but I haven't got the guts to tell her that just yet.

The next day nobodies POV: ( that's what she's wearing on top)

As Clarissa was walking by to an antique store she asked, "Umm, do you have an old jukebox stored in there do you?"

As the man of the pawnshop said, "Why would you want that?"

"It's to give it to my boyfriend since his old jukebox got broken because of the job that I wanted to make him happy again," she said to the pawn dealer with a nice smile and he agreed.

Once the date was set to send the delivery she thought to herself, 'Yes, now I can finally go see Dante,' as she was walking she stopped and 'Wait, my eyes are much better since last week or a day ago I'm not sure I lost count of date LOL but, I hope Dante doesn't have to worry so much and I know he was watching over me for the past 5 nights in a row but who's counting but no matter, I-I love him' "Once I'm ready I will tell him how I feel instead of lustful love." Clarissa said in full confidence about her feelings as she ran towards Dante's place.

Later in the night,

"Dante is this another demon hunt?" asked Clarissa as she looked over at him as they both kept walking up the stairs with the treasure hunters that need a bodyguard to make sure no thieves try to collect these valuable records from old times. Dante however, just sighed with a smile and answered, "Well...Morrison says that these dudes need a bodyguard but since your here they accepted the fact that you are my partner and to put it in a way that they don't mind someone with "magical" eyes", he scratches the back of his head as he stares at her with softness and care in his eyes, while Clarissa said, "Oh...I didn't know that but Dante I wanted to know if there have been any attacks in such a place like this?"

"Well Clary it's a pleasure to have you and of course Mr Dante here to watch our backs as we do our scavenger hunt for some old records of music, since we have both you and her of your talents for the job as our bodyguards," as the guy gave both Clarissa and Dante each a cup of warm cocoa and while Dante and the guy kept talking she cleared her throat and announced to both of them, "Well, I'm going to look around see if I find something interesting since I am bored no offence but, I wish to hear some action."

As Dante kept staring at her he could only think of one thing, 'Clarissa seriously leaving to wander around when no one can protect you damn it,' as he stood up he followed Clarissa to a very dark room in which she had great night vision since she was very young when she heard familiar footsteps she whirled around and bumped into someone's chest, "Off." she said looking up to find out it was Dante,

"Dante why are you following me?" she asked which he knew very well what to answer but this time with worry, "Clarissa stop alright, but don't go off on your own like that and since these f**king demons are after you and you..." before he could finish his sentence he started to cry right before her eyes and then, pulled her surprisingly into a big hug that his strong arms wrapped her frail body as her eyes widen and breathed out and hugged him back, as he reaches out to kiss her full of hunger and passion.

They stayed like that until, Dante walked hand in hand with her as they went back to the others and heard one of the guys saying, "Hey Tim we should liven things up why don't you play something!"

"Yeah, you bet," Tim answers to one of his pals as he moves to the side of where he's sitting and opened a record player as one of the guys asked, "Hey Dante, is your partner single we'd dig a woman to dance for us!" At that Dante pulled Clarissa close to himself with a calm glare as he said, "She. is. mine."

Everyone sweatdrop from that message from him as they kept looking for more antiques from where they could find. Clarissa on the other hand, asked Tim, "Is that a record player along with The Elena Houston the famous Rock Queen!"

Tim and Dante looked surprised and asked, "So you've heard her songs?"

"Yeah a few months or year ago I think I went to one of her concerts and had so much fun with her music that I kept singing and dancing to myself, " she added with her answer with a smile as she asked Dante, "Do you like her music too, Dante?" he then nodded at her and gave her a cool smile that she began to blush the same time as Dante. He cleared his throat and asked, "You don't mind playing that for me wouldn't you?"

Tim looked surprised and his reaction softened saying, "Yeah it's not bad to listen to it once in a while," as he smoothed the record as he placed it in the record player and the music started playing, and where Clarissa was looking she saw all the men dancing funnily that made her giggle, "(giggling)"

Dante thought looking at her as she started dancing as well as turning around doing her greatest moves ever performed before his eyes, 'Cute and beautiful. I will make sure to keep making you smile like that only for me (smiles at her)' However, Clarissa kept dancing but at that moment, she felt a demon's presence coming closer to where she and the guys are soon but she could really tell from herself is that her eyes are not glowing tonight to which she knew that they are all in danger.

Clarissa's vision:

Meanwhile, as the pure moonlight lit the beautiful night sky a female demon was whispering and whimpering in sorrow as she heard the Helena Houston music saying, "I can hear it, I can hear it, I can hear it." her bloody tears of the female demon stopped as she stood up and headed out to where the music was coming from.

Vision ends

"Not bad, strikes you the right to the core," Dante comments seriously to Tim as his feet kept picking the rhythm as Tim said looking out the window, "But her voice is kind of husky, that's really good you know she started writing the tunes and lyrics for these while she was just a musician in the streets,"

Dante and Clarissa looked at him as she was earshot on what they were talking about as she stopped dancing and walked towards them as she sat down next to Dante thinking the same thing, "You really know your stuff," he says to Tim looking at him with his sky blue eyes, while Clarissa, on the other hand, stared at his reaction glancing around the room and then at Tim's in which he was...sad? As he continued, "Yeah," he (Tim) stares down as he turns to face him and her, Clarissa felt a huge presence that she started screaming in pain saying, "AAHHHH!!!" as her violet eyes started glowing very bright that Dante asks in completely anger, "Clarissa what's wrong?!"

"Damn it she's here..." she growled as he said with his husky and calm voice, "sigh, well time for me to get to work," as everyone started panicking with fear as the music kept playing but Dante told Tim, "No let it play don't we need music when you're in a party," he says taking out his guns as well as Clarissa on the other hand, she grabs her guns too and incomplete fighting stance preparing for the enemy to strike first.

Then, all of a sudden the she-demon started attacking the guy's as Clarissa got her guns out and ran to the other side of the room hands up aiming and shooting the she-demon with all that she had. As the little ones broke the window screens by pieces and some jumped on top of Tim's guys while eating them, to bits as well as they kept attacking Clarissa, on the other hand, she was running out of bullets soon as she hides behind the square column and yells, "Dante I'm out! I don't have more," as one of them bit her left shoulder she yelled in pain,


"CLARISSAAA!!"Dante yells in worry and anger as he kept shooting and running to her side as she was beginning to bleed little by little as some of the guys covered them from the attacks until some of the little demons tried biting him and her until Dante shot them all with both of his guns turning around in speed and once everything went a little down. The same she-demon from her vision arrived and this time Clarissa called, "D-Dante...guys wrap this up will you." Some of the lucky alive ones came to her and brought the first aid kit as she tells them, "Go and run this is our fight, save yourselves so I can heal myself GO!"

But they kept helping and wrapping the injury on her shoulder as fast as they can and said, "Don't worry miss we got you besides your boyfriend is surely a perfect guy for you know." As she smirks with her pale face and reacted to her blushing state and stuttered, "S-shut up you..." The guys laughed as the left her and then, the she-demon screamed that made half of the guys flying to the walls as Dante however, covered his eyes a bit and yelled, "Clarissa are you alright?!"

"Yeah besides it's just a bite on the shoulder, not a" she told him as she got closer to Dante as he looked at her with a smile and asked smirkingly, "So shall we dance?"

"You betcha."

Nevertheless, the she-demon kept screaming like a banshee as the music kept going and Dante yelled at Clarissa saying, "Hang on!" as he wraps his right arm around her waist and together leaps backwards to the floor as an injured Tim whispered while bleeding, "H-Helena..."

And at that, the she-demon left. "So it's Helena, huh," Dante says looking around the room as he and Clarissa spotted a hole on the wall and Clarissa says, "Dante," she collapses he widen his eyes as he acts fast and wrapped both his arms around her as she was sweating and grunting in pain as one of the guys asked, "Is she gonna be alright?"

Dante however, didn't know for sure but carried her bridal style as his white bangs covered his eyes, Clarissa opened her eyes a bit and said smiling in pain, "Dante, your eyes are beautiful..."

His eyes watched her frail human body as her shoulder kept bleeding a bit and then, laid her down in one of the big cushions as he himself kept giving full healing treatment for her injury as she lay there with half of her conscious was still alive.

While the guys started packing everything up Tim asked with his now wrapped injured head to Dante, "Hey, how is she? she really did take a bite out of all the action didn't she?"

Meanwhile, in Clarissa's head, she hadn't realized that she was being called, "Clarissa...Clarissa...come come and open your true self" "Who's there? what's going on here? Why am I?" Then a voice asked her, "What do you gain from being with Dante eh?" Clarissa looked around her black surroundings and noticed she was alone and only the shadows were talking to her "Why do think since some of you damn demons want me for some reason and I-I love him that's why..." she blushes but was thankful Dante didn't hear her yet. But the demon asked again, "Would you sacrifice yourself for him if anything happened to him?" "Of course I would that's what love is. You sacrifice yourself for the person you're in love with but I don't see the point of these question do wish to use me in the future as his weakness?" she asked as her violet eyes glowed with her serious face. "For a not dumb or naive at that but soon my dear we will eat you alive. Oh, and what are his feeling's towards a human like you?" the voice said as it disappeared and she started to wake up.

She was starting to wake up her eyelids were fluttering to open as she groaned in the head asking, "Where's Dante?" standing up from where she was lying on, Ben, however, said, "Oh he went up with Dante for a bit, why?"

But with no hesitation, she grabbed her guns and ran to find them, 'Okay Clarissa thinks and try to find them okay,' as she closes her eyes and stopped for a minute and then, she scanned the whole building until she found them they were in the stage with the record ready to play Elena Houstons disc. 'Gotcha and there's no way I'm missing the party,' she smirked to herself and ran to their direction where they're about to play the music. As Dante added, "That music is a bit rocky for a funeral isn't it"

Clarissa was prepared in her hiding spot as the she-demon arrived she thought, 'Let the fun begin' Tim however, had a gun in his hands that she could not believe that he would kill the woman he loves by killing the demon too. As Dante kept dodging the she-demon's attacking voice while Clarissa watched his moves with admiration but at the same time though, I wonder what are his feeling towards me?' she kept thinking of what the mysterious voice kept asking her back in the abyss. However, she kept wondering what is he thinking right now?

Dante POV:

I kept dodging every attack that she-demon does while Tim there is ready to shoot as soon as I give him the signal but then, I saw her 'Clarissa' she was on the other side behind the stage with her guns ready to aim at the right moment in case anything goes south and all I could think was telling her to stay away from these demons because deep down I want to take her somewhere where she and I can stay in peace. Making sure she stays alive but now...I think I understand my feeling's well now...I'm in love with Clarissa Fair the only woman who has helped me defended me and I should already kill this bitch of a demon. Then, I stabbed her (she-demon) through her neck as Elena came out and fell to the ground as Tim came rushing towards her body wrapping his arms around her with care.

Clarissa came out and walked to my side as I side glance her with my eyes as we both watch the scene of the two people on the ground Tim and Elena.

Clarissa's POV:

Once I was side by side with Dante I noticed him glancing at me with a lot of question and reassurance for some reason that I have no idea what he's thinking of but I know one thing is that he cares for me but I have no clue in what sense he is thinking about. 'Dante, I wonder why do you care for me so much?'

"A tribute from the Queen," he said with a smile, while Clarissa asked coming in, "How's the new jukebox I bought you?" she smiled at him and Patty noticing her maid outfit.

"Patty why are you dressed so cutely like that and shouldn't 'Dante' do the work instead? geez I cannot believe you old man," she teased the last part to Dante smirked at her and asked her, out of the blue, "Cough w-would you like to go on with me?"

He said blushingly at her as Patty laid the bucket down slowly and dropped her mop and then, "Clarissa your not gonna date him are you???" asking her in shock.

Clarissa then decided to sit on top of him and said, "Maybe in a game of," thinking for a second, "hide in seek" she suggested and he smiled at her saying, "Maybe' in a way you're coming with me tonight clear?"

"Sure thing Dante." she finally said as they both smiled at each other.