The beginning

- Elena stop running you gonna hurt yourself!

- Yes daddy! I said as i giggled.

- Come here baby!

I was tired but i run to my fathers open arms. He hugged me tight. I was so happy!

- So... my dad told me

- So... i copied him and i giggled.

- Cute! he said

I know you're still a baby but one day all this things would be yours and you have to be Smart and Prepared for everything.

He said and i was looking and listening him carefully. My daddy gets mad when i don't pay attention.

- I thought that I was going yo have a son but you are much better my little princess. Cole let's go to mommy!

- Miss Elena are you alright? I'm sorry for coming inside i knock but you didn't answer.

- It's alright! I was thinking about something! So do we have any news about our deal?

- Yes! But...


- Miss... i think someone is suspicious, I...

- IDIOTS!!! We have our mans everywhere! How the hell! Even in the police station we have our mans! One thing you had to do and you messed up!!!

- I don't know! But we have to wait for a couple of days. It's too much dangerous to move on now!


- I....

- Just get out!

- But you have to....


I am so angry right now! This deal is so important for me! It was a deal that my dad was trying to succeed for years!!! Mmmmmm Fuck and i was so close! Sometimes I'm thinking that my dad was right! But what's the point he is not here anymore...

Anyway let's go on with our work it's kinda exhausted to look legal when you're illegal! Oh God! I forgot about that idiot party today. It's so boring but what can I do?

I will just go and have some fun!!! No no no !!! In that way I'm just gonna drink and maybe drive them all crazy. They are all old what can you do! And they not my type some of them are my enemies but as they say " keep your friends close and your enemies closer" Trust me it works! I think i should go and get ready for this amazing party!!! Yayyy I can't wait...

Finally home! I turned on the lights and went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for the party. Actually I wouldn't go but i have to it's my friends party he would be so angry if i don't, also does anyone there know about my next step i mean about this deal! I got ready i wore a black dress it's my color my high heels wend downstairs.

- Wow! Miss Elena you look stunning!

- Thank you Alex! You always say that!

- It's the truth! You always look stunning but i think today you are...

- Shall we go! We gonna be late!

- Yes! I'm sorry let's go!

After a few minutes we were there! I don't what's worse being in this place or staying home with Alex? He likes me but No! Not! Never! He is kind but....

- Elena darling! Welcome!

- Nice to see you again Avan!

- Come on let's go inside! I want to introduce to someone!

- Yeah! Sure! Let's go!

Why? Just why?

- Harvey!

- Avan!

- This is Elena!

- Nice to meet to!

- My pleasure! So Avan this beauty right here will help us?!

And i grab her waist.

- First of all if you want to have both of your hands i would suggest you to take them off me and don't touch me ever again! Secondly do call me beauty I hate it!

- Relax girl! He was just...

- He was touching me! That was rude...

- Elena!!!

I was literally ready to kick his ass! But Noah called me so i guess he is lucky!!!

- Welcome Elena! I missed so much!

- I missed you too!!! So how was Las Vegas?

- Great! But without you boring! Anyway tell me about the deal is it done?

- Sssss!!! Not right here! Let's go to your office!

- I'm sorry! Let's go!

- Wait! I have i have to do something first!

- Alright see you in my office!

- Mr. Idiot !

- It's Harvey!

- You think that I care! You where rude and you gonna pay just get ready!!! Ohh and one last thing you're so lucky that they are some many people right now and that Noah saved you or you will be dead right now! And you ( Avan) if you introduce me one more time in your stupid friends Your Dead!!!

- For Goodness Sake mum! I'm Ok stop calling me!... Yeah i love too!

And i finally hung up the phone....

- Stop laughing! It's not funny.

- Sorry Kiddo! But that was funny i mean it's the fifth time that she is calling you in a hour!!!

- Oh please!

- Anyway Officer Nik want to see you!

- What? Why?

- I...

- Do you think he found out about yesterday?

- I...

- Or he just want to talk to me about something else?

- For Goodness Sake just go inside!

Sometimes this kid drives me crazy! And then they're asking me why I have so nerves and acting like that! Try to communicate with Mike... Such a headache...

- Sir you wanted to see me?

- Yeah Mike come inside have a sit!

I went inside close the door and took my sit, he wasn't looking mad! You think that he knows? No i don't think so! Or he just getting ready to yell at me... Oh God help me....

- So Mike! What did you do this morning?

And i was ready to say sorry! To cry! Beg for forgiveness... But he didn't say anything about yesterday? Do you think he knows? Or I'm just...

- Earth call Mike! Are you there?

- Oh yes! I'm sorry I was thinking about something!

- Well what did you do today? Did you finished that case?

- No! Not yet Sir!

- Why? Why not? Did you find something else?!

- I mean i was ready, but my mum called me and i couldn't focus!

- Really now! Using your mun as an excuse! Just say i was to lazy to do it!

- No no no !!! I'm not lazy. But my mum calls me about a hundred times The day! And if uou don't believe me you can ask Officer John!

- No i believe you!

- I will do it now Sir!

As i was ready to get up and leave he told me not to!

- I didn't call you about that!

- I KNEW IT!!!

I yell at my Office... I'm such a idiot. He knows what happened yesterday...

- About the mission?!

- What mission?!

What is he talking about? What am i talking about....

- Mike! What are you talking about? Could you explain to me?

How does he know about the mission!? I mean it's a secret no one know? I'm so confused... I think he is talking about something else! This kid drives me crazy. Relax and try to understand what is talking about! Come on you got this!