The beginning

- Mike could you explain?

- I...

I froze what i was going to tell him, I...

- Mike!!! I have a lot of work to do so tell me what are you talking about.

- Nothing Sir!

- Are you kidding me! Come on Mike don't make to find out by myself, it's just gonna be worse for you!

- It's about the case with Mr. Park something it's wrong but i can't figure out what!

- That's all?

- No! Yesterday I found out that today they're going to have a party I though that he might be there! And...

- You can't go! I told you before about the mission!

- I don't understaned ? What this is have to do with the party?

- Mike! I need your help! But if you agree lot of things will change! So are you ready to listen!

- I was born ready Sir!

- So what happend with the deal?

- Frank told me we can't move on someone is suspicious us.

- How? Who? That's impossible!

- Noah! Stop making stupid questions! If I knew the deal will be done right now!

- Anyway, what are you going to do right now? I mean that was a big deal!

- Thank you for telling me!

- My pleasure!

- Ohh Shut Up!!! I was thinking if anyone downstairs might know something about this deal?

- I don't think so I mean your people are loyal they wouldn't say anything!

- Yeah I guess you're right!

That's true my People are loyal not because they are afraid of me cause they are but it has to do with Respect! I always Respect them and take care of them. Some of them I knew them since i was a child! They would never betrayed me!!!

- Let me ask you something there is a man downstairs named Harvey?

- What about nim?

- Who is he? It's the first time that i heard his name and see him?

- It doesn't matter! But you can trust him! I mean Avan

- Yeah sure whatever!

- Let's go downstairs!

We were about to leve when the door knock and it was Jenny! Jenny is Noah's most trusted employee. He is in love with her years now but if his father found out he would kill them. They act so cold to each-other but you can see the love and the warmth in their eyes.

- J- Jenny! What happend?

- Nothing Mr. Smith but they're looking for you, both of you!

- Thanks Jenn!!! Elena would you mind to leave us alone i want to ask Jenny something about work!

- Yeah sure! But this time lock the door guys still have nightmares!

- Elena!!!

- Sorry Jenn!!!


- Love you too guys!!!

Actully i think i have to help them! They have to be together!

- Miss Elena?!

- Yes!

- I was worried about you!

- I'm alright Alex! I was with Noah and Jenny! What happend here?

- Nothing Miss! Mr. Avan was looking for you!

- Alright then let's go find him! Also I need you to do something for me!

- Yes Miss anything you want !

- In this party there someone named Harvey find anything you can about him!

- Did he do something to you? Cause I Swear if he...

- No do worry!!!

I didn't want to tell him anything yet! Just let me see what I can find about him, and them we will have some fun!!!

- Jenny I missed you so much!

- I missed you too! But you know that this is not going to work right ?

- What why? I love you isn't that enough?

- No! It's not! I haven't see you for the last three months! I...

- I'm working love you know that i have to travel and...

- Noah I'm tired I can't go on anymore...

- You're tired with me?

-Yes! With you! I want so bad to hug you, kiss you, go out with you! But guess what i can't! That's why i can't anymore i'm tired hiding.

My heart broke when I saw her crying. She was right and that was hurting more. There's no way to break up with her to let her go she is the love of my life! She is my light! My future! My everything! I just have to talk to my father! I wiped her tears, and hugged her tight.

- Don't worry my love I'm gonna talk to my dad! I'm not breaking up with you! Cause you're my everything without you I can't live!!!

- Are you sure? Your father is not going to agree with us!

- Well, we will leave. Remember something my love You will be always mine and I will be always yours!

- Elena also will help us! So don't worry! ( kiss) Let's go downstairs and I tell Thomas to take you home!

- It's alright i can go...

- He will take to my house love! You will stay with me!

- R- Really? Are you sure?


We went downstairs and told Thomas to take Jenny to my house and take care of her. Cause I had to find Elena and ask her help! And I saw her talking with Avan so i went there.

- Elena!

- Thank God!!! I'm so so sorry but I have to go. I mean I was having so much fun but unfortunately...

- Oh My God thank you so much!

- My pleasure!

-Stop saying that! What happend?!

- Let's go to my office i need your help!

- No to your office again! People will thing that...

- Come on now!!! Everyone know that you like me!

- Oh shut up! Your not even my type! Let's go outside.

- What are you crazy! It's cold do you wanna catch a cold!

- You're so sweet!!!

- I was talking about myself! But thank you!!!

- Your such a dork! Tell my something good that Jenny found in you?!

- Well, I can show you!!!

- OMG JUST SHUT UP!!! You're disgusting. Come on!

- I know!!! It's cold outside!!!

- Just wear a jacket you baby!!!

- So what do you need!

- Your help!!!

- I know that!!!

- Then???

- Oh God! Noah focus! You said you need my help and I'm asking you with what?

- Oh I didn't tell you?

- No!

- I'm Sorry! It's about Jenn! She told me that she want to break up!

- Well I was sure she was going to ask you something like that! I mean I understand her, it's hard for her.

- I told her I'm gonna talk to my father about us!

- Congrats!!! But are you sure?

- Well what else can I do?

- Married her!!!