Chapter 3 : First Day of Junior High School(2)

Turning to the voice that sounds like a female I came into contact with her beautiful and bright eyes that seems to shine even brighter than the stars.

At that moment I felt like digging out those peer of bright eyes but then I shake my head at my foolishness. 'If I dig out her eyes it would lost its brightness.'

Getting up and standing straight I said to the girl. "Sorry didn't know this seat was taken."

"Its ok." Nodding she told me.

Five Minutes later after finding a seat that wasn't taken I sat down and closed my eyes for just a bit but then I heard the voice that sounded hoarse and old coming from the stage.

"Today's Newcomers program shall start now. Welcome to No.1 Junior High School. As you may know this school is the number one school for many generations. Not only our Junior High School but our Senior High School as well. "Looking at all the new students the man nodded with pride.

"As many of you may know I am the Principal of our school and im looking forward to see what all of you will accomplish as this years new students. "Once again looking at all the students his eyes pause and looked at the girl whose seat I took not too long ago.

"Oh?" Looking at the direction the principal was looking at I said softly.

After a long minute the principal said again "Now for what most of you have been waiting for, Senior Qin whose a graduate of No.1 Senior High School and a successful business man please come to the stage.

After the principal said all of that boring stuff everyone burst into loud cheers.

"OMG its Senior Qin!"

"Senior Qin I love you!"

"Senior Qin please marry me!"

"No Senior Qin is my Husband!"

"No he's mine!"

After walking up to the stage and picking up the mic, "As you all may of already know my name is Senior Qin and im a graduate of No.1 High School.....


After a long 2 hours of listening to the principal and Senior Qin we could finally leave.

"Its finally over." Sighing with a little bit of annoyance.

"Girls these days are too loud, but then again they've only start entering Junior High School or is it that im just too unusual? "Thinking back on what I've grown up in I sighed and start walking to our classroom.

"Indeed I am different than the others."