Chapter 4 : Teacher Su

After walking for 3 minutes I found my class.


Entering the class I realized there was only one person inside. Walking in I sat on a random chair while taking a glance at the person sitting across me.

Looking at the girl face which is completely cover by the book in her hands I thought she looked familiar.

Staring at her for a little more I greeted her. "Hello."

Thirty Seconds....One Minute....Two Minutes.

Five Minutes passed yet she still haven't answered.


Not paying anymore attention to her I turned around and rested my head on the desk when all of a sudden there was burst of loud noises.

"Can't these people make me take a nap for just a minute." He rebuked.

Taking out his headphones while putting the music at max volume Zue Wang managed to lessen the noise.

Finding a comfortable position Zue Wang choose to take a nap.

While Zue Wang was sleeping the people in the class were talking about the form teacher.

"Hey guys have you heard? Our teachers name is Su Wei. "Someone Declared"

"His he handsome?" Another person asked.

"Handsome? He's beyond just handsome!" A random girl shouted.

As the noise started getting louder the girl who was reading her book started to get annoyed.

Just when she was about to tell everyone to quiet down class 7A door opened.

As the door opened everyone's attention moved right to the figure that walked into the classroom.

A tall man in a white and black suit entered the class. He had a peer of reading glasses on his face that some what removed some of the sharpness in his eyes.

There was only one word that could be used to describe him.

"Handsome." A girl gulped.

"My name is Su Wei you can call me Professor Su or Teacher Su which ever fits you the best. I will be your Form Teacher and Math Teacher for this year as well." Teacher Su Declared.

"Since im quite late for class i will be marking the register now." Taking out a book Teacher Su Said.

"Lu Li"


"Xiao Xi"



After marking the girls name Teacher Su went to the boys.

"Chu Teng"


"Zue Wang"


"Zue Wang?" Scanning the class Teacher Su saw a boy sleeping in class.

"Wake up that boy and tell him to exit the class right now."