Break Up

I bit his hand as he wouldn't listen to me.

He winced in pain and said "What the fuck Moni?!"

I yelled "Why don't you listen that I don't want to go with you?!"

He grabbed my hand and said "I'm not asking you! I will not be the nice boyfriend from last time! I waited years and you never gave me what I wanted!"

I got angry and pulled my hand away. "You don't force a girl in nothing!" I shouted at him.

"Well, I do!" He put me over his shoulder and walked towards his car.

I felt my heart collapse as I couldn't believe what he was saying.

"Put me down, Jack!" I hit his back as I shouted.

Jack put me down by the door of his car. Once he opened the door I pushed him towards it and hit him with the car door. I ran so fast back into the school and ran upstairs as I saw the hallways empty. Class had started and I was locked out. Luckly my french teacher let me in as I was never late to class.

I catched my breath as I took my seat and put my head down on my desk. "What are you doing, Moni?!" I said to myself.

I peaked out and looked up at Suga. His eyes were observing my body expression. We made eye contact and the teacher asked a question as she suspected I was on a different planet.

"Can you repeat the question?" I asked as I looked back at her.

She said "How do you say it wasn't me?"

The class looked back at me.

I responded "Ce n'était pas moi."

She then said " Pay attention en classe!"

I smiled and said "Oui madame!"

Last semester I took french and made a 98 on the final. I had basic's under control and it didn't scare me if she picked on me.

The bell rang and I stayed in class. Suga left and what did I expect, him to wait for me. Of course not and now I didn't know what to do.

My french teacher approached and said "Don't be late next time and take care. Au revoir!"

I got up and said "Oui, merci!"

I left towards the door, I went the long and lonely way. I didn't want to speak to anyone or see Jack.

"I think I'll break up with him. Seems like Suga isn't interested in me. I mean that was the plan." I told myself. "I will do it now once in for all!" I made me way to the football gym.

I walked in and the coach approached.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

I showed him my I.D. that I used for the office to go anywhere and said "I have a note from the main office to give to Jack."

He nodded and I went to Jack.

I saw Jack and said "I'm breaking up with you."

Jack looked at me pissed and said "Because of Suga, huh!"

I rolled my eyes and said "NO! You know why!"

I started to walk away as he yelled "Last night Suga did Rebeca!"

I laughed and looked back at him. "GOOD! I'M HAPPY FOR THEM BUT GEUSS WHAT I DON'T CARE!"

I started to walk away but I heard him run after me. I started to run and saw one of my cop friends come in a golf cart.

"Need a ride?" He asked.

"Yes!" I smiled as I jumped in.

He drove off fastly.

I got dropped off by the main doors and he said "Moni stay out of trouble!" He drove away as I walked in the building.

*Lunch time*

I was eating my hamburger and looked behind me. Rebeca was on top of Suga's lap and I turned around.

Jennie said "What happened to you this morning?"

Tory said "I didn't know what to do when Jack took you aggressively away this morning."

I said softly "Doesn't matter."

Nancy yelled "Are you crazy?!"

I drinked some juice and said "It doesn't matter because I broke up with him."

Rose shouted "REALLY! Oh my gosh this is the best news ever!"

The cops yelled from behind "GET YOURSELF A CHAIR NOW!"

Rebeca got mad and said "I rather leave! Come let's go Suga!"

I didn't even look back but my friends could see them. They walked around our table and left.

I felt myself get sad as I saw them leave together and remember what Jack said.

I didn't make eye contact with anyone and said "I'm leaving I'll see you guys later."

Rose said sadly "What? Why?!"

I gave her a soft smile and said "I want to paint."

I left the building and walked out. I texted my friend Jasmine if she was in Art class. She was always in there it was like she lived there. She didn't speak much she was more of talking with her hands.

She texted a "thumbs up."

I smiled as she couldn't even text a word. I went to the Art building and saw her. She was on the ground painting. I sat next to her and grabbed a clipboard to draw.

Jasmine speaked and asked "You having bad days again?"

I took awhile to respond and said "I'm letting things get to me again."

Jasmine nodded her head sideways and said "Don't think just draw!"

I chuckled as I began to draw and said "I wish I was aloud to draw like you."

Jasmine said "I don't know why your parents don't let you become your dream."

A drop of tear slipped out and I didn't say anything anymore. My dream was to become a painter and they would say I would die of starvation.

The rest of the hour went by like seconds I always got lost in my drawings like my friend Jasmine.

I was about to leave but she stopped me. She said "Their giving away scholarships for drawings. You would totally win!"

I chuckled and said "You know I can't. I have to be an Engineer."

Jasmine said "I wish I could draw like you so I can get a scholarship."

I thought a couple of seconds and said "You know what? Do it! If I win I'll give it to you."

Jasmine gasped and said "What?! Are you crazy?!"

I nodded my head sideways and said "No but you are if you don't accept."

Jasmine said "I'm down for it but I feel bad!"

I said "Don't! Do it for me and you! I'll see you later!"

Jasmine said "Moni your crazy but I love you!"

I chuckled and said "Bye!"

I went to health class and I was pretty late but the coach didn't care. I took my seat and looked at the back of Suga's head.

We didn't speak not even when he passed back the papers. The bell rang and I rushed out.

My day went by so fast and I was finally home.

My father came into my room and said "Come cook something for me!"

I looked at him disgusted and said "I don't know how to cook. You need to for yourself I only cook for me."

He got angry and said "Don't ask me to buy you something ever again!"

I laid back in my bed and said "You never buy nothing for me not even for yourself."

He yelled from the kitchen "No wonder you have so many pimples on your face and your so skinny! You never eat nothing and your going to die!"

I made a confused face and asked "Why do I live with dumb people?"

*Next day helping in the office*

I was walking down the hallway and heard noises coming from girls restroom. I squinted my eyes as I got closer and walked in. I widen my eyes as I saw Jack and Rebeca together in there. I took out my phone and took a picture. I nodded my head sideways as I left the restroom.

I texted Suga and said meet me in the garden S'il vous plaît.

I went outside and sat on the bench.

Suga came and stood in front of me.

I looked up at him and said "Sit."

Suga looked at me pissed and didn't sit.

I took out my phone and said "I'm going to show you a picture but don't get pissed."

Suga sat down next to me as I handed him my phone.

Suga turned to look at me and said "What the-. Wait when was this?"

I didn't look at him and looked ahead as I said "Right now."

Suga looked at me disgusted and said "What?! And your ok with this?!"

I chuckled and said "I don't care."

Suga asked "Why?!"

I looked at him and I said "I just wanted to show you what your bae was doing. I didn't want to be part of this lie and don't be surprised, Rebeca is like that. You gave her what she wanted and now she's with him."

Suga looked at me confused and said "I didn't."

I looked at him confused and then laughed as I said "What a liar."

Suga said "I don't lie."

"No not you." I said.

We stayed quiet a few seconds and he said "I'm moving away."

I got so sad and tried to hide it. "Really where?"

Suga said "I'm going back to Korea. Everyone here has been so bad to me. The girl I dated just did it with Jack. The girl I have always liked likes me back but pushes me away."

I saw a tear run down Suga's face and I looked away.

"Why are you doing this?!" I yelled.

Suga started to walk away.

I pulled on his shirt and said "If you like her then stay."

Suga turned around and asked "You want me to stay?"