family gathering

The sun brightly shone through the window, directly hitting my face. It felt like it wanted to bring me back from my harsh journey around the world, waking me up from my deep slumber. So when I opened my eyes with much difficultly, I turned my head to my right and saw a clear blue sky and birds flying past my room. It was morning.

Soon I began to fall deep into thoughts while my eyes were still locked by the cloudless spot. Perhaps it was the picture in front of me which was so beautiful that I wanted to memorise it or I felt sentimental and emotional at the moment, but for some reason I couldn't look away.

Before I knew it, I unconsciously murmured, "I'm really back."

Since yesterday I thought this was a dream, a dream which would end once I fell asleep, and where I would immediately return to my old bedroom in Seoul afterwards,… however just from seeing my enamours chamber, I realised that it was all real. The argument with the maids, the discussion with the archduke and the divorce. Everything did happen.

Today was my second day living here after coming back as well as the day of my departure. After I had spoken up on my thoughts with Cedric, for the first time in a while I felt a burden lifted off my shoulders. In my new world I didn't feel anything of the sort, since I naturally forgot them after my rebirth. But as I arrived here, every loads and regrets I possessed before crashed into me at once. It suffocated and struggled me to the point that I couldn't breath. That was what I felt after I remembered "my so-called future" and novel. A future, which I didn't predict like a fortune teller, but actually already experienced before my reincarnation. My life which was set in stone by a book. A fate which nobody could go against it.

'These were pretty much good conditions I had to say',I sarcastically thought.

Suddenly I remembered my last night's dream.

I walked with my friends to a cafe, chatted together until evening and then was reading a book at home while my father and big brother were watching television and my mom was cooking dinner for us. These things were so nostalgic and enjoyable.

Just thinking about them, it didn't take long for me to feel a tear flowing down from my right eye and I thought, 'Oh man,… why do you have to cry so much since yesterday?… I was never someone who cried easily….'.

But I couldn't help it, who wouldn't cry in this situation? Every burden and stress I gained just made me exhausted with life. In addition to this, I missed my precious people from my other world as I searched through my memories. If I had to compare this life to my other one, nothing would surpassed the one of my modern times. They offered me more, gave me more and showed me more. The feeling of being home always accompanied me hand in hand in that world. It wasn't like the Ainsworth family wasn't as precious as them, however after beginning to live with Cedric I slowly forgot this emotion, instead it was replaced by cautiousness and angst. As a result I lost my once innocent and cheerful self. In the past I was too naive and ignorant about the world's "rules" to understand my environment completely.

Nonetheless with the help of my "new found" experiences I knew that I would be alright in the future now, that was what I tried to assure me.

Come to think of it, what was going to happen on the other side without me? I really wished to see my friends and family there. Suddenly I paused and noticed what I did again, so I concluded,

"I shouldn't think too much like yesterday.", so I got up.

Soon maids came in one by one and helped me to get ready.

Now in front of me stood a large almost golden coloured carriage with the royal crest engraved on the flag and facade. Beautiful carvings and other decorations were added into this artwork.

Four white horses would pull it while one man held on theirs reins and sat on the driver's seat. Allmost all my packages and luggages were put on top of the carriage. The door to it was opened by a knight at that moment. I stood still with my back turning away from the mansion, processing my thoughts. In the meantime the servants next to me just finished to pack my stuff. Finally I began to take my steps to my destination, the "car".

With the help of this knight I was escorted to the entrance of the carriage. When I was about to go in, I suddenly paused my steps while my right foot stayed on one stair. The man who held my hand and the servants behind me all were surprised, not understanding why I did it. Even I was surprised by my own action.

Although I didn't look back at the moment, I already imagined some of them thinking of me being still desperate for the archduke, which wasn't true at all. Knowing that this could occur, I determinately shook my head and continued to move on, as if nothing happened. Embarrassed by my own action from before I looked down, not minding the knight next to me.

As soon as I reached my seat, I took my time and turned my head to look through the window. I watched the servants leaving one by one who would resume their work.

" As expected they didn't really care about it. They were only there for obligation.", I unconsciously spoke my thought out. Nobody was in the carriage anyway, so I could freely speak with myself.

My gaze directed to my right, soon to the left, then up and finally down, inspecting the whole mansion. But I couldn't find what I searched for. My eyes widened when I unconsciously looked around, so I thought, " What was going on with me ?".

All a sudden the memory of me standing on the stair came into mind. After contemplating about my previous action, I realised why I was like this before. Realisation hit me and absentmindedly said my hunch out loud, " So I hoped that…the archduke would've be here…".

That explained why I was slightly upset after taking my seat. I was embarrassed that I couldn't understand my own feeling for the first time, " That was the first for me….".

It didn't take me long to finally find out more. As if a truck crashed with my car, I felt an explosion in my head at that moment. So I couldn't help it, but my face to become hot afterwards.

" Why did I hope that HE would come to see me off ? It's not like we were close to each other to begin with.", I pouted, embarrassed by myself.

After including this, I suddenly remembered our emotional discussion from yesterday, that we never had in my past.

I sighed, "I should just accept it…".

Somewhere in my heart I sincerely wished that he would at least come and personally said his goodbye to me, even it was rather forced or cold. I was sure that I would be immensely happy with just this, since he actually thought about me for a bit. Not Luciana, but me this time. I bitterly smiled after that, "Why am I so desperate? The servants ain't that wrong with their thoughts in this case, heh?" Perhaps this was already the start to draw the final line for this marriage and relationship….

'Wrong,… this wasn't why I wished to see a glimpse of him. This feeling was different.', I convinced myself and I looked around again before the carriage could begin to move, in hope that this specific person was somewhere watching from the window. However not even one familiar object came into view that could indicate his whereabout, I turned my head to the front upon this fruitless effort and just sat on my seat with a slightly gloomy face.

" I thought, we would at least end it together like this. Why didn't you come to see me off? Had our conversation no effect on our current relationship?", I said to myself, when the carriage suddenly moved. My wish wasn't for Cedric to stop me from leaving. Or I could see him for the last time as my first ever love.

It was that we could at least end this together correctly, as a true and real couple. Such action was our first in our whole marriage. But even this wasn't granted to me. I just sat there with downcast eyes as I watched the mansion getting further away.

Now I tried to distract myself by imagining my Ainsworth family who probably stood before the gates awaiting for me.

Suddenly a maid's voice rang into my ear, " Our master stood in the window of the second floor, right? I didn't see it wrong, right ?" .

Upon hearing this my ears perked and I immediately turned my head to this certain direction. It took me long since the mansion getting smaller by each minute, but I soon found it.

" Why ?", I asked myself, when I saw the archduke hiding himself behind a curtain, but forunately, the colour of his clothes revealed him. I looked at it for a while until the mansion became too small to see him now. I just returned to my previous position and fell into daze with a blank face.

" Why was he in my previous bedroom ?", I inwardly questioned him.

Soon we passed the long road through the garden, which looked more like a park in my opinion. Many trees came into my view and I just thoughtless daydreamed for a while. Thus I became sleepy and in the end I closed my eyes during the journey.

My travel of approximately six days ended now and I arrived in front of the gates of my home. Compared to the mansion of the archduke, this one was smaller and less gorgeous, but it was still better as it felt more welcoming and a sense of warmth exuded from this place. It was the Marquess family Ainsworth mansion and territory I entered.

My parents, big brother, all the servants and villagers stood in front of the gate smiling. Sudden Tears flood down my cheeks uncontrollably from seeing them like this. " I missed you so much !" , I thought to myself. Long had I forgotten how pretty such an earnest and warm smile could be. Before that I took such things for granted, but now I wanted to protect these little things. Because of these small gestures I could somehow survive this cold world there.

How thankful I was !

I jumped out my carriage, ran directly to my mother and hugged her tightly. Soon a group hug from a whole family followed. We all indulged ourselves in warmth, enjoying the time together for a moment. " Welcome back!", said my father to me, smiling from ear to ear and some tears coming from his wrinkled eyes.

After that we went in while the servants brought my belongings to my old room. As I entered, the nostalgic feeling came over me and it made me realise that I really came back "home". While I went around the mansion to find any new discovery, on my way I greeted every person I passed by with a smile. Fortunately, nothing changed here, making me to leave a breath of relief. I would enjoy every minute with this family from now on.


{Manuscript version} ~ Japanese style writing


My family and I sat in the living room.

" Darling, how was your life in the capital ? You didn't write much to me lately. How was it there ? Why didn't you tell your situation more precisely ? There must a reason, why you ended up like this now. Now please explain us, please ! We're really worried for you …. ." , mother desperately said, almost tearing up.

[ Sorry, mom. But there was a reason for why I didn't tell the details what really happened there. ]

" Yeah, exactly. This son of the b*tch should prepare himself for his death. I will smash his head and take his arms and legs out. I will show him, what f*cking hell is ! MY daughter is an angel . What was wrong with his eyes ?! ", father shouted.

" I will hit him so many times, that he won't know what right or left is after I finished him. How could he just divorce my cute little sister ? He doesn't deserve you. I'm so angry that I want to go seeing this b*stard now. " ,my older brother Leon growled .

[ That was my reason, even two …. ]

" Don't teach your own daughter this fool mouth of yours !"

[ Yeah, too late…. ]

After that I explained every events I experienced there, except for my past memories. Gloomy atmosphere enveloped us. Silence prevailed. I anxiously looked to my right and left and waited for their answer. To lift the mood, I wanted to tell them not to worry, because there were other matters to attend. When I was about to tell them this, my father suddenly stood up and seemed to go out. I called out to him: " Where are you going, father ?"

He paused for moment and then slowly turned his face to me like a robot. During my explanation I couldn't see his face, because he looked down with downcast eyes. Now I could do it, but what welcomed me was an expressionless face, yet his emerald eyes like mine didn't show the same colourful light of the forest anymore, but now burning with endless fire.

"Naturally going to this p*nk. I have to give him a piece of my mind. This little sh*t didn't deserve this title anyway. First ,I should get rid of his title and then kill him."

[NO !!!!!!!!!! ]

Before I could stop him, my brother already stood up and held my father's arm, preventing him to walk further.

"WAIT !", my brother called out.

Relieved that someone finally had some common sense, I waited up for my brother to solve this problem.

" You don't have your sword with you. How can you possible kill him without one ? He is sadly one of the sword masters."

[ WHAT ?!... Again what should you expect from someone who also yelled how to kill Cedric in pieces seconds ago. At least he didn't join in this parade . ]

"Oh ,right, son. How could I forget this ? Thanks for your consideration."

He patted his son's shoulder and was about to continue walking away, but my brother was still holding on him .

"Don't go !"

" What ?!" my father and I simultaneously yelled .

[ YEAH !!!! YES ! YES! YES! I take back what I thought about you. You CAN think straight and normal. I almost lost all hopes on you, brother ! Nice one ! ]



"Before you can kill him, I want to break his legs and arms first. Don't think about going alone ! We should ask the previous archduke Evergarden to support us too. Yeah, you know to get rid of his title. Plus….this litte mother f*cker doesn't deserve to have any memories of my little fairy. We should hit him so many times until he lost his memories, later torture him and then kill him."

My brother said monotonously while not showing any expressions like dad, but his eyes as green as mine were also burning like hell extremely.

[ I heard of the story of my father and brother going to war before. They had expressionless faces whenever facing danger and enemies. Their calm composure gave goosebumps and scared not only their enemies and monsters, but also the colleagues. Even I was frightened when I was told about it.

But seeing their actual faces now, it was even more scarier than I thought before to the point that I never want to anger any one of them ever again ! ]

"Ah, we should bring our knights with us, since he will surely fight back before we reach him .", my father said.

[ Hey !!! Why do they look they were going to a battle ? This ain't war ! Keep this in mind ! ]

" Yeah , oh man why making it so complicated. Be a man and stand before us! Die like a man.... I really want to see him dead ." , my brother agreed to this.

[ NO, NO ,NO !!!!! You are the one who is complicated. Nobody want to die, especially in that painful way. Don't they empathy with him ? As far as I know they weren't sadistic until now !

No way !

In this rate they will destroy the whole west part of the empire. War in your empire .NO- Go ! No war in any places, please !]

Thinking about this. I'm happy that we were now living in harmony with other countries. Only the creatures, who lingered in the dark corners of the world attacking innocent people, had to be exterminated. Every noble family had groups to fight them back.

I looked at my mom in hope she could do anything to end this chaos, because she always had the most down- to -earth personality in our family.

It seemed my mom understood my message through eye contact and began to speak:

" My men don't rush like that. We have to calm down and think about it firstly! Now come here !"

Soon dissatisfied expressions showed on their faces and they wanted to answer back, but with just a glare from mom that looked almost like angry demon made them still like a mouse and they obediently sat down. Luckily, my mom had the most power in this household … Puh

"You know, we can't just kill the archduke Evergarden . We need a plan :

First we need to go to the emperor and the previous archduke Evergarden to make him strip his title and it should be announced all over the country with ‚boom'. More humiliation for him this way. Then get the permission to kill him and the servants, since we can't afford to destroy our family just like that. The servant were the worst, so they couldn't be spared at all. Let have them a miserable life at least for a certain time period, …you know what I mean. After that let them apologise to my darling, while kneeling before her and licking her shoes. Finally, we can do anything with them. My dogs need some play toy and perhaps food !", My mom smiled sinisterly .

[ OMG ! I think I just saw horns coming from her head. She is even more scarier than father and brother . ]

I turned my head to look at my father and brother and saw them having also frightened expression as well...

As I thought, she had the most power in this household( in a bad way now ). Soon my brother and father finally regained their composure and also enthusiastically joined in the plan. After some talk they finally came to their so-called " best part" , how to torture Cedric .

[ Is our empire going to be really secure ? With them as the shield and sword ?]

In that moment I was sure, my soul flew out my mouth, hopefully coming back to the modern era .I rubbed my forehead trying to withstand the stress. ….

While I was absentmindedly watching them, the butler suddenly came in.

All heads turned to the butler and he began to speak :

" The mercenary visited us !"

I just was happy that it finished before it could escalated. I think I almost lost all my power and energy. If it was a game, then my HP would be down to 10% by now.

I was happy to see the mercenaries. They always showed the most unbelievable things around the world. As a child they always told me many stories around the world .

Before we went to the parlour room, my brother asked the head butler all of the sudden.

" What is your opinion about this archduke dude ?"

Our head butler served since my grandfather times, so he was practically a part of our family .

He smiled friendly. His eyes formed to a crescent moon. Soon he held his thumb high and gave a slit gesture through his neck .

" Kill him !"

I became pale.

[Another lunatic! I knew, that I was loved by my family as well as friends, ….however did it have to be to this extent…]

End of the family gathering