Part 4: Mrs. Raymond Barclay

Christmas Day 1918

Christmas came to Sumter and the Barclay homestead. Ray and Maud lived together in the same house but both their lives were separate. But that morning Maud woke in excitement for Beatrice, she woke Ray up. "Get up Ray!" she yelled shaking him he laughed "okay, okay" she ran across the hall to get her daughter. The little angel was sleeping silently her bangs slightly touched her eyelid as her hair was very messy. "Its Christmas angel open your eyes. Santa was here" Bee woke up and "Santa..presents?" she asked excitedly "yes lets go" she removed her from the crib and went downstairs to the parlor were the tree was.

Ray smiled at his daughter "Daddy" she cried happily Maud handed her to him. He brought her to the tree "Look what Santa brought" he showed her she smiled and set her down Bee opened her presents and Maud looked to Ray. "Here is your present Ray" she quickly handed off to him. He held it it was inside a parcel he opened it. It was a pocket knife with the initials "R.B" inscribed on it "I thought it would be useful in the fields. Is it alright?" she asked nervously he grinned at her "of course thanks Maudie" he used her nickname she smiled. "That reminds me your present here" it was a ring box she glanced at him with a puzzled expression.

"Well I just got you a wedding band thought I'd get you another to go with it" she opened the box and found oval cut style ring a big sapphire in the middle "Oh my goodness, thank you Ray" she hugged him. He was surprised he did not think he would get much reaction out of her. The rest of the day they spent at the Bram farm. Ray drove the car out to the farm and little Bee called out to Maud "come Mama" she stopped she had tears in her eyes she loved this girl like her own and even more because of Elizabeth. They went in and spent the rest of the day exchanging gifts meanwhile after the Christmas dinner Maud sat down in the parlor. "Mistletoe Ray you have to kiss her" laughed Sue Ray anxiously giggled and then kissed her quick Maud felt butterflies in her stomach and she could not take her eyes off Ray. He looked over at her later and smiled but her felt guilt thinking about Liz.


Spring 1919,

Maud was making lunch for her and Bee when she heard yelling from outside "Mrs. Barclay, Mrs. Barclay" a moment later Mrs. Campbell stood on the porch frantic. The Campbell farm was the closet to the Barclay farm they were their right neighbors. She stood shaking from head to toe Maud opened the door and asked "Mrs.Campbell what's wrong is it Mr. Campbell?" the short stout women shook her head. "No it is my Maria she is ill. I have sent my husband for the doctor I need help please Mrs. Barclay?" the women gave a desperate look "of course, Mrs. Campbell would you go to the Waters farm and send Miss Stenson to look after Bee and I'll go accordingly to Maria" the women nodded and wasted no words she ran to the Waters farm.

Shortly Amy Stenson appeared and Maud and Mrs. Campbell went to the Campbell homestead. When arriving the Campbell's youngest 12 year old Charlotte stood in the front entrance and cried out "Mama Maria is burning up more I think" she said anxiously the two women went up the staircase to the girls room. There lay pale and confused 18 year old Maria calling out "no don't. Mama don't let them take me" she thrashed her arms and legs the anxious mother sat next to the sick charge and stroke her child's forehead "all is alright Maria I won't let them take you" Maud got to work she tried to get the girl's fever to go done soon Dr. Sidey came and they both worked for hours to help Maria.

The doctor went to Maud at the early hours of the morning "I believe Mrs. Barclay that Miss Campbell's temperature is under control. I am hopeful she almost out of the woods. You look exhausted I'll will get Mr. Campbell to drive you home" Maud said nothing she nodded she had been up all the night. She came down the stairs and Mr. Campbell came out they walked to the car he held her hand and spoke "Mrs. Barclay I can never thank you for what you've done for our Maria. Dr. Sidey told us if it wasn't for your quick action Maria would have been much worse and perhaps dead. Thank you again" she beamed at him "I am always happy to help you Mr. Campbell your welcome" he drove her back home. She entered quietly hoping not to wake Ray or Bee however when going through the kitchen she saw a figure come towards her it was Ray. She laughed nervously "Ray you scared me. Why are you up so late?" he scoffed "Waiting up for you. What were you thinking going there?" she glanced at him puzzled "I was helping the Campbell's their girl Maria was sick. I had to go to her I sent Miss Stenson over to look after Bee" he nodded "oh yes I know at least you didn't put her in direct risk" he growled. "what is bothering you so much Ray?" he paced "the fact that you put yourself at risk of catching the same disease that took your most beloved friend. Indirectly putting yourself, Bee and I in danger. Have you no thought for what could have happened Maud" she stood in front of her anger building "I would never put Bee at risk and as for Elizabeth and this disease what more reason to help prevent the same for happening to another" she fiercely stated. He stood looking at her he said nothing she gave a dirty look to him "since you think I put you at risk maybe it would be best if you slept in the parlor tonight" and she stormed up to her bedroom. He exhaled "well that went well".


Maud and Ray had not spoken a word since the fight. Bee stood outside watching little Bee play in the yard with the cattle dog Buddy. With her was Frederica "Freddie" Waters the eldest of the Waters children. Maud had became friends with her after Maria Campbell's illness the two women were very similar except Freddie was 2 years younger than Maud. They looked over to the fields were Ray was plowing Freddie asked "have you two made up yet?" she asked her friend. Maud grimaced "no we haven't spoken much since the fight. I wish he just speak to me half the time he is here working or with Daniel Lowell" she exhaled and sighed with annoyance. "I am sure you two will get through this Maud. You both need to talk and share how you feel" Maud looked to the ground "I agree" she told her friend Freddie returned home. She headed to the barn to talk with her husband however she was discouraged to find that her husband was not alone Daniel or Danny Lowell was there and they were discussing something when she heard her name. "What is the big deal Ray. She helped a neighbor ins't that honorable Maria basically survived because of your wife's actions" Ray groaned. "Yes but she could have caught it" he turned from his friend Danny walked over to him and put his arm on his friends shoulder. "What are you so afraid of Ray. If anything you don't love her you married because of Liz. Wait do you love Maud?" he asked Ray looked over to his friend his brown eyes going from serious to soft and he spoke "Yes I think I do. Not like Liz it is different from that. But it is not like she return it" he dismissed however Danny pressed on "you never know boy. She might love you sometimes I see the way she looks at you" Ray groaned "don't be ridiculous Danny" Maud walked away from the barn he loved her she knew that.

Did she love him? she asked herself oh if Irene was here she would know.Well she returns tomorrow she was supposed to come back in January but she stayed on to do another course she then ask her sister about Ray. That night Maud tucked her step daughter into bed and returned to her shared room with her husband. Ray was dressing when he looked at her since they were not talking he said nothing. However when Maud began to get ready for bed she broke the silence "How was your day?" she asked softly he gave her a puzzled look "fine" he quickly uttered but she prolonged the discussion "I saw Danny was over today. How is he? I suppose he was helping with crops are the crops well?" she felt anxious he answered looking at her softly "Danny is well and so are the crops" she stood and faced her husband. She gazed into his eyes "Ray I am sorry for my behavior during the fight. I understand now why you were frightened and I did put myself and this family at risk. But I thought what I did was best." He said nothing at first he held his hand against his forehead and paced "Maud my actions that night were irrational. You didn't put our daughter at risk she was fine with Miss Stenson. I was worried more for you than Bee. I see your actions were just and you helped Maria through the worst of her illness. If anything you saved her I am sorry Maud" she grinned at him " I am glad we are okay again. Irene will be home tomorrow perhaps you should join myself and Bee to my parents to see her" he smiled "of course I'll accompany you two. Now we should go to bed goodnight Maud" he came over to her and kissed her she stood frozen "...good...good night" she stuttered.