Chapter 9

The small squad filed into the room sweeping their guns left to right. "Where's the server room Luna?" Deadeye whispered. "Down the hall to the right. Then it's the fourth door on the left" Luna whispered back. The squad slowly started to walk down the hall being extremely cautious with every step. At the end of the hall they turned the corner, and found two guards. Lucifer smiled "Hey!" He shouted. The guards turned to him, and Lucifer shot them both killing them. "Nice shot" Luna said going down the hall to the server room. The rest followed, and she reached in her bag. She pulled out another scrambler, and put it on a panel next to the door. The door opened, and there were four guards. They fired at the doorway almost hitting Luna. Luna moved to the side looking at Lucifer. Lucifer nodded and threw a flashbang into the room. "You're up Rookie" Death said. As soon as a blinding light entered the room Craig went in killing the four guards with only four pulls of the trigger. Luna walked in taking her pistol out "nice job" she said walking to a set of computers. The room was filled with computers, but where Luna needed to go was into an open room filled to the brim with servers. Death closed the door, and closed a door behind Luna locking her into a room with the servers, and computers. "Now she's safe, and she has a backdoor entrance we like to call a vent" Death said. "As soon as she starts getting the data the alarms will sound so get ready" Lucifer said aiming his gun at the door. After a few minutes the alarm sounded, and they could already hear footsteps of the enemy coming right for them.