Chapter 10

Several men tried breaking the door down, and Lucifer stayed standing gun aimed at the door. Death, Deadeye, Craig, and Medic stayed behind separate pieces of cover guns trained on the door. Luna stayed busy at work trying to get any piece of information she could for a final assault. Finally the lock on the door clicked, and the door slowly opened. Several men came in, and were greeted by gunfire. Any other man there got into cover behind the wall as Lucifer stood his ground. After several minutes a group with riot shields filed into the room. Lucifer and Death aimed, and fired at the shields. Lucifer then grabbed a grenade and threw it behind the men with the shields. After just three seconds it went off taking most of the enemies reinforcements. Luna just finished getting the data, and knocked on the door locking her in the server room. "I got it!" She shouted. Death went to open the door as a enemy grenade came in. "GET DOWN" Lucifer yelled. Death ducked behind cover right as he unlocked the door. The grenade went off completely shredding Lucifer's vest. He laid on the ground almost lifeless. Luna came out "Lucifer!" She yelled taking her pistol out. Two men walked in, and Luna killed both of them without hesitation. "Medic!" She looked around. Medic got up, and jumped over his cover and went to Lucifer. Lucifer's body was almost completely covered is shrapnel. "Hey buddy....stay with me" he looked at Lucifer as he lay there "oh man...." Medic looked at Luna. "What!?" Luna shouted. Death got up, and sighed. Lucifer looked at Luna "it's okay little sis...." he said coughing up blood "it'll be fine". Medic took out a knife as tears streamed down Luna's face. "You ready?" Medic said. Lucifer nodded. "I want to do it" Luna said. Deadeye looked at her "you sure?" He asked. She nodded, and kneeled next to Lucifer taking Medics knife. "Hey get that data out of here safe alright?" Lucifer said coughing again. She nodded tears still streaming down her face. She slowly pushed the knife into his throat. Lucifer winced and grabbed Luna's wrist. Lucifer slowly lost his grip as the knife went deeper into his throat. Finally it was over. Lucifer lay there lifeless as Luna cried, and hugged his body. Death got on his radio, and called in a helicopter on standby. Craig went to Luna, and hugged her gently. Luna let go of Lucifer, and hugged Craig tight crying into his shoulder. Medic tore of Lucifer's patches, and took his knife back. Deadeye looked down "see ya on the other side Lucifer" he said.