Chapter 17

Deadeye, and the Russian soldier rolled around fighting. Deadeye got two punches in before the soldier kicked him off. The soldier grabbed a sharpened stick laced with a strange liquid and yelled "Umri gryaznym amerikantsem!" as he stabbed deadeye in the stomach. Death tackled the soldier off yelling "suka blyat'!" As he proceeded to beat the soldier to Death. Deadeye got up slowly "I'm fine for now, but I'm pretty sure I'm poisoned Death". Death looked down "I know" He said getting up taking off his blood covered gloves. "We need to go. Maybe there's a medical tent nearby" Craig said. "It's no use Rookie..." Deadeye said sitting down clenching his teeth "it's slow acting, but it'll get the job done no matter what". Death sat down as well putting his face in his hands "The Death Squad is finished. I'm pretty sure they have the forest surrounded, and we're gonna die". Craig looked down and sat down as well. "But we're gonna give 'em hell first." Death said. Craig smiled, and stood up. Just as if on cue bullets came through the tree line. The now smaller squad took cover behind a log, and started firing back. Death looked at Craig, and threw his helmet off. Death took his mask off, and gave it to Craig. Craig looked at Death confused. "If it gets bad Rookie take that, and run!" Death said. "But I can-" Craig began to say before Death cut in saying "That's an order!". "Yes sir!" Craig said as it was his default answer. He kept firing into the tree line at his invisible enemy hoping he wouldn't have to abandon Death, and Deadeye.