Chapter 18

The situation went from bad to worst as the fight continued. Bullets flew, and Deadeye was getting visibly weaker. Death saw, and looked at Craig. "You need to go!" Death yelled over gunfire. Craig looked down, and nodded. Craig ran off with Deaths mask as Death, and Deadeye killed anyone who dared to take aim at Craig. "See you in the afterlife friend" Death said looking at Deadeye then back to the tree line. "You too old friend!" Deadeye yelled still firing. Deadeye clenched his teeth as the poison worked through his system scorching his veins, and tearing apart his muscles. He got weaker and weaker, and finally he laid down and died shortly after. Death was left alone to fight an army. He stood, and killed one soldier "For Dragon!" He yelled. He shot another soldier "For Lucifer!" He yelled again. He shot two more "For Medic, And Deadeye!" He yelled once more. He pulled out a pistol, and killed another soldier "For the Death Squad!" He yelled one last time. Death the took a bullet to the stomach, and feel onto the ground where he was shot once more. Death coughed up blood. He crawled behind the log, and rested against it. Hot tears streamed down his face as he slowly pulled the pin on a grenade, and held it tight. Just then a Russian soldier yanked it out of his hands and threw it at an empty bit of forest. He crouched down, and Death saw a captains patch on the uniform, and chuckled.