Chapter 19

"It's over American" The Russian Captain said his voice heavy with accent. Death smiled, his teeth were bloodstained, and his cheeks still still had hot rivers of tears. "Two escaped you bastard!" Death said. The Russian captain punched him, and pulled out a .44 magnum revolver. "You will work for me now" The Captain said. Death grabbed the Captains wrist, and put the gun to his head. The captain smiled. "DO IT ALREADY COWARD!" Death yelled. "I would say see you in the afterlife, but I won't have windows that can see you rotting in Hell" The captain said. "What a shame you won't be joining me and Stalin suka" Death said looking up. "Only children use such language American" The captain said. Death looked the captain in the eyes smiling, and said "idi trakhni sebya". The captain returned Deaths stare, and pulled the hammer on his gun back saying "tak zhe vam, amerikanets". The captain shot Death in the head ending his life in one swift second. The captain looked at his soldiers, and yelled "Poisk amerikantsa". Then the soldiers split up to begin their search, but they would never find Craig For he was far away in a U.S camp.