Stat Level Information


(How strong someone is)

Lv1 to Lv10: from a child to someone who's able to lift 2000 pounds.

Lv11 to Lv20: Super hero level.

Lv21 to Lv30: Extreme superhero like strength.


(The toughness of ones body)

Lv1 to Lv10: From easily receiving deep cuts to just barely cutting the skin.

Lv 11 to Lv20: Unable to pierce skin easily with normal human strength to rhino like skin.

Lv21 to Lv30: Extreme Superhero like durability.


(The speed one's able to move)

Lv1 to Lv10: From a slow runner to near pro runner levels.

Lv11 to Lv20: Matching the speed of a running horse to the speed of a sports car.

Lv21 to Lv30: Superhero like speed.


(Means how much magic your body can hold)

Lv0 to Lv10: From having a body with no magic to having a body that's able to cast strong spells.

Lv11 to Lv20: Being able to cast spells that can handle big groups to being able to cast spells that can wipe out towns.

Lv21 to Lv30: Being able to wipe out huge parts of a country.