Crazy little thing called love

In between classes, all the boys were talking about the new teacher. That if she was pretty, that if she really looked as young as she said, that this than that. Teen stuff with hormones to spare.

The girls also talked about the new teacher, with the difference that they talked about other things. They talked about the teacher's hair, her clothes, whether she could be good at teaching.

Yurisa was more than delighted with this new teacher. She always used to get along very well with all the teachers, even with Professor Tadashi, being the only one who called him by some acronym: "Professor Tada".

However, he was somewhat shunned by the students due to his curious case of feeling "part of the students".

He could be annoying sometimes, though never with malicious intent. Other times he was a charm with the boys and girls, not leaving homework on Fridays or missing a few minor things.

It could be said that Tadashi was the wise / idiotic teacher of the academy, since there were not counted the times that he made mistakes and everything went terribly wrong. Nobody explained (not even himself) how he had not been fired.

Precisely, Professor Tadashi was arriving putting his briefcase on the desk in the room so that it accidentally opened dropping all his things.

-For a fuck! -Tadashi sputtered, something that left the boys speechless since he was a very calm person. -Hey, sorry, let's pretend that didn't happen.

-Let me help you, professor. –Ringo offered, to which Yurisa also approached to help.

-Thanks guys. Now, what did you think of the new teacher?

The boys did not stop throwing compliments, compliments, and good wishes to the teacher as they wished she would stay for the remaining two semesters.

The girls also had their good opinions, without the detail of looking like mad dogs on the attack.

Tadashi had his own good wishes to a colleague, not because she was an admirer of Aimi, but because she seemed quite capable of taking the reins of a bunch of bums�� starting with Ringo.

It was funny to think that teacher Aimi hated him despite having lived with him for less than fifteen minutes. And it was even more curious to think that he fell in love with the teacher in that same period of time.

-How old is the teacher? –Yurisa asked.

-I am surprised that it was not a man who asked me. Um, let me remember ... if I'm twenty-four and she's two years younger than me ...

-Twenty two?

-Yes, exactly! The teacher is twenty-two years old.

-Six years of difference, God what martyrdom. –The younger ones complained.

-Five years, maybe not the craziest thing in the world. –Said the oldest.

-Quiet boys, you know that women prefer mature men ... you are greener than the grass itself. –When saying that, Professor Tadashi tripped over a briefcase. -Damn! Maybe that was planned.

-Yes of course.

Professor Tadashi was teaching sociology. It wasn't a very interesting class, but he didn't make it the most boring. Despite how clumsy Tadashi may seem, the truth is that he was not so terrible at explaining, he made everything seem so simple although in the reviews it was where things got complicated.

Still, he had the flexibility to explain topics already seen. On only one occasion they had made him angry, that class simply left all the homework they could, took their things and left without saying a word.

Curiously, he ended up accepting the task for the days after the due date, although since then they had never made him angry again.

-And that we could understand by sociology. Any doubt? ... -Half class was confused, about five were sleeping and only three understood. Among them was Ringo, who never needed something repeated.

Despite having the doubt, no one raised their hand. –Well… we are already progressing, let's continue with the agenda! -He said, animatedly.


The class went through several reviews and doubts resolved. Already in recess, Yurisa was talking with her good friend Yumei.

They were both more than delighted with the new teacher. They were the kind that used to talk with the teachers after passing classes, the two were always very friendly and you would never tire of talking to them, especially with Yumei, who always had new things to talk about ... if she weren't so shy.

The boys were in the academy cafeteria, Ringo hated himself for messing things up in the first class on the first day of school. You could tell that life didn't want him.

Juro I was teasing him too. -How can you be such an idiot? If I warned you myself, although you knew. -They were some of the things that said to him.

-Let's see hen, at least she knows I exist, not you! -Ringo sputtered.

-I-I don't know what you're talking about. –Juro whispered while stroking her hair.

-Oh no? Isn't she that girl you've liked since you've been in elementary school and who probably doesn't even know your name?

-Shut up! –Everyone stared at the curious pair.

-Shh, lower your voice!

-You know perfectly well that you shouldn't talk about that!

-Sigh, hen. Just stop saying I'm hopeless because it's not true.

Yurisa and Yumei were looking for somewhere in the cafeteria. Neither of them knew Juro or Ringo very much despite having worked in class together with them. Still, it was either that or stand still during recess.

Despite Yumei's sorrow, Yurisa encouraged the two of them to sit with those boys who used to be labeled "weirdos."

-We can sit? –Yurisa asked. Behind her was Yumei, as if afraid of what might happen.

-Yes. –Juro said.

-Not. -Ringo replied.

The two boys looked at each other.

-Well better yes. -Ringo corrected.

-Maybe it would be better not. –Juro also corrected.

The four boys looked at each other, why had both of them changed their minds? Ringo and Juro did not tend to be against each other. Now each sought to fulfill the whim of the other.

-So? ... -Yurisa muttered.

-Just sit down! -Ringo exclaimed.

Yurisa had sat next to Ringo, a few inches apart. She was always very sociable, so she had no shame in being around a stranger.

The one who had a hard time was Yumei. She sat next to Yurisa although she could perfectly sit with Juro.

-And what did you think of the teacher? –Yurisa asked, to open the conversation.

-She is cute, you can see that she is charismatic, she has character and Ringo fell in love with her. –When Juro finished explaining, Ringo shot him a jet of juice from his bottle.

-You didn't have to tell that, idiot. -He said, with furrowed eyebrows.

-Oh come on, you shouldn't feel sorry for it. All boys have fallen in love at some time with their teacher, and girls with a teacher. –Yurisa encouraged.

-You say it from experience? –Asked Juro.

-Something like that. -She laughed.

Yumei kept trying to hide with Yurisa. It wasn't until Juro realized that she looked a little fearful that he smiled at her, to which she fumed from her ears, blushing.

-And tell us, why did you decide to eat with us today when we only do it for school work? –Juro questioned.

-For nothing in particular, there were simply no places available. –Yurisa smiled, to which Juro bowed his head, a little disappointed.

-I guess then you just eat and leave. -Ringo interrupted.

-No friend, no. Yumei and I were thinking of staying a while longer to talk.

-Yumei? But if she doesn't… -Yumei leaned over Yurisa's shoulder, waving shyly. -Ah, that explains a lot of things, I thought she was gone.

-Hell Yumei, why are you so shy when you meet new people? –Yurisa asked, irritated.

-It's natural, it's good to distrust strangers ...

-Her father puts strange ideas in her head because she is from a "wealthy" family. You shouldn't be afraid of new people, you should be happy to meet them, be friendly and cordial! –Yurisa took Yumei's shoulders and began to shake her, causing her water to fall to the ground.

-Don't shake me, you know I get very dizzy!

Juro contained a laugh biting his tongue to achieve it. Yumei looked very funny as she looked like a little girl. Ringo was quite indifferent to what happened until ...

The unmistakable noise of teacher Aimi's heels was heard throughout the cafeteria, down to the deepest corner of it. Yumei and Ringo's eyes lit up just seeing the teacher walk.

Aimi's brown hair moved with every step she took, her black skirt stretched with the movement of her legs, and a smile spread across her face.

As he passed the table where the four boys were, she smiled at Yurisa and Yumei, the latter returned a shy greeting and a small smile without opening her mouth. But when teacher Aimi saw Ringo, all smiles were erased from her face and she only saw him with enough contempt.

She was about to pass the table of the four boys, teacher Aimi slipped with the water that Yumei had thrown when Yurisa shook her wildly.

-Teacher! –Although Juro tried to keep her from falling, he only managed to prevent Aimi from hitting her head. From there on out, he did have a good blow.

Together they helped the teacher to get up, asking if she was okay, if she was not seriously injured or if it was necessary for them to carry her to the infirmary ... although the latter was not very necessary, except for the boys.

-Are you really okay? –Yumei asked.

-Yes, yes, thanks for that… you! -Aimi pointed at Ringo, who was distracted by looking at the ceiling lamps. You little punkl!

-Me? -Ringo asked, pointing at himself.

-To address, I am convinced that you threw the water to make me slip!

-Teacher, I'm on the opposite side to where the water fell, it couldn't be me!

-To address!

Ringo was again sitting in Professor Tadashi's office awaiting his further scolding. He and Aimi were discussing the boy's behavior.

Aimi was screaming quite annoyed that they should suspend him, that they should expel him. Anyway, everything bad in the universe was directed to the poor boy.

-Please take it easy, teacher, you are a teacher and your behavior should be less childish! -Tadashi scolded.

-If it weren't for that boy, I wouldn't be behaving like that! Just look at him, he played a prank on me with the scoreboard, then he made me fall! Is it really like you told me?!

-I am convinced of it, he cannot be plotting against you. It must be a misunderstanding. Sigh, I'll talk to him and see what I can do.

-Thank you Professor. Aimi opened the office door and looked at Ringo. -Hum. –Her heels sounded a little louder than normal because of how heavy she was walking.

Ringo was sitting on the desk chair while Professor Tadashi looked at him with a questioning and slightly disappointed face as he fiddled with a pencil in his hands.

-Really? -Tadashi questioned.

-It wasn't me, I didn't even have to do with it!- –Ringo defended himself.

-This gives me to think that the one of the down was something to post. teacher Aimi is extremely pissed off with you. At least try to avoid reasons for her to hang you in the next class you have with her, okay?

-Okay, Professor Tadashi. -Sigh.

-Now out of my office, this is my break time. -Tadashi took his cup of coffee and took a huge sip as he climbed his feet up on his desk. Ringo got up from the chair and went to the door. –Hey boy, this time I'll pass it to you, but not another time.

-I suppose I should thank you for that.

-You shouldn't, because I punished you with cleaning the windows for a week.


-Hey, the new teacher has me with her hands on the wall. I could not do anything. –Tadashi took a new drink from his cup of coffee while Ringo left, slapping his forehead.

Teacher Aimi walked the corridors of the second floor of the academy in search of the room where she had to go to teach, being ambushed by Yurisa and Yumei.

They told him what had really happened, that they, especially Yurisa, had been the ones who accidentally threw the water on the ground.

Juro also came to the aid of his old friend, saying that Ringo had asked "What's he got?" when he offered the new down, which meant that Ringo didn't really remember that the down was permanent.

Aimi reflected that she had spent a bit with the boy and had not let him explain. Now she would be the one who would have to apologize, although that would make him quite sad.

-As I said before, "my first class and I'm already making a mistake" I think I went over with the boy. –Said teacher Aimi.

-Don't worry, he'll understand. Ringo has never been spiteful. –Encouraged Juro.

-And really forgive us, teacher, it was not intentional! –Yurisa asked.

-Don't worry, accidents are normal. –Said Aimi.

-Not. Accidents don't exist, things are already predestined for some reason. –Juro said.

-And because those two occasions would be "predestined", student.

-Hum ... I can't answer that question even if I'm looking for how to do it.

-What a remedy, now let's go to class!

Ringo was wearing headphones, listening to Crazy little thing called love, which was a song that he quite liked. He had listened to both the Queen cover and the original Elvis Presley version, liking the former a bit more.

Juro, when he got to his place, he prepared his notebook for the notes of the history class. He only had one notebook in his entire backpack. He had brought a smaller one since he did not need more than that notebook and a black pencil.

Teacher Aimi's heels clicked outside the hall. Immediately, Ringo straightened up on his bench so that she wouldn't scold him. It was the best thing for him if he didn't want to earn more hatred a little undeserved.

She just walked past his bench glancing at him, looking for some reason to scold him so she wouldn't have to apologize to Ringo.

Although he wasn't going to give her that taste. Everything was perfectly fine.

-Well, guys, as I mentioned at the end of the first class, I'm also going to be your history teacher.

-Yes!!! –They all exclaimed, although a little more excited the "two Y's": Yumei and Yurisa, who entered after Aimi.

-We will start from what has been the industrial revolution in Europe.

At the end of the class, Professor Aimi sighed very heavily, as if accepting something that she did not want to accept. Rightly, he had to admit that he had to apologize to Ringo for scolding him so unfairly.

Shee stood in front of Ringo, staring into his eyes. He simply smirked to reassure his furious teacher.

-How are you doing? –Asked the boy.

-I'll wait for you in the parking lot at the time of departure… go alone. –She said, with a frown and an aura of anger around her.

-I-I'll gladly go, teacher Aimi.

When teacher Aimi left, she slammed the door. They all turned to see Ringo. Undoubtedly that was the chronicle of an announced death: Ringo's.

On the other side of the door, and leaning against the wall, was teacher Aimi, breathing heavily and covering the lower part of her face with her straw-colored folder.

-I hope I haven't scared him too much not to go. -Thought.

All the students, including Ringo himself, were convinced that he had already sucked Faros (During revolutionary Mexico, those sentenced to death were given a last wish, so they asked for a "Faros" brand cigar, for that very reason it was said "do you remember x person, sucked Faros)", implying that already had passed away. The time of the sentence became eternal, each second passed slowly for Ringo ... and for the others it passed as it would normally be a first day of school.

He looked and looked at the clock in the back of the class. When he swore half an hour had passed, the hands of the clock indicated the stark reality of only ten minutes that had elapsed.

The waiting was torture. Ringo was thinking of all the things that teacher Aimi could tell him. "On my account it runs that they expel you" "You will not pass any partial in my subjects" "I will watch you even in the bathroom. There were many, many questions, and few, few answers.

-Hey, what class do we have next? -He asked Juro.

-None, this is the last class. –The silver-haired boy answered.

-The last!

-Ringo, be quiet. –Asked the ecology teacher.

-Sorry. –Asked the boy. -Is it really the last? -Whisper.

-Yes, can't you see what time it is? -Juro pointed at the clock, there were three minutes to go until 2:00.

-Bitch, I'm too young to die.

Juro took Ringo by the shoulder to bring him closer to him, crossing him, which the last one did not like the least.

-I will pray three of our Fathers and two Bird Marys for you. It was a pleasure meeting you, my good friend. –The bell rang indicating that it was time to go out and face teacher Aimi.

-God, I want to die. -Ringo put his hands to his face.

-Don't worry, it won't be long before that happened.

-Agh. With these friends, why do I want enemies?

-If you survive ... call me to see how it went. –I swear he brought his hand to his right ear making his hand as if it were a cell phone. -He was laughing.

Ringo paced the hallway a few times, undecided whether to go to the parking lot or run home. Either option was no better than the other. It only remained to be a "man" and face the consequences of his actions.

-Being a man my balls, I prefer to live! -When Ringo headed for the exit, he collided with Professor Tadashi.

-Are you leaving so soon, cowboy? -Tadashi asked.

-You know about that, right?

-Teacher Aimi told me not to try to run away… she won't beat you to death or anything like that.

-Uff, that calms me down a bit.

-Now go and listen to what I have to say. Something tells me they will be good things. –Tadashi patted Ringo twice on the back and then retreated pushing the boys who were crowded on the back a little, making jokes as if it were in a car and he was insulting.

Ringo was walking listening to the same old song: Crazy little thing called love. Praying everything he knew to avoid going to hell for not being the best person, since he did not believe much of Professor Tadashi.

If he was going to die, he wanted that to be the last song he heard. As he entered the parking lot, Ringo saw stacked cardboard boxes. There were three of them in total, that was quite strange to him since nobody used to leave boxes anywhere in the academy.

There she was: teacher Aimi was sitting in her car, looking at her watch. When she saw the boy walking, she smiled happily at him, took a small leap of reassurance and waved at him.

That, instead of reassuring him, scared him a little more than he already felt. Surely that was some kind of macabre game made for Ringo to trust himself, and thus, lower his guard, taking a very good blow.

-I thought… I thought you weren't coming, Ringo. –Said Professor Aimi.

-Yes ... I also thought he wasn't going to come.

-What are you trying to say with…?! Sorry, I got a little rowdy, nothing more.

-Nothing else? -Ringo asked sarcastically. -Listen, if you're going to kill me, do it quickly and painlessly.

-Well, if you ask. –Aimi raised her hand, Ringo closed his eyes as he expected a punch to the face ... but then he felt a hand on his shoulder. -Open your eyes, you little punk.


-Your friend Juro told me that it was not intentional about the permanent down and Yurisa and Yumei told me what really happened in recess, that they had been to blame for the water that had fallen ... forgive me for being very unfair to you, I felt frustrated as I didn't expect something like this in my first class of my entire career.

-Thank you. It would never be like that with you, teacher Aimi, I wouldn't be able to. Ringo whispered, with some pity.

-Because what you say? -Aimi questioned, with a doubtful face.

-It's because I don't feel bad about her and I didn't know her before, just for that.

-Hum I thought it was for something more personal, it doesn't matter. And since you're here, could you help me get those boxes from there to my car? -Aimi pointed to the boxes that Ringo had seen when they got to the parking lot.

-Oh, sure. I should have assumed they were his.

Ringo took two of the boxes in his arms. They were quite heavy but I could hold them long enough to reach the car.

It seemed that teacher Aimi was carrying the heaviest box, because her face reddened a little from the force exerted by it.

-Do you want us to change boxes? –Asked the boy.

-No thanks I'm fine. It is not a long distance anyway. -When taking a few steps, the box that teacher Aimi had in her arms, broke from the bottom, dropping all its contents.

-Damn, let me help you, teacher! –Ringo put the boxes on the floor and hurried to help his teacher.

-No, don't bother, I'll pick it up!

-If it's not a bother, let me help you.

-No, don't, just don't look!

The objects that had fallen were very rare things among teachers. Anyone would say it was for a boy of about fourteen, maximum twenty, but not a woman of twenty-two.

Those "rare" objects were some "geek" books: manga. You could tell they were anime. The same was true of sleeves.

When Ringo stopped to examine a manga, Aimi immediately snatched it away. I was upset and flushed with anger, not so much with grief.

-Do you like these things? -Ringo questioned.

-N-no! How do you think?! That is extremely stupid, a woman my age is not interested in these things.

-Once some girls asked me if I was gay and I answered them in the most natural way and without shame: no, I am not.

-Okay, if I like it! What's wrong with it?!

-Today a friend confessed one of my secrets to a girl in the class with whom we hardly spoke. Do you know what she told me? "Oh come on, you shouldn't feel sorry for it."

Some girls were passing through the parking lot. It was quicker to get out there than through the conventional door. When they saw the student and the teacher picking up some things, they immediately went to help them. Something Aimi didn't want.

-Let us help you… teacher. -When they saw the Japanese manga and books, the girls were left looking surprised at Aimi.

-Are they from you?

-Regarding that, I don't know how...

-They are not mine. The teacher and I live close by, I asked her to help me carry this home, any problem? -Ringo asked with the voice that belonged to someone more dead than alive.

-N-no, we were already leaving. Take good care of yourself, teacher. –The girls left much faster than they had arrived.

Ringo kept picking up the books, teacher Aimi was looking at him with intrigue. The boy realized that he was being watched, he raised his face, remaining a few inches from his teacher.

They were so close… that with a little push they could kiss each other on the lips.

-Why do you do it? –Asked teacher Aimi.

-I'm asking you that, teacher Aimi, why do you do it?

Teacher Aimi was a fan of that kind of literature since she was in high school. She used to wear glasses, something she didn't like very much because she hated wearing them.

Her contemporaries always made fun of her for reading very otaku things. She hid it very well at the university, even having those belongings in her closet, precisely in cardboard boxes, in the most hidden place so that not even she could see them, even though she knew they were lying there.

-I shouldn't be ashamed, I usually read poems, before they made fun of me for that. When they asked me why I did it, I answered "to expand my knowledge of the language and to learn to write a little more" –Ringo said with tenderness in his voice.

-But this is different, I stopped wearing glasses because I was sorry to wear them ... now I use contact lenses. Although after a while it's uncomfortable for me.

-Use it tomorrow, I assure you it will rain more compliments.

-Thanks for your words, now let's go to my car. –Aimi picked up the books, put them back in the box only now on the opposite side and put them in the trunk. -Are you waiting for an invitation? At the end of the day we live by the course.

-No, I don't think so. -Ringo took the boxes again and put them in the same way in the trunk and then reloaded on the car door.

-I suppose I must repay you the favor somehow. –Aimi lowered her hand, going towards Ringo's crotch.

-Teacher Aimi! -Ringo covered his crotch immediately. -Well, you like to go fast, although I'm not complaining.

-What are you talking about? –Aimi had put the car key in the door, to open it. -Come up, I'll pay you by taking you home and secretly giving you a tenth.

-Ah. Thanks, I think so… -Ringo made a sad face as Aimi got into the car.

Teacher Aimi's car was white, a relatively new model. Ringo felt mildly uncomfortable in that situation. To think that teacher Aimi would put her hand on his crotch to thank him for the words of support was a stupid idea, although the truth at the time gave the impression that something like this would happen.

-And where do you live?

-A bit far, I have to take the train to come, actually.

After showing him the streets he normally used to walk home, he lost her money, the teacher's car arrived at Ringo's house.

-Hum… this is crazy, but you wouldn't believe me if I told you. –The teacher smiled.

-Why wouldn't you believe him?

-I live a street from here, even if you don't think I'll tell you exactly where I live! You could do something to my house if he came to scold you.

-I'm not that kind of vandal, teacher Aimi. -Ringo opened the door and got out of the car. -Thanks for taking me.

"Thanks to you ... -Ringo walked to enter his house, Aimi leaned against the wheel and tearfully said, with a very soft voice, almost inaudible even for her. -Thank you for giving me the confidence I needed.