Problems in the restaurant

The only day teacher Aimi was not going to teach at the academy was Friday. Ringo has been doing a little poorly in arts class lately. In history, more or less well.

Out of three assignments left, Ringo turned in not a single one. He always forgot to write down homework because he was looking into the teacher's eyes.

She had not dared to bring the glasses because of the shame it gave her to be judged badly. Since Tuesday, she had put on her old glasses, always looking in the mirror before going to the academy to teach.

She kept them in his case and said "I'll wear them when I get out of the car." Once she got to the academy parking lot, she would delude herself, saying "what a fool, I forgot them."

Climbing back into her car, she was fooling herself again when she saw them in the passenger seat. "Sigh, in the end if I brought them, what a pity. It will be tomorrow"

And so it happened until Thursday. Where she steeled herself enough to keep her glasses on even after looking in the mirror.

-And that is Marxism? -Ringo asked Professor Tadashi as they walked through the corridors.

-Yes, I am very glad that you are interested in the subject. I had a 100% Marxist education, I even traveled to Havana ... but the bad thing is that I got lost in the airport ... I was ripped off in the taxi ... and I got the wrong hotel, having to walk half an hour to get to the one that was. My God, I hurt. –Tadashi knelt on the ground and a searchlight began to shine on him as if he were a martyr.

-Hey, Professor Tadashi? Are you ok? -Ringo questioned.

-Yes Yes. I have already overcome my little existential crisis, actually I have like three a week, were we talking about Marxism?


-Then I'll lend you some books that I have, I also bought them in Havana.

-That sounds good. –The moment he heard Aimi's heels, Ringo's heart gave two strong beats. It was that little surprise, with the same emotion as the first time he saw her.

teacher Aimi was walking at the same time on her heels, greeting the boys with a shy smile and waving at the girls.

When Yumei saw her, she was so shocked that she clung to the wall, almost as if she were having a heart attack.

-Yumei! Yumei, are you okay?! –Yurisa asked, who was with her. -Oh God, he doesn't have a pulse, call an ambulance!

Her heart stopped… out of pure love. To put it in some way.

-Hi guys, do you know what class I have now? -Aimi asked, adjusting her glasses.

Professor Tadashi collapsed in a faint, his shoes flying toward the ceiling from the force of the impact.

-Ow… -Aimi looked at the ground, saddened. -I didn't think I was going to look so stupid with the glasses on. -She took the glasses with the intention of taking them off.

-Not! They look good on it, I swear it by San Ernesto de la Higuera, in truth, in truth I swear it. -Ringo advised. -Were your glasses like then? ...

-Yes, you little punk. These were the lenses I've worn since high school, a problem with that?! If you want right now we go to address!

-Wh-not at all, I have no problems with it, I would have more problems if he took them off!

-Hum… you'd better.

-Ah, oh I woke up! -Tadashi sputtered, getting up off the ground. –Professor Aimi, why are the glasses?

-What do you think they are for? -Aimi crossed her arms and frowned.

-To see clearly?

-That being the case, why do you think I have them?

-For you, teacher Aimi, see well.

-Exactly, you deserve an award, Professor Tadashi. -Aimi smiled and ruffled Tadashi's hair, even though he was taller. -I'm going to class, I hope I'm not wrong again.

-You look cute with glasses, teacher. –Said Tadashi.

-Ah… thank you, professor.

Tadashi and Ringo stared with a surprised face.

-Who would say she is my fiancee? -Tadashi smiled funny.

-What?! -Ringo fainted on the spot.

A few minutes could pass, but several people took Ringo to the infirmary. His pressure had dropped dramatically. His face was still slightly pale from the fright.

On the table next to the bed where he rested, there was a note that said "It was a joke that I'm engaged to Professor Aimi, hehe. How pathetic you looked on the ground ".

-Push shit teacher. -Ringo crumpled the paper with his fist as a vein poked through his head.

-You shouldn't call your teachers that. -Scolded Aimi, who was lying behind the curtain, sitting in a chair reading the class syllabus.

-God! Professor Aimi, you almost made me pass out again. -Actually, she almost provoked it every time I watched her walk down the hallways.

-You are welcome. Perhaps that way you would pay more attention to the arts class, you spend your time doing nothing, I have even seen that your friend Juro passes you the class work.

-Ah yes, what happens is that I don't understand him, that's why I ask him to pass them on to me.

-I honestly lied to you. I didn't know he really did ...


As he left the infirmary, Ringo's first stop was Professor Tadashi's office, naturally.

He rubbed his eyes, searching for something to say to the boy.

-Sigh ... or how to help you this time, you yourself confessed to the crime. -Tadashi sighed.

-And what if he invited you a beer out of class to forget what happened today? –Ringo questioned showing a 1000 yen bill.

-Done, now out of my office.

Upon returning to the classroom, the class that was taught was precisely that of literature. Aimi explained, waving her hand to say this and that. For Ringo it was impressive to see her hair move along with her hands which were soft to the touch.

-Hey are you going to come in? –Asked a colleague.

-Oh, you almost gave me a bloody heart attack!- Ringo sputtered.

-Just go by, for a fuck.

After giving a huge sigh, Ringo opened the door and entered without saying more. So did his partner. Teacher Aimi looked at them a bit strangely, especially at Ringo.

-They both leave, Ringo you go back to address. -She ordered.

-But I just got back from there!

-Teacher, wait. Here at the academy they tell us to enter without asking so as not to interrupt the class. –Yurisa defended.

-Well, they would have told me before. I was already preparing the wall for these two. –Aimi winked, stealing a sigh from all the men… and Yumei.

During class, Ringo nodded, struggling to keep his eyes open.

Every time Juro noticed this, he would pat Ringo or shake his shoulder a little to clear it. With such bad luck that after a few seconds of having awakened him, he began to sleep again.

-This bastard is going to drive me crazy. –Juro thought, annoyed.

-Did you guys understand? -Aimi questioned.

-Yes! –All affirmed… except the one who was half asleep.

Teacher Aimi didn't realize that her "favorite" student was concentrating more on not falling asleep than on paying attention to class. It could be said that luckily for both of them it was not like that.

Lucky for him he would no longer be sent to address again and luck for her since she would not have to wear out her throat or hurt her liver because of the anger that she would have to go through.

Near the end of class, Teacher Aimi was writing down her final notes. When she finished writing the last thing that was missing from the blackboard so she could close the class, she took precautions.

-Am I clear, Ringo? -She ask.

-Yes, epic, poetry, lyric. –Ringo said half asleep.

-Hum, at least you paid attention to something.

Juro moved Ringo's arm to wake him up. Teacher Aimi was about to finish. -Awake! –He muttered.

-What? -When seeing the whole board full of letters and letters and a comparative chart with more letters, all trace of sleep disappeared from Ringo.

They saw "genres of literature" that's why it had been "good". All that remained to be said was that it was stupid luck, but luck nonetheless.

-And with that concludes today's class. -Aimi sentenced.

Yurisa and Yumei went to the teacher's desk. Yumei, as usual, barricaded herself behind her friend.

-Teacher Aimi, why are you wearing glasses today? –Yurisa questioned. Ringo would listen very carefully to the answer, pretending to search for something in him backpack.

-I lost one of my contact lenses. –She answered. Ringo made a disgruntled face. -But it was also because I wanted to use them again, it seems that they fit me well.

-Yes, you look very cute, teacher! –Yumei said, amusingly.

-She fainted when she saw her go by, I think that gives a lot to say. –Yurisa laughed.

-Yurisa, don't say that!

-See you on Monday, girls. –When passing by Ringo's place, she smiled at him leaving a small note in his place. He took the note immediately.

Ringo smiled as he unrolled the little note. In it there was only one message: "Don't even think I'll give you the pleasure of saying that it was because you recommended me to wear glasses, it will be the last time I bring them ... still thank you."

-But why not? -Ringo thought.

Saturday morning. The day was quite beautiful, sunny, with cooling breezes and it would surely rain in the afternoon / evening.

Ringo was walking. As on Saturdays there was no one in his house and if he tried to cook even the water would burn. So always, and with the coins slightly counted, he went to a restaurant / cafeteria that was close to his house.

It was the typical place where they served sandwiches, coffee, eggs, smoothies, etc. The fact is that Ringo walked to that place.

Curiously, at one of the tables Aimi was drinking coffee. She was checking her cell phone while waiting for her breakfast. Ringo saw her through the window without her noticing ... so he decided not to be noticed, so that the meeting was a surprise.

Upon entering the restaurant, a small bell moved, giving him away. However Aimi did not take her eyes off the cell phone. Only God knew what she was doing, since she looked extremely concentrated on her cell phone, moving her fingers, typing messages that she only knew to whom they were addressed.

The pastel blue and white checkerboard floor made no noise the moment he stepped on it. He was not going with all the caution in the world, although he had no intention of being discovered either.

He sat in a swivel chair at the side of the table where Aimi sat. When he turned to see the menu, Aimi put down her cell phone, looking at him distracted, pretending not to know the menu that he already knew by heart.

She turned to the window quickly. -I hope you haven't seen me. I don't think he saw me. -She thought desperately.

When she turned back to see if Ringo was still looking at the menu, he was sitting across from her.

-Good morning, teacher Aimi. -He smiled, to which Aimi gave a scream of horror.

-What the hell are you doing?! -She questioned.

-Well… I'd say I'm sitting with you, teacher.

-And when did I give you permission?!

-We are in a free country, I can sit wherever I want. -Ringo crossed his arms.

-I respect that, as long as the damn table is not occupied!

-Here's your breakfast, miss. –Said a man who was delivering a plate and a cup of coffe.

-Thank you. -Aimi looked at Ringo with eyes that said he was going to beat him to death.

Aimi's breakfast consisted of a pay, a fried egg, two toasties, and potatoes in soy sauce.

The pay was served on another plate, a very small one. The dessert was garnished with a top of whipped cream.

-What is the young man going to want? –Asked the waiter.

-A big cup of coffee… and a ham sandwich. -Ringo asked, smiling.

The waiter left with the order written down in a notebook. Ringo looked at Aimi, who grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him close to her to the point of bumping noses.

-Can I know what you're doing? -Aimi questioned.

-Falling in love with you. -Thought. –Just have breakfast with my favorite teacher, what's wrong with that? -He said.

-That the last thing I want on Saturday is to meet someone from the academy, was that clear?

-Hum that hurts, I was thinking of asking about the literature assignment. -Ringo pouted.

-Hey don't want to pass…! –The waiter arrived with a small plate and a large cup in which he poured coffee until it was full. –You don't want to spend the whole weekend studying, why don't you let me know tomorrow?

-But I don't have her phone number or his address.

-That's why I'm telling you, little punk. -Aimi smiled tenderly.

I swear I was going to Ringo's house since I knew that that was the day when there was no one in his house but him. Although what I did not know is that Ringo would not be at home for at least an hour, which was what was spent in the restaurant.

Although, curiously, Juro passed by the restaurant where the student and the teacher argued. He couldn't read their lips, but you could tell that Aimi was very upset and that Ringo was teasing her until she started choking him with her hands.

I swear he couldn't suppress a small laugh, so a man stared at him.

-I'm not crazy, I'm watching my best friend get murdered. –Juro laughed… the man walked faster. -Hum, that little sense of humor.

Juro took out his cell phone and took a picture of them, he was going to play dirty with Ringo, blackmailing him with the picture of him and Aimi having breakfast.

-Could you let me go at once! -Ringo begged, holding Aimi's hands.

-If you walk away I will! -She sputtered.

-Well, enough, if you let me go I won't ask you anything about the damn academy, but I won't leave here!

-It's okay! You're lucky that I feel bad.

The waiter, realizing that the conflict between the two had already ended, approached to bring him what Ringo had requested. The melted cheese from the sandwich dripped onto the plate.

-God, this looks delicious, don't you want a bite? -Ringo asked, taking one of the two pieces of the sandwich into which it was split. -Or maybe French fries?

-No thanks, I don't want to be in your debt. -Aimi declined, sipping some of her coffee.

-Being so. -Ringo took his coffee spoon and took some of Aimi's strudel. -So now I'm in your debt, have a little.

- Your parents have not told you that you are annoying?

-I don't know ... although I think they think so since my dad hasn't come back from buying cigarettes since he was eight years old.

-By God, that's terrible. –Aimi put her right hand to her mouth in surprise that it caused her.

-After the first three years I got used to it. Now I took some, what is mine is yours, do you like the idea? –Ringo drank from his coffee.

-Not entirely ... I don't want your body to be mine.

Ringo, who was drinking his coffee, began to cough, hitting his chest, blushing little by little.

Aimi helped him by taking his arm, patting him on the chest to try to calm him down, and after a final cough, Ringo sat up.

-Hell teacher, I was referring to material things, I don't even want to think that my… -Ringo blushed, eating a bit of the sandwich, which was still warm. - I think it is better to forget that subject, we said nothing about the academy and that would be an anatomy class.

-Yes Yes Yes. Let's put that issue aside. –Aimi also hid in her fried egg, accompanying it with a toast.

-So not French fries?

-I think not…

The two talked about very varied topics. Every second the conversation changed. First it was music, they noticed that they had some very distant tastes and others very similar. Ringo was a bit more up-to-date than Aimi for being younger than her.

Whenever they told something sad or funeral, Aimi would reply with a Ob la di, ob-la-da, life goes on, bra La-la, how the life goes on."

Ringo did not quite understand the meaning of that phrase, since he did not know Paul McCartney. He did not know any of the members of the successful Liverpool quartet. Although it did not affect or disturb him at all.

Aimi laughed at Ringo for not being able to understand his famous phrase.

-And that's the reason why I hardly have any friends. -He said.

-life goes on, bra La-la, how the life goes on. -Aimi repeated.

-That's starting to tire me, could you say something else other than that?

-Maybe I can think of something else, little scoundrel. Also, you have the same name as a Beatle: Ringo Starr.

-It's a funny coincidence. Did you have a lot of friends at the academy? -Ringo questioned, wanting to get even with Aimi.

-Sigh, I did in elementary school. In high school, which was where I started to wear glasses, I couldn't make many friends ... in high school it was the same and in college I did have quite a few friends, maybe a few friends.

-And boyfriends? I bet she had a lot of boyfriends in college. -Ringo smiled, finishing his coffee.

-No ... I've never had a boyfriend. –Aimi together her index fingers, slightly embarrassed.

Ringo choked on his coffee again, hitting his chest again as he blushed.

-Huu, give me a better pose. –Juro smiled, who was taking photos from the other side of the street.

Aimi helped him again, taking his hand so that he stopped hitting his chest so hard. She simply patted him on the back, reassuring him.

-You're going to die one of these days. -Aimi sighed, disappointed.

-Have you really had a boyfriend?! -Ringo muttered, surprised.

-Yes, and? It is not necessary to have a boyfriend before the age of twenty, I took things calmly.

-That's the typical comment that spinster aunts make up to the age of forty. –Aimi took Ringo's shirt collar to bring him closer to his face.

-What are you trying to say, you little punk? -Aimi questioned, looking at Ringo with quite contained anger.

-Nothing ... nothing ... -Ringo smiled broadly as he stepped back a little. -Would you like me to be your boyfriend so that they don't tell you that you are a failure in love?

-Thank God that you are my student, because if not right here I would beat you up. -Aimi clenched her fist, tightly.

-It's half joke and half truth. In truth they are going to say that she is a failure in love because she does not have a partner ... but it is not necessary that I be her boyfriend.

-Do you realize how crazy you're saying?

-It's not crazy to love someone younger, it's just a little risky to be disappointed.

-Ah, are you a poet? –Aimi was a bit surprised.

-The truth is that I read it in a women's magazine, he, he, he. –Ringo, who had already finished eating, took out two bills from his wallet, leaving them on the table. - Nice talk teacher, now I'm retiring.

Ringo took his jacket and left immediately. Without saying more words and without hearing Aimi say goodbye to him.

Seeing Ringo leaving the restaurant, Juro began to walk quickly to get to Ringo's house, waiting for him at the entrance of it.

Passing by the window where she had seen Aimi, she simply waved goodbye. The gesture was returned by Ringo, except that he gave a kind smile.

When she paid the bill, she did it as one, so there was plenty of money left over. She thought about going to Ringo's house to give it back to him, but he didn't want to have to hear the boy tell her "Now I have a home alone, I stopped by to give me some extraordinary lessons." That would piss her off quite a bit, though it also made her a little funny.

So much so ... that he let out an involuntary smile.

I swear he was sitting in the doorway of Ringo's house, listening to music and feigning an annoyed face.

-Juro? What are you doing here? -Ringo asked when he saw his friend sitting down.

-Hey, you bastard, I've been knocking on your damn door for about twenty minutes, I thought you were stuck in the bathroom. –Exclaimed Juro.

-In any case I would have run out of paper, ha, ha, ha ... What stupidity did I just say?

-Whatever, can I come in?

-Go, but you lie on the ground like the animal that you are. –Ringo kicked Juro out of the door. -Take off, dog!

-Sigh, you're a shitty friend.

-But you still want me as your friend.
