The rains of August.

There are few things that many people hate about August: torrential rains.

Sometimes, the streets are completely flooded that you could easily go in a boat to the X neighborhood in a matter of five minutes, compared to the twenty it would take you to go by car.

That was one of the occasions, many had arrived extremely wet at the academy. Although Ringo and Juro were not among them, they had their umbrellas, plus they had gone by train, as always.

The two annoyed those who were almost drenched, it was their revenge that others threw them during the other years.

-Turn to your left. Ringo whispered.

-What thing? –Asked Juro.

-On your left! –Ringo pushed Juro, who in turn pushed a girl a little.

-Hey, you bastard! Forgive me, it was my fault ... friend. -Juro was in front of the girl he liked.

-Don't worry… Juro?

-Y-yeah, that's me, he, he. Did you get wet coming to the academy? -The girl was completely soaked, gave the impression that she had taken a shower with her clothes on.

-Not. -She replied with a giggle. -I got wet at home, isn't that weird?

-Maybe a little, it shouldn't be a lot, although of course, why wouldn't it be weird? It is not like many people go to bathe with their clothes on, anyone would say that it is bad in the head.

Ringo, who was watching from behind a wall, only slapped his forehead in disappointment.

-Do you spy on the girl you like? –Asked teacher Aimi, who came to Ringo's side.

-God! Why has everyone given to scare me these days? -He questioned.

-What are you watching?

-To the clumsy of my friend making a fool of himself in front of the girl he likes.

Juro made a lot of nervous gestures, plus he couldn't stop babbling. Causing a laugh in Kazumi, but making her feel uncomfortable anyway.

Yumei came soaked in the same way from the rains, Yurisa had borrowed a towel from the teachers' lounge to dry her hair.

-I told you to come by taxi. –Yurisa reprimanded.

-It's that I had no money. –Yumei looked like a scolded kitten.

-I told you that I paid you when arriving at the academy.

-I just don't like taking taxis… it's traveling with people I don't know. –Yumei noticed that Ringo and Aimi were hiding behind a wall. -Who are we spying on? -She asked.

-Hey, what time?

-We see how the Juro student makes a fool of himself with the girl he likes. –Said Aimi.

-Hum, I thought Juro he wasn't a shy boy. –Yurisa whispered.

-And it is. Although as I said, if you like it, there is nothing wrong, or why would it?

-No, Juro, I don't think there's anything wrong either. Although it was sarcasm, of course I got wet coming to the academy without an umbrella.

-Ah, you remember my name, who would say it?

- I already knew it for a few semesters. –Kazumi looked at her watch. -See you later, Juro.

-Yes, it's late for me too, but-but, what's your name? –Although Juro knew the girl's name perfectly, I wanted to hear it from her lips.

-Kazumi called me. See you later. –Kazumi ran to her class.

Juro he leaned against a wall, grinning stupidly, sighing in pure love as hearts spilled from his head.

-How I love that girl. –He sentenced, saying it as if he had smoked a whole field of grass of love and peace.

Walking through the corridors, Juro passed by the wall where the four onlookers were watching him. He was whistling with his eyes closed like he was The Pink Panther. When he opened them, he turned to see the four onlookers, to later try to hide that they were not spying on his conversation with Kazumi.

Aimi pretended to write something, cursed, as if she was mad at someone.

Yurisa kept drying Yumei's hair, scolding her for not taking a taxi.

And Ringo ... he was reading a book upside down, making gestures of curiosity and wonder, as if he were really reading.

After a few seconds, everyone looked at him – Hello, Juro. –The four said at the same time, then they continued to hide.

-What happened Juro? You did well? -Ringo asked.

- Did they spy on me? -He ask.

-Not! –The four said, sarcastically.

-If you say so.

In Professor Tadashi's class, the rain did not stop, even the lights had to be turned on since the sky was completely cloudy.

It seemed that the sun did not exist, as if there were nothing but clouds, water and many rays.

Yurisa was afraid of lightning just like Yumei. Every time one fell very close, both were quite scared.

-And this is the year in which the… -A lightning struck so close that the scare it caused to Tadashi, his down fell off. -Son of the b...!

All the students stared at Tadashi slightly surprised as he did not usually swear.

-Son of the...the, let's forget that. Let's go back to the class in which sociology was coined as a term in the year of ... –Another lightning bolt struck again, causing Professor Tada to drop his down again and Yumei and Yurisa let out a little cry. -Oh, what the fuck!

The class was, broadly speaking, mentions from Professor Tadashi's mother, shouts from Yumei and Yurisa, and students surprised by Professor Tadashi's extensive knowledge of the pejorative language.

At the end of the class, the blackboard had several scratches since not only had the marker fallen from the teacher's hands, but also sometimes a scratch would go away due to the fright that he hit.

-I feel like I'll end up crazy when the day is over. Tadashi muttered in his office.

Surely at the exit it would rain even worse, so many students, including Ringo and Juro, had resigned themselves to leaving dry from there.

Ringo remembered a time when he was very happy with his umbrella leaving the academy until the wind ruined it, getting all wet on the way to the train station.

Teacher Aimi had evaded the water by running from the parking lot to the academy by covering herself with her dress jacket. It wasn't the best, but she hadn't gotten that wet.

-Hey Ringo, can you get me some coffee in the teachers lounge? Here is the key. –Asked Professor Tadashi.

-Teacher I don't do that to my mother, why would I do it to you? –The boy complained.

-Number one: because I'm your favorite teacher, man! Number two: because I always cover for you when you do something stupid and number three: because you're my bitch, bitch! So go and pour me some coffee!

-You don't know how much I hate you, Professor Tadashi. -Ringo muttered.

-And you don't know how much he appreciated you. Now hurry up with my coffee, bitch!

Ringo was kicking the ground. The moment he put the key in the teachers' room, he noticed something unusual ... someone was snoring in there.

As he went through with all the care in the world, Ringo realized that the person sleeping was teacher Aimi.

When she snored again, it sounded so loud and so funny, that Ringo left the teachers' room in a cautious haste, carefully closing the door.

Being outside, Ringo gave a gigantic laugh. Aimi's voice wasn't very thick, but her snoring was. Plus she snored like a bulldog. It sounded like a broken car engine.

When he rejoined, Ringo passed by again, biting his tongue to suppress any laughter that might come out.

He quickly poured the coffee that was already hot in the pot, trying not to make too much noise when pouring it.

He took some napkins and two packets of sugar so that Professor Tadashi wouldn't send him back, knowing how miserable he was sometimes.

When he passed near the teacher Aimi, he stared at her for a second… there were two, three, four.

She stopped snoring, thank God, otherwise Ringo couldn't bear to laugh… although Aimi had left her mouth ajar, so Ringo couldn't kiss her asleep, as if she were Sleeping Beauty.

After seeing her for a few seconds, he simply sighed, walking out of the teachers' room, locking it with the key.

-Here's your coffee, Professor Tadashi. -Ringo announced, very annoyed.

-Thank you, that's why you are my favorite student. –Tadashi smiled, who was pouring the two sugar packets into his coffee. -Just two?

-Yes… why do you ask?

-I like coffee quite sweet, could you bring me another envelope, please?

-Of course. -Ringo almost ran out to the teachers' lounge. I wanted to see teacher Aimi sleep again.

Going back in, he took the famous remaining sugar envelope, watching from the table his teacher sleep.

Though his heart raced quite a bit as the coffeemaker's alarm went off, making enough noise for Aimi to wake up.

Ringo turned around and made his voice a little raspier, trying to imitate Professor Tadashi.

-I see you woke up, teacher Aimi. I came to pour myself a coffee, I hope I did not disturb you.

-Professor Tadashi? Are you sick with your throat or something?

-Yes, you know how the weather has been. My throat swelled a bit, hence the voice.

-Hum, that bad luck.

-Keep sleeping, I'll send Ringo to wake you up when it's time for your class, do you like the idea?

-Yes, send him to him… don't you have problems?

-No, do you?

-On Saturday I ran into him in a restaurant, I told him to leave even though he insisted on staying ... in the end it was quite fun to chat with him.

-If I were you… I'd give you a chance to chat. -If Ringo was going to take advantage of his position ... he wouldn't think twice to do it. –He has almost no friends, if he rejects him he will be sad.

-He told me… but I didn't think that would affect him so much. I guess I'll talk to him when I get back the money he left at the restaurant.

-Do it, you told me you forgot your lunch money. Surely that money will come in handy. -Ringo hurried out of the teachers' lounge, running with the sugar packet in his hands. - I almost shit ...

Arriving at Professor Tadashi's office, he already had the cup of coffee halfway up. Ringo made a questioning gesture.

-Well… I tried the coffee and I liked it that sweet, anyway thanks for going for the sugar. I hope it doesn't bother you.

-No, Professor Tadashi… it doesn't bother me at all. –Ringo said, in a melancholic tone.

Being recess, logically nobody could go out to play. Unfortunately, the cafeteria was not in the same building as the other classrooms. The risky people ran to reach it. Those who did not stayed inside the academy.

The heat was accumulating enough by the concentration of students. It was like being in the ovens instead of the academy.

-And since when did you start the diet, partner? –Asked Juro. The two ventured out to eat.

-Je. I forgot my damn lunch money ... you can tell I'm on a "must do" diet. -Ringo answered, mocking himself.

-Hum, that bad luck. If you want I can give you some of what I have.

-Not. I'm sorry my luck will change soon.

In the distance you could see that Yurisa and Yumei were going to the same table where the two boys ate. This time Yumei wasn't hiding behind her friend like she used to. She was only shy around strangers, but once she gained confidence in them it was best to have big ears, since she would have a lot, a lot to tell, especially if it was about music.

-Hello guys. –Yurisa greeted. -How are you doing?

Ringo looked around, then pointed at himself and Juro, confirming that they were being spoken to.

-You mean us? -He ask.

-Clearly, airhead. –Yurisa said, laughing; leaving his tray on the table, sitting next to Juro.

This time Yumei thought for a few seconds, in the end she decided to sit next to Ringo, with a huge distance separating them. Each one was sitting at the ends of the bench.

-Wait a second, something tells me that the natural order of things has been altered. -Ringo observed.

-Because what you say? –Yumei asked, drinking her orange juice.

-Since, there are several unoccupied benches ... and you preferred to sit with us.

-I agree with him. -Juro took a bite of his asparagus to his mouth.

Teacher Aimi was looking for someone with her eyes. Many onlookers were aware of who he was. She was feeling a bit desperate.

-Who will the teacher look for? –Juro observed, who was the tallest of the four.

-I hope that I always like to see her because she is very beautiful. –Yumei put her hands to her face while blushing.

Juro and Ringo looked at Yumei strangely, Yurisa smiled embarrassed, while Yumei also smiled but a little from happiness.

-Don't listen to her. –Yurisa laughed, embarrassed.

When Aimi located Ringo, she naturally went to their table, Yumei tried to contain her excitement.

-I told them I was looking for me! -She whispered, victorious.

-Ringo, boy, it's good that I found you. You forgot this the other day. –Aimi handed Ringo a bill and a couple of coins directly into his hand. –You left as if nothing had happened.

-Don't worry, the truth is that I was just in a bit of a hurry. -He smiled.

-Where did you forget it? -Juro asked, on purpose.

-Ah ... maybe ... maybe ... in the classroom? –Teacher Aimi didn't know what to answer.

-Yes Yes. You really don't remember, teacher? It was the other day when I forgot my money in the class.

-Exactly. Now I have to go, I have some business to attend to. –Teacher Aimi started the retreat quickly, clicking her heels throughout the cafeteria.

-He, he, I'm the best. –Juro thought to himself.

-Did you forget your money in the classroom? –Yurisa questioned.

-They are things that happen, nothing of the other world. -Ringo excused himself.

-I think you two met somewhere and you forgot your money, something like in a cafeteria ... or maybe a restaurant around your house. -When Juro finished, Ringo stepped on his foot.

-Hey, good friend, do you think if you accompany me to buy my things? -Ringo yanked Juro by the shirt, dragging him to the food bar.

-Hey, why the aggression?

Yurisa and Yumei stared, confused. For them it was surely nothing strange.

-Can I have the egg salad? –Yumei asked.

Ringo slammed Juro against the wall several times, leaving him dizzy.

-Hey, hey, why so aggressive today? –Juro questioned.

-Very good, idiot, if you know something better tell me before I beat it out!

-Yes… I saw them… maybe I took photos of them. –Juro confessed.

-Why the hell did you take photos of us?! -Ringo slammed Juro back against the wall repeatedly.

-To blackmail you, what is not obvious?

-Son of! ... -Kazumi was passing with her friends, chatting, animatedly. -I'm going to collect it sooner than you think, you damn dog!

Ringo pushed Juro making him collide with Kazumi, he was the only one who fell completely to the ground by the force with which he had been pushed. Kazumi just fell to her knees.

Without more to say, Ringo went to buy what was left to eat. There were ten minutes left for recess.

Juro couldn't find the words to apologize to Kazumi. She looked at him with confusion and grace at the boy who was stumbling and babbled looking for some explanation that sounded half logical… He couldn't.

Simply, Juro it was fuming from the head by the shame of having been like an idiot.

At the time of touch, the rain had not stopped. The sky was no longer breaking, although it was not like strolling through the academic courtyard without worry.

Teacher Aimi was hiding under a tree, watching her car in the distance in the parking lot ... while she waited for the rain to stop.

She looked at her watch and looked at the sky. Neither the weather nor the weather were on his side, much to his bad luck.

After a few more seconds of waiting, she heard footsteps behind her, which stopped suddenly.

Turning to see, she found Ringo with his umbrella, watching her seriously, as if looking for something to say.

-You don't like getting wet, do you, teacher? -Ringo asked.

-Who would like? –She countered.

-To your student Yumei, the one with brown hair and honey-colored eyes, did you know that she plays the guitar?

-No, i did not know. –Ringo approached teacher Aimi, taking her by the arm, to which she became a little nervous and uncomfortable.

Could it be that Ringo was flirting with him? Or was he just helpful and chivalrous?

-Maybe I should have asked you before taking her by the arm but… would you like me to take you to your car?

-Well, we are here, why not? –She answered, serenely.

Aimi wanted to walk quickly, but as she went arm in arm with Ringo she was chained to a slow, very slow walk. As if both were two halves of a tree leaf that is falling, breaking the layers of air that it finds as an obstacle.

Ringo walked a bit in a zigzag, avoiding the largest pools of water so that Aimi wouldn't get her heels wet.

-I chose a terrible day to wear heels without socks, my feet are freezing. –Teacher Aimi said.

-I suggest you put the air conditioning hot on your feet, when it is very hot I usually take off my shoes and put the cold, even if the car is slightly stinky.

-You should take care of your hygiene a little more, Ringo. -Aimi laughed, smiling in a homely way.

The sensation that Ringo had in his chest was warm, he felt as if his heart was squeezing a little. His hands weren't shaking, quite the contrary: they were very relaxed.

The same thing happened with his legs, he felt as if his thighs were being pinched in a gentle way.

-So… then this is the feeling of love? -He questioned, in his mind, seeing Aimi smile at him.

Arriving at the car, they both let go, Ringo opened the door of the car, raising the umbrella so that teacher Aimi would not get wet when entering, much less her feet.

-What a gentleman. -She observed. -Thank you very much, Ringo. See you tomorrow.

-Until tomorrow ... teacher Aimi. Ringo gently closed the door, watching as Aimi put on her seatbelt, started the car, and finally gave her a goodbye gesture in addition to that same homely smile.

Both a pedestrian and a car exited through the parking lot. When he was far enough away, Ringo blew Aimi a kiss, smiled without opening his mouth, closing his eyes and felt only one thing: peace, lots of peace

- Isn't it beautiful? –Yumei appeared behind Ringo, scaring him from beyond the grave.

-God, God, for the love of God, you almost made me have a heart attack! -Ringo sputtered.

-Oops. -Yumei covered her mouth to hide a smile from ear to ear.

-Uff. –Ringo managed to cut it. –But you're right… she is beautiful.