The super fight

The rains continued in the city, it was certainly a problem. Again Yurisa was scolding Yumei for not bringing an umbrella or coming by taxi or something like that.

Juro and Ringo were left dry, as usual. To be good to his new friends, Juro had brought a towel for Yurisa, who always ended up sacrificing for her good friend.

-Thank you, you are attentive. –Yurisa said.

-It was nothing, you would do the same for me. –Juro affirmed, to which Yurisa nodded with her head.

Ringo waited at the entrance to the parking lot, inert, under a tree with an umbrella over his head.

Nobody expected what he did. Or rather, who was the person for whom he waited.

When the gate of the door opened, he was a little excited. His heart pounded twice, feeling the air leak from his chest. It was teacher Aimi's car.

When she finished parking, Ringo was walking towards the car pretending surprise. Aimi had her own umbrella, but Ringo was a very smart boy, maybe even smarter than the teacher herself.

-Let me help you, please. –He said from the window, opening the door and covering her with his umbrella, even though he got his left shoulder wet.

-How helpful, are you sure you don't do this to get extra points? -Aimi questioned, skeptical of the boy's extraordinary kindness.

-Not at all. -He said. -I do it to get your attention a little. —He imagined that it responded to him.

Ringo was a very unfriendly and apathetic person. He always spoke to himself. "That guy is an idiot" "I want to beat up that motherfucker" "Wow, I'm in love with teacher Aimi." Those were some of the things he said to himself, if they didn't escape him.

Aimi opened her umbrella to cover herself, not before thanking the boy for his concern.

-Hum, I see you got your shoulder wet. You shouldn't neglect yourself to take care of me, Ringo. –Said Aimi.

-I never neglect myself, they are things I do on purpose. –He answered, with some indifference. -Although getting my shoulder a little wet is not neglecting me.

Teacher Aimi was wearing boots for the rainy season. She had clearly learned from her mistakes, something Ringo realized.

-Your boots are cute, teacher. They combine very well with her blue pants.

-Well, you are an observer, almost no man attends to those details.

-After a long time living surrounded by my sister and my mother ... I realized that to understand a woman, you must think like a woman. However, for sure, it is very complicated at times.

Juro was talking to Yurisa and Yumei about Kazumi. The two of them could be his informants to find out if he had any "love interests."

-She is very pretty, honestly they would make a good couple. -Yumei commented.

-But I realize you're a bit of a coward, why don't you go and find out for yourself?! –Yurisa pushed Juro to put him in front of Kazumi, who was passing by.

-Why did you do that?! –Mumbled Juro, who had become stiffer than dead when he saw Kazumi pass in front of him.

-Good morning, Juro. -Greeted her.

-Good morning, Kazumi… What a nice day today, don't you think? -He asked.

-Well… have you looked out the window? –Kazumi approached Juro, taking him by the sleeve of his jacket to lead him to one of the windows on the second floor… it was raining. –There's no sun, it's raining and it's a lot of air, for you that is a good day?

-Maybe ... maybe yes, although I couldn't tell you, since, hypothetically, I'm not sure if my answer will be correct, it may be affirmative or negative, but that does not ensure that it is correct.

-Hey, just say yes or no. -Kazumi smiled.

-Maybe not…

-Well, that's all you needed to say. See you later, Juro. –Kazumi ruffled the boy's hair to leave with his deer walk.

-She ru-ruffled my hair… -Juro leaned against the wall, falling on himself.

Yurisa slapped her forehead. If Juro considered that a victory, he was far from being sane.

-Sigh ... do you really get excited for the girl you like to mess up your hair? –She questioned him.

-Yeah. -Juro had an idiot face, he was almost drooling and throwing hearts out of his ears.

-You are very far from knowing if she really likes you, come here! –Between Yurisa and Yumei they raised Juro, who did not remove his face of an idiot in love.

It's not like they were the experts in things of love and things like that ... but they were women. Women have many more ways of expressing themselves than men, not only in words, but also in gestures, even eye movements.

If Juro wanted to know if he was far or close to liking Kazumi… he had a lot, a lot to learn. Luckily for him, his two new friends helped him.

Before class started, Ringo took advantage of the fact that there was no one else in the class but him and Aimi, because he went to his desk and left him a big red apple.

-For you, teacher. -He said, smiling.

-Ah, Ringo thank you very much, but at the same time it's a shame… I don't like apples. –Aimi covered part of her face with her folder.

-Huh? ... you don't like them? ...

-It's not so much that ... I'm allergic to apples.

The bell rang and all the students entered class, Ringo blanched with embarrassment, with a forced smile not to show his sorrow.

One class was missing to go to recess. The boys jogged in physical education, in the closed gym. Luckily the windows were opened as otherwise the heat would be locked in a way that is best not to mention.

All jogging, some walking. Ringo was the one who ran the most together with Juro, they always made competitions of who was the one who could run the most.

Ringo was far ahead of Juro, leaving him a few meters behind.

-Ha, goodbye, loser! –As he looked back, Ringo didn't realize he was about to collide with Dai, the biggest and strongest bastard in the entire academy.

When the collision occurred, both fell to the ground, Ringo rolled a few meters on the ground, and Dai fell dead.

-Ouch ... sorry, I looked back ... –When Dai got up, Ringo was small, small by his side. Easily it was about eight inches.

Dai grabbed Ringo by the neck of his shirt, pulling him closer to him, clashing foreheads.

-Well, well, well, what do we have here? The damn rat that always looks for trouble. –Dai was an abuser, he and his brother were the strongest in the academy.

Juro immediately came over to help Ringo, getting behind Dai in case he tried something.

-Hey you, let it go. -A female voice stopped.

-Teacher Aimi? -They all asked.

-Let it go, Dai. -She ordered.

-Oh sure, if we were just playing, weren't we, my good friend? -Dai asked while fixing Ringo's sports shirt.

-You can say that we had a small "accident".

-Be that as it may, keep up with yours.

When teacher Aimi left, Dai approached Ringo with bad intentions.

-This time you were lucky, little rat. –Dai patted him twice on the back to keep running.

-For me, you already sucked Faros today at the start. –Yumei said, who was running after Ringo and Juro.

-God! Why do you all get scared lately?! -Ringo sputtered, annoyed.

-Don't worry, we'll be preparing your funeral. Between Yumei, Juro and I we will buy you a nice coffin. –Yurisa said while running past.

-What did I do to deserve this shit?

Not only was teacher Aimi in the gym watching the class. So did Professor Tadashi, who used to joke with the students about things that happened in class, plus it distracted him while he waited for his next hour.

What he liked best was joking around when he was in basketball class. Girls had a habit of screaming and getting excited when they hit a basket.

On one occasion that was well remembered by the two friends, Professor Tadashi said in a low voice, speaking to the three of them: "Clean him up, because she shit." Boy, did all three of them laugh at that eloquent comment from the even more eloquent professor.

-You don't have anything better to do either, do you, teacher? -Tadashi asked.

-If they hadn't been there, those two would have fought. -Aimi sighed.

-I also used to fight at the academy, in the classroom we were divided into sides, one day we fought with The Blue and the other with The Greens… I was from The Reds

-I don't think that's the best example you can set, Professor Tadashi.

-Neh, but they are good memories from about seven years ago.

Ringo wasn't very good at sports, he didn't even run like a street thief. Juro was very good at what he put his mind to. It could be said that he already had that "gift".

Now, he needed all the knowledge of martial arts or contact sports to be able to fight Dai's huge ape.

He was thinking of some strategy, in that when he was about to be knocked out, if he remembered his whole life or someone telling him "you are worth nothing" surely he would get strength from who knows where to win the big fight.

He was already visualizing himself as the winner of the duel, while Juro raised his hand and Aimi looked at him with eyes pouring out of love.

-That's my hero. –Aimi said in the thoughts of the crazy teenager.

But reality came to bring him back when Ringo stumbled, almost falling on his face. Luckily, he had managed to catch his balance.

After class ended and it was recess time, the four friends sat on the same bench as last time.

-So you don't like apples? –Yumei asked.

-Well, no. Sigh, aren't all teachers' favorite fruit supposed to be apples? -Ringo questioned. -Besides, it's not so much so that she doesn't like them… she's allergic to them.

-Ha, so she's allergic to you, too bad. –Juro joked, while laughing. (Apple in Japanese is Ringo)

-Do you want me to ask her what her favorite fruit is so you can give her one morning? –Yurisa asked.

-If it's not too much to ask, please.

At that, Dai put his hands on Ringo's shoulders, when the youngest looked at him, you could tell that the giant was quite angry.

He grabbed Ringo with great force, pulling him off the bench, pulling him back, and then facing him.

-Get up. -Dai ordered.

-Oh my, it looks like an ape instructor is thinking of hitting me, why don't you call my platoon leader? -Ringo asked sarcastically.

-What are you talking about?

-From a movie, ignorant. -Ringo got up doing a boxing pose. -Okay, I've seen all the Karate Kid and Rocky movies to know that, even though I'm at a total disadvantage, I can win somehow ... -Dai hit Ringo in the eye, knocking him to the ground. .

The punch wasn't what knocked him out, but when his head hit the ground.

-Ringo! -Juro got up immediately to help his badly injured friend.

-Go back to being funny and I'll kill you. –Dai threatened.

-Come on buddy, wake up, are you okay?! ... -Juro looked at Ringo and realized that his eye was starting to swell. -But what a good hit him got ...

Again, Ringo was resting on one of the beds in the infirmary, teacher Aimi put ice on his eye so that it would deflate.

-Mom? –Being unable to do well, Ringo didn't know who the female shadow was. -Mom, is that you?

Aimi opened her eyes and blushed. It had never crossed her mind that a student called her "mom" although she knew that this could happen on occasion.

When Ringo finished squaring the image, he realized ... that he had chosen a bad moment to wake up, seeing his teacher blushing, putting the ice without saying more.

-God, what a shameful situation ... thank goodness he fell asleep. -Aimi thought, still blushing from the comment.

In her confusion, so to speak, she imagined as if Ringo were her son, and naturally she would have to breastfeed him… she immediately pulled away from him, leaving the ice pack on her inflamed eye.

She herself put ice on her forehead because of how hot her face was from how shame she felt, she breathed in with her hands.

When the bag of ice started to burn Ringo's face, he groaned in pain, getting up from the bed to remove it.

-Sorry, I got distracted, forgive me, forgive me! -Aimi sputtered to grab the ice pack.

-I noticed that he was distracted ... but I'm not angry, do you know what happened, exactly? –Asked the boy.

-I didn't see when the fight happened, they told me that they punched you that left you knocked out. -Aimi carefully replaced the ice pack.

-Merde. –Aimi gave Ringo a zap. -But for?...

-I also speak French... foul-mouthed.

-It is the law that the first words you learn in a new language are insults.

Teacher Aimi had studied part of her life in France, acquiring the best knowledge in world history, but especially in the history of the cradle of all revolutions: La France.

After slightly scolding him for the bad word, Aimi went back to probing her student's eye, the inflammation had subsided.

-Sorry my daring but… Why are you the one helping me with this? -Ringo asked.

-Well, you've done a lot for you. I have done nothing but scold you and try to hang you, I think I am returning the favor.

-Don't say it like that. You shouldn't take things I do for you as "favors". It can be said that it is not for interest or to "be convincing".

-Then I must congratulate your mother, she raised a good boy.

-Oui, je devrais la Feliciter. –The boy asked the teacher to congratulate his mother.

-Je le ferai sûrement quand j'en aurai l'occasion. -She said she would when she had the chance.

Ringo smiled without opening his mouth. He imagined him and Aimi in some sex game where they spoke in French, interspersing seductive comments.

Although, with her so close to his face, it was best not to think too much about it if he knew what was best in either case.

Before teacher Aimi left, Ringo would try to salvage her honor a bit, even though I knew she wouldn't mind in the least. Even so, he commented that the blow was not what left him knocked out, but the crash of his head against the ground.

She left without saying more, smiling shyly, seeing how he had his left eye covered by the ice pack, unable to see.

-Heavens, now that I see her closer… I realize that she is prettier. –When he couldn't see the door, since he had the bag in his bad eye, Ringo didn't realize that Aimi had returned for her cell phone, listening to what the young man had said.

She walked quickly away, going as far from the infirmary as possible, leaning against a wall with her hand over her mouth.

After a heavy breath, she decided to calm down, she couldn't think with a cloudy mind. After sorting out everything in her head, Aimi convinced herself that it was normal for Ringo to see her pretty, after all she was, there shouldn't be anything wrong.

But if he saw her pretty ... How would she have to see the boy? The single question made her blush, using her cell phone to cover as much of her embarrassed face as possible.

-Good Morning teacher. –Yumei greeted, making him scared.

-Good heavens, Yumei! ... what a scare.

-Without a doubt I must have scared her a lot, she even turned red. –Yumei took advantage and touched Aimi's cheeks. -Hum, she's not sick, I think it was the scare, he, he.

-And the wait?

-That waits?

-The one in your classroom, now go to class, Missy Yumei! –Aimi started to push Yumei forward, leaving her alone.

Juro looked at the gallery of his cell phone, sitting in the classroom. He was waiting for the right moment to blackmail Ringo and get some money or favors from him. Surely he was going to retaliate by making a fool of him with Kazumi, but any cost was necessary to annoy his good friend.

The moment had to be perfect, any weakness had to be exploited. Although of course, Juro had a piece that he had to play very well if he wanted to win the game.

How could he convince Ringo to be his slave? Any response had to be anticipated. If he showed the photo, it had to be to a select audience, someone who wanted to rip his heart out for having breakfast with the arts teacher.

-What are you seeing, Juro? –Yumei came from behind, taking him by the shoulders.

-Ah, it's nothing. –Juro sighed calmly. –Hey Yumei, if someone had breakfast with teacher Aimi in secret, what would you do to them?

-I don't know… it's complicated, but without a doubt that unfortunate traitor would have a very bad time for a while. –Yumei smiled, most natural.

-Ah… that's fine with me. -Juro began to laugh ghoulishly, caressing his hands.

-Hey… what are you laughing at?

-Ah nothing, I just remembered a very funny joke. -Juro laughed again in the same way.

-Could you tell me? -Yumei asked, interrupting him.

-Hum well, which dinosaur knows a lot of synonyms? ... ah well, The thesaurus. –Juro started laughing while Yumei looked at him strangely. Little by little, his laughter died away. -You understand? thesaurus, dinosaur, right?

-Not. –Yumei went all serious to her place, Juro was sad because, according to him, that was the best joke of the century.

Everyone was getting ready to finish classes. It was still raining, so many, likewise, prepared their coats or their umbrellas. Yumei, not having one, would have to wear her jacket.

Luckily for "the two Y" that day did not fall a storm like yesterday.

Yurisa returned the towel to Juro that he had lent her in the morning, clearly thanking him.

Everyone went out to go home as fast as possible. Only Yumei, Yurisa and teacher Aimi, whom he was going to interrogate, remained in the classroom.

-Teacher, can I ask what is your favorite fruit? –Yurisa said.

-Well, you already asked me anyway… um, let me think it over carefully… in any case it would be green grapes, they fascinate me a lot.

-Oh what a coincidence, green grapes are also my favorites. –Yumei intervened. -We have a lot in common, teacher.

-It seems. Well, see you tomorrow, girls.

-See you tomorrow teacher. –They answered, at the time.

-She's so beautiful… -Yumei smirked.

-Sigh, what will we do with you?

The two friends left the classroom, behind Professor Aimi. Juro was talking with Ringo, who took him by the shoulder and then ran away, to which the silver-haired boy simply made a gesture of despair with his hands.

Yurisa wrote the answer to Ringo's question on a piece of paper. Before they hit him in the eye, the paper with the answer was given to Juro with the task of not being opened by anything in the world, he would have to give it to his good friend, without asking and without anything.

Juro at first he thought it was some confession of love or something similar ... but he realized that there had been no signs of any kind of "affection" that Yumei or Yurisa had towards Ringo.

Before leaving the academy, Ringo accompanied teacher Aimi again with his umbrella to her car, even though she used her own.

-I'm just telling you not to try to get even, you focus on your studies and nothing else, do you promise?

-I promise ... although I don't know if it's fair.

-Nothing is fair in this life, don't you think? –Aimi got into her car, the door being closed by her companion. -Thanks, see you tomorrow.

-See you tomorrow. -They both said goodbye.

Juro was waiting with his umbrella for Ringo at the train station; until finally it came.

-It's about time you arrived, unhappy. Yurisa sent you this. -Juro handed him a note.

-What is it?

-I don't know, I didn't read it.

The note said one thing very clearly. "The teacher's favorite fruit is grapes. Greetings, Yurisa, wink, wink. "

Ringo couldn't help but laugh, to which Juro looked at him, shrugging his shoulders. When the train arrived, the two boys got on, although Ringo never revealed the cause of his smile. He knew that such information could prove useful to his blackmailer friend.